Published at 19th of April 2024 12:35:34 PM

Chapter 171: Chapter 171: 171 disabled

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Chapter 171: 171 disabled

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Once you find other women, then youll know if I get jealous or not. She couldnt help but laugh.

He stared at her face full of pustules, Su Qingyue, do you really not care about me?

Yes. She answered without hesitation.

He was angry, Is your heart made of iron? Cant you see how good I am to you?

She asked indifferently, Then what?

He choked a bit, Be a well-behaved wife.

Xiao Yuchuan, being with you, Ill have a shorter life by a few years.

How could that be? I love you so much

You are good to me. She covered her heart, Youve made my heart ache with your actions.

My darling, your husband will massage it for you and the pain will go away. I just dont understand what youre angry about He put his hand on her chest.

Caught off guard, his hand landed right on her breast.

He was also stunned, the extremely soft touch making his whole body excited, and a certain part of him suddenly aroused.

She slapped his hand away, I dont even Imow what Im angry about. I just cant stand the sight of you.

He stretched his hand in the air, closing and opening it, Wife, you have a full chest, Ive touched it before, why are you being so reserved? That night she had a fever, and he had taken full advantage of it, feeling more than just through her clothes

Staring at her lips, he instinctively leaned in for a kiss.

She slipped away from under his arm and ran off.

He almost kissed the doorframe and moved his lips, Hey, I say wife, why are you running? Kissing you wont make you lose any meat

His gaze glued to her retreating figure, his mind filled with thoughts of the softness he had just touched and the wonderful feeling from when he was on top of her that night.

He couldnt think about it anymore, the unrelieved swelling was making him uncomfortable.

Xiao Qinghe sat under the eaves, watching his unhappy wife and his third brothers unsatisfied expression. He envied their interactions. He heard third brother mention touching the wifes chest

A faint sourness bubbled up from his numb heart.

Su Qingyue glanced at Xiao Qinghe, then glared at Xiao Yuchuan, There are outsiders present, cant you keep your nonsense talk to yourself! Both Xiao Yuchuan and Xiao Qinghe were stunned.

The wife called Fourth Brother an outsider, which meant she considered herself part of their family? Xiao Yuchuan was certainly happy to have a place in her heart, but her words might hurt his brother, so he inevitably felt heavy-hearted.

Xiao Qinghe lowered his eyes. He felt that his wife had changed completely since returning from the town she was more attractive, and his gaze was constantly searching for her presence.

An outsider

She even considered him, her husband, an outsider.

Perhaps, she was bothered by the fact that he was disabled and couldnt walk?

Yes, a useless burden who could only bring trouble to the family, what right did he have to ask her to take a longer look at him?

Su Qingyue realized she had misspoke, Im sorry, Fourth Brother. I didnt mean that. You are Yuchuans younger brother, so you are family to me. Its just that, our private affairs should not be discussed in front of you

Her explanation only made it worse, and Xiao Qinghe finally understood. She didnt see him as an outsider, just as third brothers younger brother. In other words, she refused to be his wife.

Xiao Yuchuan also understood his wifes meaning, but he didnt know what to say either.

Third Brother, I want to go inside and rest for a while. Xiao Qinghes voice

was as gentle as water..

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