Published at 14th of February 2022 05:37:25 AM

Chapter 253: Chapter 253: How Love Can Make Us Blind

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However, Nathalia and Spencer paid no attention to how the world thought. They went on enjoying their sweet married life together.

Nathalia was with Spencer all the time except when she had a class at university. While Spencer worked at his office, she read or painted. Most staff of the Davidson Estate\u0026 Energy Group had seen them together and tried to pay a visit to Spencer's office on the 88th floor to take a closer look at the lucky Mrs. Davidson, yet it wasn't a place that welcomed everyone.

When Spencer was about to finish work, Nathalia tidied the desk, getting ready to leave. Her phone rang. It was Sophie. They hadn't seen each other for about two weeks.

"Nathalia, is it true? That you and Spencer got married?"

This was the question that Nathalia heard the most recently. Everyone asked if it was true. Why are people so surprised? Isn't it just something normal? We fell in love. We dated, and we got married. It's just like what normal people do.

"Yes. We are married." Nathalia said casually. "Would you like to have dinner with Spencer and me tonight? And your mum. How about eight o'clock? We will send a driver to pick you up." 

"I...I'm afraid I can't make it. I...well..." Sophie hesitated, trying to find an excuse. And Nathalia could sense it.

Displeased, Nathalia said frankly, "Sophie, what is it? You are my friend. Don't lie to me." Recently, Sophie had been avoiding communication with Nathalia, which annoyed Nathalia very much.

Nathalia didn't want to force Sophie, but she disliked her dishonesty and intentional disconnection. If she doesn't want to be friends anymore, then just make it clear. Friendship, the same as a relationship, can only last and grow when both parties want it to.

Sophie could tell that Nathalia was serious and annoyed. She panicked. "Please don't be upset, Nathalia. I just, just find it difficult to accept at the moment. Matt, he, he..."

Nathalia understood that Sophie liked Matt but didn't realize that she cared about him so much. "There's no more Matt, Sophie. Now he's Matt Davidson, Curt Davidson's son, the president of the Davidson E-Net Group." Nathalia said coldly.

The Matt that she once knew, the man who was fearless and honest, the man who helped her a lot, was gone. Though she thought it a shame, she had to accept the truth.

Sophie defended Matt instantly, "But that's what he deserves. He has suffered so much since he was born, and his mother has just passed away, the person who loved him the most..." It hurt her so much, even just talking about it.

Sophie is too naïve. She can't see the evil side of people. She's been well protected and oblivious to the darkness. Nathalia thought.

As Spencer's wife, surely, Nathalia would speak for him. As she said, there were different angles to see the world. Sophie saw the injustice Matt had endured, but she didn't put herself in Spencer's shoes until now. 

Nathalia's words reached Sophie's heart and made her think. "I know what you mean now, Nathalia, I will think about it."

As she hung up, her mother said gently, "Sophie, Nathalia is a very good friend. You don't want to lose a good friend." Lisa had just finished her work in the study and walked out to hear part of the conversation.

Lisa liked Nathalia a lot and saw her as her own child. She loved Nathalia's strong will. Her daughter, Sophie, on the other hand, was too naïve, and Nathalia could help her with that.

Tears filled Sophie's eyes. "Mum, I don't want to lose Nathalia as a friend. Of course not. I've always seen her as my best friend. I..." She paused and looked confused.

Then she said, "Is it my fault? Am I wrong?"

Lisa sat down next to Sophie and said gently while stroking her hair, "Sophie, we shall learn to see it from different angles, and when you do, you feel differently. To you, Matt is an honest and respectable man. You feel sorry for him because he was not accepted as his real identity. But, to Spencer, Matt is a threat. He's stealing his father's love, their family property. Of course, he can't just accept it. Nathalia's Spencer's wife. She loves Spencer and surely that she stands by Spencer."

Lisa could understand her daughter's troubled mind, but she didn't like her to be too close to Matt. Matt seemed kind, respectable, and honest, but he closed himself up and kept himself distant from others. It was ok for him and Sophie to be friends, but she wouldn't want them to be in a relationship.

Especially now that he is Matt Davidson with fortune and wealth, he's a different person. Sophie is too naïve to be with him. If it was Nathalia, it might work, but Nathalia loves Spencer.

What Lisa said helped Sophie see it differently and understand Nathalia better, yet she still couldn't accept the sudden change. "I understand, but how could Nathalia just change completely? Matt helped her so much..."

Of course, Lisa had noticed that. Considering how life had treated her and what she had been through, it wasn't difficult for her to see through things now.

"Even if Nathalia still cares about Matt, it's impossible that anything would happen between them. Nathalia loves Spencer and has only loved him from the beginning. She hasn't changed. She didn't do anything wrong, and you can't blame her." Lisa said patiently.

Sophie was in tears again, "I don't blame her, mum. I just feel upset for Matt because..."

Lisa tapped Sophie's head gently and said, "What's Matt to you, huh? Why are you so upset about him? He probably doesn't even care." My daughter is in love. Hmm. How love can make us blind. Lisa recalled how she was once in love and in the same situation as her daughter.

"Mum, Matt is not like how you think." Sophie defended immediately. Lisa heaved a sigh quietly. Silly girl.

"Alright, tell me, would you get along with your father's other children like real siblings? Would you be ok with that?" Lisa questioned.

Sophie's father had divorced her mother, married another woman, and had two kids. They had never spoken to each other.

"No. Of course not. I hate them..." Sophie snapped. She was only seven years old when she knew that her father betrayed her mother, got a woman pregnant, and the woman came to their house...She recalled the details clearly.

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