Published at 20th of November 2020 06:58:53 AM

Chapter 118: 118

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The figure wearing a small black hood did the same thing Lex had done a few minutes ago, gingerly rummaging through chests. It was unnerving because it took longer to do the same activities, but it was still effective.

After watching for a while, Lex was sure of her identity when the lid of a chest closed over her finger, and the figure quietly exclaimed,

"Merde!" bringing her finger to her lips.

Lex was sure there was only one French woman with such boldness at court: Lady Duvignes, the wife of the French diplomat.

However, perhaps much more knowledgeable about female secrets than Lex could be, the French lady left Cordelia's chests and went looking elsewhere. After a while and facing some difficulty, in which Lex wished to leave his hiding place and go to help her, Charlotte Duvignes went to the bed and tried to lift the mattress, feeling under it, until she exclaimed,

"Oui!" and victorious pulling something under the mattress. At that moment the light from Lady Duvigne's flashlight went out suddenly, and Lex could feel the woman's tension ... and something supernatural with them in the room.

Forcing his eyes to the corner where he felt the demonic presence, Lex had the impression of glimpsing two bright, animal eyes, and definitely could feel the hairs on his body standing on end.

His ears caught the bestial breath, sniffing. Lex also heard Lady Duvignes' heavy, anxious breathing, who cautiously moved towards the door.

Crouching cautiously, the Second Prince held his own breath, still not sure what to do. Was the act of the French woman the trigger for the invocation of the guardian monster? Lex had no doubt that the demonic animal was dangerous for both of them. They had to get out of there, but if the Light Bearer's suspicions were right, it wouldn't be through the door.

When Duvignes was right in the middle of the room, trying to retreat safely, the creature in the darkness snorted and growled softly. Its growl alone could give a sense of its size. Lex realized that there was still a way for his hair to stand on end a little longer. His heart ached with anxiety.

Charlotte Duvignes seemed to freeze, too, and Lex heard a frightened m.o.a.n escape from her lips.

The creature was also moving slowly, and in a moment, Lex saw, and was sure that Charlotte saw it, the silhouette of a huge greyhound passing by the window, chasing its prey through smell.

A Hecate's Blind Hound1!

Walking back and facing the possible source of the noise, the woman stepped back and reached the door. But giving in to panic, Charlotte turned to open the door, letting out a sob of dread. Her hands fumbled as she tried to open the door, but the lady soon realized that it was useless, since the door was locked.

"Merde, merde, merde!" she whispered in a strangled voice, trying again, in desperation. Lex, however, knew it was impossible. Hecate was the Goddess of Darkness and the Mistress of the Thresholds, and there would be no way out the door. Just as in the villa, the doors were locked beyond human strength.


The terrifying growl of the supernatural creature showed only one thing, the imminence of the attack, and Lex knew there was no chance for Charlotte now.

Unless Lex interfered.

'Damn, that was supposed to be discreet!'

Lex tossed the mannequin towards the black shadow that launched itself in the air to lunge at the cornered woman against the door. And then Lex jumped in Charlotte's direction.

A frightening yelp and the sound of dog's nails slipping on the floor were the sign that the being was physically fit enough to cause damage. Lex doubted Lady Duvignes had much of a chance, even if she was armed. Right now they had the smallest of advantages. That they would lose again as soon as the creature disengaged and stood up. In fact, the demon greyhound would be even more furious and bloodthirsty.

The woman was taken by surprise by Lex' intrusion, while the creature struggled to extricate herself from the silk and lace of Cordelia's wedding dress. Lex held out his hand,


Duvignes didn't hesitate and Lex took her to the window, which was the only alternative for both of them at the moment.

The dog was truly blind, but he smelled very well, and he got up sniffing the air looking for the lost prey. The Blind Hound was black and probably reached the waist of a man, very scrawny and with yellow teeth grinning with putrid breath. Guardian of secrets and doors, the notorious monster, according to the legends, was fed by animal sacrifices to continue serving the wizards who summoned them.

Lady Duvignes climbed up on the, but flinched when she saw the dizzying height they were at. Lex went up a little later, and hurriedly closed the window behind him, still feeling the creature's impact against the wood of the window panel, and its hellish nails scratching the other side.

Quickly looking at his options and without exchanging glances with the diplomat's wife, Lex cursed himself for the trouble he was in tonight. But, at the same time, if the Second Prince wasn't there, Lex wouldn't have the proof he needed. Filling his chest with air, in fact, a broad chest that seemed to fit more air than he was used to in his other body, Lex realized that he had another challenge ahead. Get Charlotte Duvignes out of there without both of them dying.

Then, taking her hand and placing it on his shoulder with a silent nod, Lex started down the stairs.

Luckily for him, Duvignes was both light and a smart and attentive woman, doing her best not to be a burden on this risky descent. Still, due to the contact of her own chest on Lex's back, the Second Prince could reasonably say that she was terrified, because her heart was pounding and trembling a lot.

As soon as Lex opened a window, Lady Charlotte cautiously entered. Lex had only a vague idea that it was a safe place, and he supposed she could handle the rest alone, since she had the audacity to invade the new Princess's room.

Waving goodbye when he saw her on the other side of the window, Lex started to move downward, when she held his hand, with her cold, shaky hand,

"Wait!" the French lady whispered.

Lex didn't want to linger there, but he looked up at Charlotte, who spoke hurriedly and in a very low voice,

"We must meet. The next night on the old bridge to the Jewish Quarter. At 9 o'clock," saying this she released him, and taking a deep breath, Lex agreed. It would be nice to know why Lady Duvignes was doing it, and everything she knew. Although for some reason he couldn't identify, he had no sympathy for this woman.


Moments later, Lex was in Alexander's bathtub, relaxing this body's muscles after the physical effort and the tense moments of the night. A glass of the herbal brandy that Balbo had forgotten there burned in Lex throat but relaxed the Prince's body. Lex mind worked frantically, however.

Did it make any sense that Cordelia, all the time, was connected with the witches? So what did Lex find in the villa on the way to Holstein? How could this person capable of conjuring a Hecate's hound be the same person who wrote bad poems and kept the portrait of her beloved fiancé in a scented box?

Lex also wondered if it would be simple to accuse Cordelia of witchcraft to Prince Gutard. Would he ignore the claims?

Balbo Cerdán entered the room and called for the Prince,

"I have news, Your Highness," he said, completely unaware of Lex's jolt on the tub.

Her feminine soul felt exposed and alert and Lex almost covered her, which made no sense, but instinctively slipped a little under the water. The princess knew that Balbo Cerdán was intimate and the fighting and fencing tutor for Alexander. The warrior probably had enough intimacy to talk to Alexander while the Prince bathed, or he would not have done so. But Lex wasn't sure what to do.

"I hope you found something interesting in the rooms of Master Jürg and his wife."

"He's a cautious and important man, and he wouldn't leave important things within the reach of spies. But as I suspected, he not only belongs to the Hanseatic League, he also belongs to Freemasonry. I found an important ring which reveals that. I left it there, though."

The Princess had briefly heard of this secret Western Order, but she didn't know exactly what it was about. Except that they sponsored sea expeditions and ruled over some Craft Guilds, or something.

"Is this important for our investigation?" Lex asked, because the Princess really didn't know much to judge.

"I believe that Master Jürg de Wit may have asked one of the members of his Lodge to hire the killer, as an exchange of favors. Knowing it will help my investigation on the black coin," said the warrior, with a singing smile. "I see you found my bottle."

"Ah, it was an emergency! I promise to pay you with a superb wine. I must say that you took the easy part today, Balbo. I deserve a drink," Lex smiled, showing a toothy smile to the warrior who pretended to be a little angry. Lex took the bottle and poured a generous and about to spill dose into the cup. But Balbo still had news,

"Your Highness, take the time to relax while you can. Later this week, a group of clergymen will arrive in Holstein. My source says that the letters exchanged between the archbishop and them, show that it's the Holy Inquisition."

Lex almost choked on the burning liquid,

"Inquisition?!" The name Hecate was used as a name for Diana in the underworld. She was the goddess of the night and of necromancy, accompanied by her baying hounds of hell. Witches called upon her in times of need, such as Medea when her husband Jason asked her to cast a spell to add years to his father's life.

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