Published at 13th of November 2023 10:41:20 AM

Chapter 154

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On the morning of the day after another week or so of joint training, I woke up with a bizarre sensation.

"Huh, huh, what's this?'

A feeling of heavy pressure and fear swelled up in my chest as if I could hardly breathe.

 I held my chest tightly, but the palpitations continued, and my sweat-soaked clothes stuck to my skin, making me feel uncomfortable.

 What is it ?

The strange atmosphere that clings to my entire body does not weaken, in fact, it seems to be gradually getting stronger.

Seriously, What is it?

 Misha, who woke up next to me a moment later, is also looking anxiously at me.

 It seems that I am not the only one who is feeling this.

I wonder if Arjano has made some kind of move.

What should I do? Should I stay here and wait, or should I join up with Schneizel and the others?


 As I was thinking frantically with a flustered head, I was suddenly enveloped by a soft feeling all over my body.

"Nor, it's going to be all right."

Misha was wrapping me up from the side.

 She even stroked my head, as if she were soothing a small child. As an adult guardian, she is trying to help me in her own ineffectual way.

 Her skin is trembling slightly, and I can tell that Misha is scared, too. I am truly blessed to have a girl as a friend who still puts me first.

It's at times like this that I have to be strong.

 With my head calmed by Misha's help, I calmly think about the situation once again. Then, little by little, I began to understand the situation.


The pressure was so strong that my senses were numb, but I had felt something similar to this vibe before.

 I have felt something similar to this atmosphere on my skin, and not just once or twice. It is no exaggeration to say that I am already familiar with it, but it is definitely a tension that I feel only on the battlefield.

There is only one reason why this place has the air of a battlefield.

Surely, Mertor has begun his campaign?

 It's too quiet for a war to have started, so it doesn't seem to matter right now. But if there is no more respite---.

 Just as I was thinking that much, there was a strong knock at the door.

"Captain, wake up! Wake up!"

 Doyle's shout echoed through the door.

 I involuntarily locked eyes with Misha, still in the hugging position.

The strong knocking and the volume of the voice that seemed to wake me up were proof that something unusual had happened.

 Misha's hold on me grows stronger. It was surely an expression of her earnest wish that nothing would happen. She is trying to stop me from going into conflict.

 But the reality was cruel to the last degree.

"Mertor has launched an army!"

 Misha's eyes shook.


"I'm sorry, Misha."

 I'd like to be in Misha's arms all the time, and I don't want to do anything painful.

 I don't want to go to war. I don't want to kill and I don't want to be killed.

 But if it is necessary to save Crecencia, I have no choice but to do it.

 This is the only way to increase my power, my prestige, and to gain greater power in the near future.

I stood up alone, away from Misha's frame. An arm reaches out to cling to me, but I shove it away.

I stood up, my arms reaching out to me, but I pushed them away.

A temporary headquarters will be set up in a building near the outer wall, and he wants us to come there when we're ready.

"I understand. I'll be right there."

"Okay, I'll go wake up the rest of the unit. and we'll meet outside in the yard in an hour, okay?"

"I'll go with you then!"

"I don't mind."

"No, I don't think it's a good idea to leave everything to Doyle".

 I had just decided to get to know my unit members.

"But it will take me a few minutes to change my clothes or something, so if that takes too long, you can go ahead of me."

"I'm sure that's fine. I'm going to wait here for five minutes."

 Doyle's attention stopped at the door.

I was about to start preparing myself when I heard the sound of a voice.



I turned around to see Misha standing there with my change of clothes, spear, and other things.

I guess she had taken care of the things I needed while Doyle was having a brief exchange with me.

Even though she had been so opposed to the idea, she still intended to give priority to my wishes. Misha.

"I won't stop. That's the promise I made to Nor. I'll wait here for Nor's return."

 Even Misha must have sensed the signs of an unprecedented war. The next ordeal that awaits her will probably not be the same as the previous ones. She must know that, too.

"So, if you find yourself in a really dangerous situation, please run away. Don't die, okay?"

 She knows that, and she lets me go like this. I can only wait and see what she is going through, but it is beyond my comprehension. I wonder how painful and tortured she must be.

"Thank you, Misha-san. I will come back without dying."

"Are you certain?"


"Really, really?"

"------ yes."

 Thank you very much.

 And I'm really sorry.

I received my pack from Misha and got ready to go to battle.

 --- A war was about to begin, a war in which there was no room for error, and in which a lot was at stake.

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