Published at 14th of February 2022 05:37:48 AM

Chapter 238: Chapter 238: Is This Your Decision?

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Spencer was annoyed. The Board of Directors meeting was usually held annually towards the end of the year to go through the main issues in the company and share the profits, and set goals for the coming year.

It was only August now, and Curt had gathered all the shareholders. What is his plan? Why didn't he even let me know in advance? Spencer thought angrily. He's getting more and more incomprehensible.

However, he managed not to show a slight hit of anger at all. He replied coldly, "My father will clear your doubts."

The shareholders were used to Spencer's indifference. They got the hint, changed the subject, and asked no more questions.

Curt's secretary arrived, looking a bit nervous. "Mr. Curt Davidson's here." He announced formally.

Everyone stood up to greet Curt naturally as he entered but were a bit shocked when they noticed the young man following behind.

The young man shares the Davidson family's look, tall and handsome, the same deep-set eyes, straight nose. Can he be Curt's son? A secret? But why is he here?

Spencer was astonished to see Matt. How can, dad...?!

Curt walked in slowly and confidently, with the same usual air of authority. Everyone's eyes followed.

Matt and Ken, Curt's favorite and most capable assistant, followed behind. They walked through the shareholders towards the rostrum.

Standing in the center on the rostrum, Curt glanced around and understood everyone's thoughts. "This is Matt Davidson, my younger son. From now on, Matt is a member of the Board." He said authoritatively.

Everyone was astounded. Younger son? I've never heard! Is this what the meeting is about? To introduce his other son? Curt must care about him very much then.

The shareholders were all experienced and smart businessmen. Though everyone was curious, no one asked a question.

"Come, say hello to everyone, Matt." Curt watched everyone with an unquestionable look as he beckoned Matt to step forward.

Dressed formally in a suit, Matt looked handsome, dignified, and smart. He looked around and said confidently, "It's my pleasure to..."

"Dad, what are you doing?" Spencer stood up and interrupted furiously, "Have you asked the opinions of the Board? You can't decide on your own." How can he do this to me? Has he ever thought about how I feel?

Curt glanced at Spencer indifferently and said, "I've offered Matt 51% shares of the Davidson E-Net Group. There's no need to have anyone's agreement."

Everyone turned to look at Matt even more curiously. It means his younger son owns the most important company.

It had always been Spencer that was in charge of the Davidson E-Net Group. It was his territory, yet Curt didn't even inform him. Has he lost his mind?! He just gave E- Net away without even telling me first?!

Curt looked at Spencer with the same indifferent face and replied matter-of-factly, "You own 70% shares of the Davidson Estate\u0026 Energy Group. Why can't your brother..."

When Spencer got to the age of eighteen, Curt gave him the shares and some real estate properties as a birthday present. It was only after Nancy, Matt's mother, passed away when Curt realized that he had not given anything to Matt except money, and he had owed him a lot. What he could do now was to make it up the best he could.

"I don't have any brothers. My mother has only one son." Spencer snapped. Though Curt had never promised Spencer anything, his denial of giving Matt the family name had at least implied that he didn't accept Matt as one of the Davidsons. However, everything had now changed after over twenty years.

Curt wasn't pleased with Spencer's anger at all. "Spencer, be a man and be tolerant. Matt is your half-brother. He's part of the family. As brothers, you two should help and support each other, and if you do, the whole world is yours."

To Curt, both were his sons, though from two different mothers. The older son, Spencer, is petulant, domineering, cold, and indifferent. It's my fault. I've spoiled him. Suppose there was someone to compete with, someone to give him a bit of pressure. He would not be like what he's now.

The shareholders exchanged looks and understood that it was now a fact that Matt was part of the Davidsons, and he would be sharing the family properties and company profits.

Matt looked down on the floor. He seemed hurt.

Spencer was enraged. He refused to accept it. "Is this your decision? Your order? I don't accept it!"

He didn't even know to inform me, let alone discuss it with me. All these years, he only knows to give orders and never put himself in other people's shoes.

Curt was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He had always had everything he wanted, and he didn't need to think about how others felt or thought. Someone like him could perhaps be a good boss or employer, yet he could never be a good husband or father.

Curt remained indifferent. "I'm not dead yet. I decide everything about the company and the family. Matt, go on."

"Yes, dad." Matt nodded. He stood politely next to Curt and spoke like a true gentleman, "It's my pleasure and honor to be part of the Davidson Group and to meet you all. I understand that you are all experienced and talented, and I hope I have the chance to learn from you..."

The shareholders applauded and welcomed Matt warmly. They had been used to the indifference of Spencer and were now rather taken aback by Matt's humbleness.

Though they showed Matt respect, their attitude towards Spencer was way more courteous as they knew Spencer was the real heir of the Davidsons. It was a fact not to be questioned.

Spencer clenched his fists, anger blazing inside him. Matt went towards Spencer with a warm smile and extended his hand for a handshake, "Spencer, it's a pleasure to work with you."

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