Published at 7th of March 2024 10:11:21 AM

Chapter 275: Maximus X Denice

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Chapter 275 Maximus X Denice

?"Denice?" Maximus muttered, looking blankly at the woman in his arms.

"What? Don't you miss me?" Denice winked.

Because her mother dragged her after the assembly.

She didn't have time to talk to Maximus.

To meet Maximus, Denice had to stand up and crazily advertise their relationship with those old fogies.

"I miss you very much..." Maximus pinched her cheeks.

This little chick dared to eat him yet left hastily without reminding him.

"Isadora Celestine, one of the leaders of the Lorekeeper Guild. Nice to meet you, Maximus Shadowcrest," a kind-looking lady greeted him.

"It's my pleasure," Maximus smiled politely, still hugging Denice in his arms.

"I see that my daughter took a liking to you," Isadora teased a little.

"Mother!" Denice yelled shyly.

"I like her too~" Maximus smiled, tightening his hug with Denice.

"Hehe, your family is really greedy, stealing my daughter and granddaughter," Isadora said, looking at him meaningfully.

First, her granddaughter Ella, and now even this brat she raised to be the successor of the guild went awry.

"Thank you for your compliment," Maximus didn't shy away and thanked shamelessly.

What about stealing other daughters and granddaughters?

Isn't this a natural thing?

Holding the fragrant woman in his arms.

Maximus can only say that the Celestine family is a group of great beauties.

"What a shameless brat," Isadora sighed in defeat.

"By the way, why are you here?" Maximus asked as he invited them to sit, finally breaking his hug with Denice.

"We want to buy something from that dimensional merchant behind you," Isadora said.

"Oh? Do you have a list?" Maximus asked directly.

"Hmm, here, take a look if it's available," Isabela said, giving him the list.

Looking at it, Maximus noticed that it was mostly materials used to build a mobile stronghold.

By the looks of it, the Lorekeeper Guild is eager to build one of their own.

After calculating the cost, the required materials amounted to approximately 130 quadrillion, which means he can earn at least 80-90 quadrillion.

However, seeing that it was Denice's mother who was conducting the transaction.

Maximus decided to give them a bit of a discount, bringing the cost to only over 100 quadrillion.

"There should be no problem,"

"That's good," Isadora sighed in relief.

The guild had long wanted to construct a mobile fortress but was unable to start due to the shortage of materials.

Those old fogies in her guild had long been yearning for one so they could study deeper into the abyss.

The materials they can study while stationary are severely limited, causing most of their research to stall.

"Are there other things you want to trade?"

"Is the dimensional merchant behind you exchanging knowledge?" Isadora asked hopefully.

This is important to them; as wisdom seekers, they were very eager for new knowledge.

"Yes, but each book of knowledge can only be bound by one person,"

"If you want two or more people to study the same knowledge, you need to buy more copies of the same knowledge."

"That's good! Very good!" Isadora muttered excitedly.

This is good news!

Even if her enthusiasm for new knowledge was doused with cold water, thinking that Maximus was a bit unreliable.

What if Maximus became greedy and ran off with her guild's money?

Isadora even thought of having her daughter distance herself from such a lunatic.

But seeing her daughter's love-struck look, she could only shake her head.

"Yes, you can get the items after a month," Maximus said confidently, taking back the Etherium Coins he had just given.

"Just a month?" Isadora was a little shocked.

She thought that she would have to wait for a few more years.

Who knew that it was only a few months?

"Then I look forward to it," Isadora said, quickly calming down.


The days passed as Denice decided to stay with him.

Even under the relentless persuasion of her mother.

Denice was stubborn and wanted to be with him.

Not seeing him for a few decades deepened Denice's affection for him to an uncontrollable degree.

With no other choice, Isadora could only leave her daughter in Maximus' care.

Soon, Denice quickly integrated with his family.

However, with great affection, Denice didn't join others in fighting but decided to stick with him.

Day and night, it seemed that Denice transformed into a love demon, not leaving his side.


While Maximus was suffering in happiness.

The Lorekeeper Guild was in suspense as they nervously waited for their package.

The other guilds and organizations also watched eagerly, wondering if they could successfully conduct a transaction.


Soon, A month had passed.

On the patio, Maximus and Denice were flirting happily.

"Maximus, when would you marry me?" Denice asked, looking deeply into his eyes.

"I want it now, but your family is a bit traditional..." Maximus sighed.

Denice's mother, Isadora, deeply forbids them from special activities that Maximus suffered greatly.

Isadora wanted Maximus to return to the Etherium Realm and officially marry Denice before anything could happen.

A warning from an apex sovereign is simply frightening, especially if it was his future mother-in-law.

Maximus can only be a turtle and suffer, Denice pestering this past month.

Now, he understands his son, Max, suffering.

Just thinking of a succubus seducing you day and night, but you can't do anything.

Hissss, it must have been tough!

Fortunately, he still had his wives, where he could vent his frustrations.

"Hehe, My mother is really strict; we can only wait." Denice laughed a little and teased Maximus, touching him everywhere.

"Stop," Maximus held her hands in frustration.

A little bit more, and he would unleash his inner demons, disregarding the advice of her future mother-in-law.

"Just touching~ It shouldn't be forbidden~," Denice said with a hot breath behind his ears.

"Really?" Maximus' body perks up as he asks attentively.

"Don't you want to?" Denice said, licking her lips.

"It's just touching, so it should be alright...." Maximus said like an innocent child who was ready for mischief.

"Huh~ Then let me show you the way...."

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