The Six Wordy Dragons - Chapter 513

Published at 23rd of August 2023 08:37:01 AM

Chapter 513

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Today's weather differed significantly from yesterday. The four young people were overjoyed when they realized that a clear sky was waiting.
"I hope the weather won't change when we visit that place." The bespectacled youth looked up at the endless blue sky above them.
The stout young man nodded. "I'm also a little worried about that. Yesterday the weather wasn't great, but things were like this two days ago. However, a few hours later, it was drizzling."
The girl with short hair patted the shoulder of the young man who had just finished speaking. "We have to be optimistic that the weather will be in our favor. Don't overthink negative thoughts."
"Right." The girl with long hair also opened her mouth. "Two days ago, it was drizzling. But it wasn't too long. Not even half an hour. If the same thing happened today. We can still go there."
"Woof!" Their Rottweilers were also enthusiastic. It wagged its tail non-stop. Like the four young people there, the dog also wanted to come back to the place where they had been yesterday.
That day, they already had a schedule to explore several places in the area. However, they canceled it because the activity would last until the afternoon. They chose to meet the old man who had told them a story yesterday.
There was nothing special about the old man. The story he told was also ordinary. None of them knew why they felt interested in going back there again. All they did was follow that instinct while hoping that there would be hidden lessons they could learn in the future.
The four of them and the Rottweiler waited patiently for the next few hours. When the time they had been waiting for had arrived, the five of them were ready to drag their feet towards the sturdy building they had come to yesterday.
The distance between the place and their inn was not too far. After twenty-five minutes of walking, they were already there. Maybe it should be a little longer than that. But because they were so excited, they walked at a much higher speed than usual.
Bad weather didn't always have a terrible effect on business. Likewise, wonderful weather did not always give encouraging results for the business. Yesterday, so many people were in that building, but when they entered it, things were much different.
"Isn't it already lunchtime?" The young man with the glasses looked around him.
"I think it's still pretty good." The burly young man folded his arms in front of his stomach. "Indeed, when we compared this to yesterday, it is nothing."
A servant immediately greeted them. He was the waiter who yesterday greeted them when they entered the place.
"He's here. Are you guys going straight to his table?" The waiter smiled widely.
The four youths nodded.
“Woof!” The Rottweiler also chimed in.
Right away, they headed to a table in one corner of the room.
"Eh? Where is that person?" The girl with long hair stopped in her tracks. The table in front of them was empty. No one was sitting there. There was only a pile of books on the table.
"He's going to the restroom. Please sit here. He'll be back in a minute." The waiter invited them to sit down.
Another servant came. He carried a thick sheet of cloth. It was the cloth used yesterday as a base for lying down. The Rottweiler recognized the fabric straight away. The dog was thrilled.
"Shall we all order some food?" The girl with the short hair was already feeling hungry. They had decided not to have lunch before they arrived at the building.
The waiter took their orders swiftly. His face was so cheerful. Naturally, his hand movements were also very agile.
"Why don't many people come here?" The bespectacled youth couldn't help but utter those words.
"I do not know." The waiter answered bluntly. "But this isn't too different from usual either. Yesterday's mood was an exception. Maybe it's because of the bad weather, so there's a lot of people dropping by here."
"So, there aren't too many people visiting here every day?" The girl with long hair raised her eyebrows.
"In the afternoon, even though it's lunchtime, not too many people visit here. In fact, later, after sunset, the atmosphere is usually more lively."
The waiter's answer was not very clear. He did not explain further about it. As soon as he finished taking notes, the waiter asked permission to pass their order to the staff in the kitchen.
Ten minutes they were there, and the person they were waiting for had not yet appeared.
"Could he be accidentally locked in the bathroom?" The well-built youth began to speculate.
The girl with long hair laughed. Her face was so cute when she laughed out loud.
"It's not impossible." The well-built youth's eyes widened. "I've been through something like that a few times."
"The number of times you've experienced it is undeniable." The girl with short hair also opened her mouth. "But that doesn't mean it is something that happens to everyone."
They all laugh. The big dog they brought was no exception. It smirked, showing its teeth and fangs.
Finally, the old man appeared as well. Without further ago, He sat down in the chair where he had been sitting yesterday. The Rottweiler approached the old man in a flash. By reflex, the old man beamed. He patted the dog's head gently.
"Sorry," said the old man. "Have you been here long?"
"We just came," said the bespectacled youth. "Have you ordered food?"
The old man laughed. "I don't have to order food. They already know what I want to eat. How about you guys?"
"We've ordered food, Sir." The girl with short hair answered quickly. "Maybe the food will be here soon."
"If you are ready," said the girl with short hair. "What if you just start to continue the story that was not finished yesterday?"
"You can't do that," said the bespectacled youth. "This man must be hungry. He must fill his stomach first. After he is full, we can ask him to continue yesterday's story."
"It doesn't matter." The old man smiled. "It just so happened that I was late for breakfast. So if I delay lunch by an hour, I have no problem."
"You can't do that, sir," said the well-built young man. "When we eat, you have to eat too."
"What if we treat you this time?" The bespectacled young man made an offer.
"No need," said the old man. "It's just lunch."
"Please don't refuse." The bespectacled youth cupped his palms in front of his face. "We don't like it if we just ask you to tell us something. We can't accept it without giving you something."
The old man thought for a moment. "Okay!" Finally, he nodded.
"What if you talk about the story right now?" The girl with long hair was impatient. "When the food comes, you can stop. Continue again after we have all finished eating."
The old man looked around him. Everyone nodded.
"All right. Now I will continue my story. Let's discuss the contents of the second book."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!