The Quest of Words - Chapter 29.2

Published at 5th of June 2023 07:12:44 AM

Chapter 29.2

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I did not have to wait long. A scant handful of seconds later, Lynnria leaned back to enjoy the afterglow with a blissful and contented sort of smile on her lips. Until our eyes met.

I held her gaze just long enough for a bit of pink to creep up her neck before saying, “Enjoying yourself?”

“I—I—I’m sorry, Donum!” she stammered, backing away quickly. “So sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I saw it start to lift up your… your garment, and the next thing I knew I… Well, I just had to see it. A-and… I—I guess I got carried away.“

There was a beat of silence. I did not blame her exactly. There was no telling how long I had been out, so the effects of my aura were doubtlessly building within the girl. Still, my fears for what might come of this were quite real.

“Did you touch it?”

Her flush deepened slightly at the question, and she averted her gaze. “I… I may have… poked it once. To see it wobble.” The admission was accompanied by a slight shift of her hips, and then she looked back at my still exposed member out of the corner of her eye. “It’s… quite wonderful.”

“Thank you.”

I allowed her to stare at it for a few moments longer before folding my frayed and—I noticed—significantly shorter kilt over top. A slight moan of protest escaped her at the move.

“But I think we should forget this ever happened,” I continued. “If my mates find out… well, they’re almost certain to treat you quite aggressively at first. We don’t want to give them any more excuses to hurt you.”

Lynnria snorted dismissively. “I’m not afraid.” Then a mischievous gleam sparkled in her eye, and she began inching closer to me on her hands and knees. “Besides, how could they find out if we don’t tell them.”

Uh oh… may have taunted her a tad too much there. “They’ll know.”

“How can you be so sure?” she asked, smiling. “I think you’re just playing hard to get, but you can’t fool me. You’re hard enough to burst.”

I sighed. She was not wrong. And if I had been in this situation not two weeks ago, I probably would have been eager to let her do whatever she wanted with me. Even now, it was more than tempting despite my misgivings, but I was hardly a bumbling, desperate virgin anymore. That lack lent me a great deal of necessary perspective.

“Lynnria… I won’t lie. I probably would enjoy it.”

She grinned and began reaching toward my rather prominent ‘tent.’ However, before she could make contact, I grabbed her wrist, wincing as my wounds sent a sharp stab of pain up my arm. Still, I held her there, if only barely. I could tell she was a bit stronger than me.

“But I can assure you with every scrap of confidence I can muster that they will know. And I’m sure you would want them to have a high opinion of you. I know I do.”

That comment caught her off-guard. For several seconds we stared at one another, and all the while her flush continued to deepen to the point I felt she ought to have steam coming out of her ears.

“Alright, then,” she said finally before jerking away. “For the sake of… harmony, I’ll play your little game. But don’t think I intend to let up.” She stood then and took a few paces away before looking over her shoulder at me. “I am fully prepared to pursue you to the ends of the world. You will be mine one day, good sir. Count on it.”

I snorted quietly as she limped away. Those were bold words for someone who had just been caught out. But at least she was being honest with her intentions.

It was an interesting tactic, too. Who goes around just announcing their intent to win you—no matter your opinion on the issue—and then follows you around until you relent? And it was working! I had even preemptively folded her into my Clan.

Though that was more Mia’s idea than my own.

As if summoned, I heard something akin to some papers rustling. Then, Mia began muttering in my ear, “Oh bother… where did I put that thing…? Ah. Here we are.”

There was a flicker, and then a translucent image of the upper half of my Faen appeared as though she were standing in front of me. And without even a scrap of clothing.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” she chirped, apparently oblivious. “We have some upkeep to go over if you have the time.”

“Upkeep…” I repeated, not entirely certain whether she was serious.

Then, I decided I would need to sit up for this. It was going to be difficult enough to devote my full attention to conversation while her frankly glorious body was on full display… and also floating unnaturally over my head. However, the move quickly reminded me of my many injuries, and I hissed in pain.

Now that I had the chance to assess myself, I found that my left bicep, my right forearm, and my right thigh had all been hit by darts during my tumble down the stairs. I was quite tempted to mend them, but they were far from life threatening. And I was feeling a keen tightness in my gut from hunger.

Moreover, I had definitely noticed that limp in Lynnria’s gait. As the more physically inclined member of our little duo, she was going to have to stand in as my interim ‘tank.’ So until I could get some calories in me, I needed to reserve my Life Energy for her sake.

Not that any of those things were close to my most pressing concern at that particular moment.

“I think you may have forgotten something, Mia,” I said pointedly.


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