Published at 28th of April 2022 06:40:20 AM

Chapter 218: - 43 "The Sorcerer and his true colors" ②

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"This is an emergency."

Sam was in the royal palace, in the office of His Majesty King Clyde.

Besides the boy, there was Jonathan, the other senior representatives of the Magic Army and the Knights, the court magician Purple Magnolias, and a slightly disheveled Günther Ignatz.

And then there are a man and a girl I don't recognize. Their appearance suggests that they are aristocrats, but their faces are dark with fatigue.

The girl's eyes are fixed on Sam.

"Once again, I would like you to explain to the people here what you have told me. Is that all right with you, Viscount Riedyll?

"Of course."

The name Viscount Riedyll sounded familiar to Sam.

(Viscount Riedyll is the family of Manion's ex-fiancée, isn't it? Why is he in King's Landing?)

The man must be the current head of the family.

He is a tall man in his late forties with grayish blond hair brushed back.

Next to him might be the girl who was Manion's fiancée.

(Oh, no. Now I must concentrate on the emergency.)

"The other day, our territory was attacked by a magic swordsman."

"--A magician?"

It was a man of the Order who reacted to the name of the magic sword.

But he was not the only one who was surprised, including Sam.

Magic swords are rare. Even fewer people can become wielders of the sword.

It is a powerful sword, comparable in power to several holy swords owned by the Church.

And unfortunately, the Royal Order of Skye has no wielders of either swords or demons.

"There were many casualties. Our family was also targeted, but with the help of soldiers and adventurers, we were able to escape to the royal capital to seek help.

Viscount Riedil bites his lip, his face contorted in frustration.

"It is shameful that I had to flee without my people, even though I am a ...... lord. I am sorry."

The Viscount's face is pained and he even begins to shed tears.

But he must have been well-loved by those who let him go.

Someone who tried to save his life.

Samuel Scheidt.


The king called Sam by his full name, rather than his usual nickname.

"The wizard has already cut down a number of famous adventurers. It seems that he has extraordinary power. What's more, he seems to be able to take away the magic and physical strength of the person he slays and turn them into power.

"It's a typical example of a magic sword, but it's tricky. But a demon sword is easy to deal with. Just snap it off."

Sam says it like it's nothing, and all eyes are on him.

"Samuel, breaking a magic sword is the first thing that's hard to do - no way, you..."

"When I was traveling around with Ur, I had several battles with the sword wielders. I broke them all. Leave it to me."

Sam's words were met with a gasp of astonishment from all corners of the room.

At least a few of them would be able to fight the demon sword and return safely.

"That's encouraging. But this time, while I need your strength, I am not sure if I should let you fight."

"What do you mean?"

As a court wizard, Sam does not refuse to fight those who would harm his country.

And they are wizards. I know firsthand their extraordinary strength.

However, every swordsman I have fought so far has been a warrior seeking power. That's why I was afraid of them, but this time I feel that they are using the magic sword as a tool just to show their power.

I have heard that the sword is said to have a will of its own, and that the wielder is chosen accordingly.

I also wondered if the sword would choose a person who would cut down the people without power, let alone attack their territory.

"Currently, the wizard is on his way to the capital. It seems that they are after Viscount Riedyll.

"I see. So it's the Viscount you're after.

"But that's not the point. It's the identity of the swordmaster.

"You already know?"

I'm impressed how fast you're working.

A famous swordsman or a criminal?

Or perhaps he is an unknown person with no name at all.

Either way, he will remain a formidable opponent.

The name of the man who attacked our hometown with the magic sword is Manion Reinbach.

"-- Huh?"

Sam couldn't believe his ears when the girl revealed the identity of the magic sword wielder.

"Baron Samuel Scheidt of the Barony of Reinbach, your brother is the magic swordsman."

He understood why the king did not want him to fight.

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