Published at 4th of October 2023 05:37:11 AM

Chapter 4

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The dried cake’s flavor was terrible, it was very hard and felt very stiff.

However, eating it was quite filling. Lu Xun had already been terribly starving, even if it tasted so terrible, he still forced himself to finish it.

Ji Li was a girl born in Jianghu. Although she was pampered and spoiled, she wasn’t someone who couldn’t take hardships. On top of that, she was currently being chased, just being able to eat one’s fill was already good enough.

She still didn’t take off the veil on her face, and with this said, she ate with her back facing Lu Xun.

The sun gradually set, and night descended.

If nothing went wrong, then they would spend the night within the dense forest.

‘I don’t know if she’ll feel rushed to train that demonic cultivation technique… we’re already deep into the backwoods, so it’s probably unlikely…’ Lu Xun thought. 1

The ground was too hard. He felt that it would be somewhat too uncomfortable to lay down on.

Ji Li didn’t speak. She sat cross-legged not too far in the distance and was recovering her body’s vital energy.

Lu Xun didn’t intend on taking the chance to escape. As mentioned earlier, he was using Ji Li as his mount. After all, their destinations were the same, if he were to go on the road alone, then what if he would encounter any sort of danger on the way? It would be somewhat problematic.

Not to mention, although Ji Li seemed to be resting right now, in reality, she was clearly aware of even the movements of the wind and grass in the surroundings. Her hearing was quite good.

Lu Xun still looked calm and collected like the way he did from the start, he seemed not to have a sliver or shred of realization of being kidnapped. He lifted his head and said to Ji Li who had her eyes closed, “Lady Ji, do you have water?”

He was currently terribly thirsty.

If it were the female rascals of the twenty-second century before he transmigrated, they might even ask ‘Where?’

However, Ji Li on the other hand didn’t speak or even blink, she simply threw over the gourd hanging on her waist.

After throwing it, she immediately opened her eyes, this was because she remembered that the gourd was originally for her use, if he directly drank from it, then wouldn’t it mean… wouldn’t it mean… Oh no!

Thankfully, Lu Xun had no such intentions. He directly opened his mouth then lifted up the gourd from a certain distance before letting the water fall. 1

Ji Li observed him and felt somewhat complicated. What the heck was this tiny feeling of disappointment?!

It was better to cure the late-stage appearance complex first!

She began to recite a calming chant inwardly, ‘Peaceful mind, peaceful mind, peaceful mind…’

Suddenly, Ji Li frowned and then made a shushing gesture one would do at a library at Lu Xun.

She quickly headed towards him, her expression carrying heavy vigilance.

After several seconds, Lu Xun now heard the sounds in the surroundings.

Someone was here!

“Hmph! This silly girl sure can run!” A somewhat hoarse voice echoed out.

By the sound of the footsteps, there were probably quite a few people.

Since their footsteps were very light, they were probably also people from Jianghu with cultivation.

Lu Xun finally understood upon seeing this—Ji Li was really being hunted?

To kidnap a Furnace Tripod while running for her life… This young lady was quite fierce! 6

Lu Xun stood by Ji Li, the surrounding trees gave them cover. He could see the nervousness in Ji Li’s eyes. She turned to face him and shockingly discovered that the man was still calm like from the start.

However, it was after a night wind that blew past them that for the first time, Lu Xun’s expression changed!

The night wind felt very light, yet very cold at the same time.

It felt extremely familiar.

He had created countless alts and assimilated with the various newbie villages for many years. As a result, he very well knew how the wind came about and knew what was going to happen next.

He moved his lips next to Ji Li’s ear and silently whispered, “Hold your breath, don’t breathe.”

Ji Li felt her ear tickle, her little head moved to dodge his breath instinctively. She turned and looked dubiously at Lu Xun, the latter returned a resolute gaze… it looked a little charming.

While feeling muddleheaded, Ji Li listened obediently. Since it was just holding her breath for a while, it wasn’t like she would die, right?

And then, after a single breath’s worth of time, she saw a terrifying scene!

A light black mist slowly drifted over. There was something enveloped underneath the black mist, there was a semi-transparent human-shaped silhouette.

This thingamajig seemed simple-minded, and looked sort of like this:╭(°A°`)╮ 10

Its eyes looked very empty as the black mist swirled around them.

Ji Li instinctively broke out in a cold sweat. She opened her eyes wide and watched this silhouette drift nearby.

The direction it was headed in was obviously the location where there had just been the sound of footsteps and voices.

Soon, a wave of sounds could be heard throughout the dense forest.

There were clear sounds of swords, spears, and clubs being used. And then, after a few moments, what followed were the sounds of screams, howls, and then… the sounds of people falling down, collapsing onto the ground.

Lu Xun’s eyes narrowed slightly as he thought, ‘Looks like my luck’s not that bad, to actually run into a moving experience bag.’ 1

He waited until the battle ended in the distance, he planned to go over and kill the silhouette to see if he could get a boost in experience.

After all, he wasn’t playing the game anymore but had now truly transmigrated. Although the display panels showed the existence of the experience bar, who the hell knew whether or not killing a monster was the prerequisite for giving experience?

He needed to test it out first!

As for the silhouette… if the right method was found, even a three-year-old kid could easily kill it, but if the wrong method was used, then there would be quite some suffering that needed to be endured.

When this thing first came out in the game, many players suffered quite a bit when encountering it. The creature might look simple-minded, but its destructive power definitely wasn’t low.

However, this only lasted until players found the right method, they had also surprisingly discovered that it gave a good deal of experience value, they finally, formally, and had cordially named it—”Dark Simpleton.” 1

In a moment, repetitive sounds of people falling to the ground sounded out. The group of people who chased after Ji Li were probably all wiped out by now.

Ji Li’s eyes were especially wide open. Her right hand clung tightly onto the Wedding Dress sword, as if she was confronted by a formidable enemy.

With her current strength, she couldn’t possibly kill the group of people hunting her no matter what, but this silhouette had done it so easily!

“W-What i-is it e-exactly?!” Fear rose up from the bottom of her heart.

‘Hu…’ A chilling wind blew by again. It seemed like it had already exterminated the group of people who were chasing her and was now wandering around automatically again, it might even be circling back around towards them.

It couldn’t be helped. This thing completely lacked a brain and was a retard that only knew how to do three things; kill, kill, and kill. 2

Since the pursuers had all died, Lu Xun was no longer being a brush-camping old sneaky b**tard.

This was a hard to encounter ‘moving experience bag’, and this meant that for new accounts, this thing was a golden goodie!

He slowly rose up and walked towards the direction of the ‘Dark Simpleton’, however, Ji Li suddenly held him back.

“This strong lady’s grip strength is monstrously immense!” Lu Xun couldn’t yank free at all even after pulling with all his muscles.

Obviously, upon looking at one aspect, the lady had trained in martial arts, but if you observed her current strength as a whole, the natural born divine strength perhaps took up a large majority of what was happening.

She shook her head forcefully at Lu Xun.

In reality, she was also dumbfounded. Lu Xun couldn’t have possibly not heard of the tragic screams nearby, so why did he get up now?

Did he want to seek death?

Could it be possible that this man would rather die than submit—that he would rather die than become my Furnace Tripod?

But in all reality, the sixteen-year-old Ji Li, was scared.

“It’s not some demon or ghost, right?”

She felt a bit relieved just by having someone by her side.

Lu Xun saw the panic and alarm in her eyes, he then looked at his right arm that had been clasped onto with a deadly grip.

Although Ji Li had a few areas with lots of meat, she wasn’t fat at all. Her waist was an arms grip so to speak, but in contrast to that, her small hands were meaty.

This small meaty hand that grabbed tightly onto Lu Xun’s arm actually had a sliver of cuteness akin to that of a kitten’s paw.

He smiled as he raised his left hand, he gently patted the back of Ji Li’s meaty hand. He comforted her in a soft voice,

“Don’t be afraid, it’s only a ghost.”

Ji Li’s entire body trembled, she felt so frightened that she really wanted to bawl and cry even more.

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