Published at 10th of January 2024 08:10:48 AM

Chapter 270: The Wicked Witch Of The Capital.

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The moment they stepped into their own private wing, Esong carried Scarlet and sat her down on the kitchen counter.

"Oh, what is this?" she asked.

He bent down and put two of her hands around his neck, and he also placed his own hands around her waist. Then, he went on to complain in a grumbling voice, "I don't like that yellow haired woman."

Her eyes rolled upwards as she thought about the only yellow haired woman she had met this day and that was the princess Carana. She had bright yellow shoulder length hair, light brown eyes and a sharp nose. One of Scarlet's earlier thoughts about the woman was that her looks coupled with the jumpsuit she wore gave her the appearance of a cosplayer at comic convention.

"You don't like the princess." she stated.

"Yes." Esong established.

"Why?" she asked, and she started patting his hair slowly and gently as she did for Justin when he when he was complaining about his day at school. You can trace the roots of this content at n0v@lbin

"She is too touchy with you, I was counting you know." He raised three of his fingers up and said, "Three times she touched you."

Scarlet laughed at him, finding his behavior and words to be ridiculous.

"Don't laugh," Esong tried to sound stern but he came off sounding more like a whining toddler. "She gives me the wrong vibe."

"What kind of vibe?" Scarlet asked, giggling still to the great irritation of her husband.

"I don't know, I just don't like her. Don't get too close to her, you should stay by my side at all times." he kicked one of the chairs and raised his upper lip in what she she would classify as tantrum behavior.

"Okay, I will stick to you like glue." She pulled his head down, embracing him properly and sqeezing tightly. "From now on, we should stay like this, hmm, don't even let my feet touch the floor."

The two acted as if the maids huddling in the corner and looking anywhere else but at their governors did not exist.

Esong kept poking Scarlet in the waist which she found produced a ticklish sensation that made her jumpy and she screamed. He did it again, and she repeated her reaction as well.

"By the way, where did you see a witch?" he asked her suddenly, out of nowhere.

"Somewhere." she replied.

"Aah, why are you always cryptic." he complained.

"Because mystery is the key to an interesting life, just as your mother mysteriously showed up." she replied.

"Ooh," Esong groaned. He was never going to hear the end of this, not anytime soon.

"She should keep her bloody paws away from my sweet baby or I will Avada Kedavra her out of existence. I mean it Esong, she is on my turf now." She punched her fist against the palm of her hand and put a serious look on her face to show that she meant business.

Esong separated the palm and the fist and he held both of her hands.

"First of all," he said with an impressed smile on his face, "You make way too many references to that magic movie when it comes to my mother. I have heard you call her , she whose name must not be mentioned, the dark lordess, Lady Emorymort, the queen of death eaters, Umbridge's little sister."

Scarlet was chuckling with every nickname he mentioned that she came up with in reference to his mother.

"Now you have moved on to Cruella and the wicked witch of the capital. It's impressive how committed you are to vilifying her. Not that I blame you, my mother is a snob, rude, selfish woman that is incapable of love. To her, we her children are extension of her perfect existence."

"She is a narcissist." Scarlet said.

"That and more," Esong concurred, "But, is it okay if I ask you to give it a rest while she is here. As long as she doesn't provoke you, please don't start a fight with her. Especially not when we do not know her true intentions for showing up here suddenly. I need you to be calm, cool headed and do not have any emotional outburst."

"Ha!" Scarlet scoffed.

"My mother will use your illness against us, in anyway that she can. She will go out of her way to make you look crazy so please do not give her the satisfaction of getting under your skin."

Scarlet thought to herself, 'I will refine her before allowing her to get under my skin.'

"Baby," she smiled "Don't worry about me, I have evolved." And in the back of her mind, she thought, 'Worry more about your mother.'

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