Published at 26th of June 2023 07:44:46 AM

Chapter 53

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           TF Chapter 53 Concern


"Contacting me here already puts my life at risk, yet you decided to take that risk. What is that you want to say to me? Out with it! I don't have time. I already have plenty on my plate."

"Danny, Danny...I have always told you to be patient. That lad Alistair is far better than you." 

A self satisfied expression appeared on both their faces as my facial expression must have showed the crack that was shock. Very few things were capable of eliciting any sort of true reaction from me after all.

"What! Did you really think that we lack ways to get information because you ran away to Musana continent?" My mother was practically glowing just from gaining such a minor advantage.


"It looks like I didn't hide well enough." I crossed one of my legs over the other. Since they had even decided to name drop the guy, it looked like something serious was going on.

"Don't worry about it. You just lack experience and a network." My dad's comforting words were useless.

"I would suggest that you get to the point very soon." It was tiring having to handle them.

"We have caught that brat Alistair snooping around. If it weren't for the fact that he hasn't done anything that would bring you harm, he would already be dead. But he isn't the only one..."

"Oh! Who are those others you speak of? Judging by your tone of voice they aren't that simple and even appear to be even more troublesome than Alistair." My heart had already skipped a beat and a sliver of fear had appeared within me. If my parents were worried about those people, then they weren't simple. 

"Our enemies. Specifically, we have no idea of who but, its a foregone conclusion that those who hate us are very close to figuring out your whereabouts... If they haven't already. Be very cautious and careful of everyone. We won't be allowed to make contact with you the moment the ship enters the wormhole. And that's going to be the status quo for the next four years!"

My mother was on the verge of tears at the end. That meant that even on Musana continent, they had managed to keep tabs on me, yet it looked like this trip to another star system wasn't going to be simple.

"Don't worry! I am your son after all. I won't die a quiet death somewhere." 

"Chaos is on the horizon. Many forgers lost their lives and many of them had vested interests in many businesses, not to mention the contracts they had signed." My father sighed with a heaviness that I had never seen within him before.

"Is it really so dire?"

"You don't know the half of it. Many have become greedy for whatever the dead have left behind. Do trust me on this! There was no poor forger!" My mother emphasized.

"This change in you curriculum...we suspect that those greedy ones have been the main driving force. Their aim is probably to kill off the potentially talented descendants of the dead so that there is no one who could rise up in protest."


A vibration caused me to be awakened, yet the lethargy within my body made me want to stay within the softness of the sofa a while longer. It had been some time since I last slept this peacefully and comfortably.

(Ten minutes to wormhole traversal)

That announcement echoed within room causing me to remember where I was and what was about to happen. I sat up straight and waited for more instructions. It was too bad that I wouldn't get the chance to see what the insides of a wormhole looked like since the passengers weren't allowed the privilege.

(All passengers should strap in! And everything untethered is going to be put away in two minutes.)

This was a sign that the artificial gravity was going to be momentarily disengaged, an engineering huddle that the scientists and forgers hadn't yet figured out. It seems that entering the wormhole always messed with the artificial gravity.


"Senior Nat, are you scared?" The smirk on his face made the guy punch-able. Though, I still had a few embers of rage within me at his earlier conduct. There was no way that I was going to forgive him that easily, but for now, it would better to maintain a semblance of cordiality. But the trust I had had with him had vanished. If he was willing to abandon a comrade so fast, then what was the point of...

"Senior Nathaniel, I have to admit that my earlier conduct wasn't the best... But you have to know that this is how I am. It is not related to where I grew up since there was love in that place, but this is just who I am."

He appeared to be thinking of a way to convince me, though not shirking responsibility, but it was failing.

"Can you change or evolve?" 

I earnestly looked into those blue eyes of his.

"...I can try."

"It will be best if you do because Danny, if something like that ever happens again, then we will be done for good. I even wonder whether there is some deeper reason for being friends with me..."

Schemers were some of the people I hated to deal with very much. They always liked to think that they knew everything about whoever they were up against and they always liked to think that everything was in the palm of their hands. I had started to see that trait becoming more pronounced within Danny recently but had been ignoring it. Most likely, it had been related with that group of people he had been spending a lot of time with.

Straps appeared at this time from within the sofa, binding me tightly, but not to the point of being uncomfortable.

"Danny, I do know that its very hard for a person to rewrite their true nature. Though, I would love it if you at least treated Bora with the same respect as you shower me with." A glimmer appeared within his eyes. It seems that he hadn't anticipated me knowing that he was giving some amount of special attention.

I closed the holographic screen as I had already spoken a lot. It was up to him if he changed or decided to stay the same. Besides, I didn't know what sensations my body would be subjected to when the ship entered the wormhole, so it was better to sever communication with the guy.

I lamented the fact that I had still failed to at least eat a decent meal before we were whisked off. Surviving off an organ filled with ATP wasn't ideal for me in the long run. Just the thought of all the types of cuisine caused my salivary glands to work overtime. I swallowed and decided to banish those tantalising images from the mind. 

The ship shuddered as the countdown ended. I felt as if something like a membrane was being passed through with my spirit the moment I felt the shudder. It looked like we had entered the wormhole. How curious! I hadn't felt anything with my body yet my spirit had somehow been affected...

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