Published at 24th of December 2021 08:55:47 AM

Chapter 352: on eal the emotions

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Those words sounded strange to Soohyun's tongue, but ignoring that, she decided to change the topic or else she would be the one falling at the disadvantageous side. "Han Minhyun, did you conceal your emotions from me? Why is it that I can't feel your current emotions?" Soohyun questioned, raising one of her eyebrows. "Well, isn't that because you are too stupid to understand them? I thought by now we have established that point," Minhyun pointed out. "Geez! Stop joking around! I am really serious about this," she said while she directed a glare at him. "What do I do now? I don't feel like answering you. I am sleepy and want to go to bed," he voiced out, "Let's talk later." "You Bastard! I will be stabbing you for real if you keep this up," she mumbled, knowing that Minhyun clearly heard each one of those words. However, turning a deaf ear to those words of Soohyun, he walked towards the direction of his bed.  His attitude managed to irritate Soohyun, and she was aware that in order to extract the answer from him, she had to push him more. At least that was she thought he wanted. Soohyun did not want to bother arguing with Minhyun over this, but her curiosity will not be allowing her to sleep peacefully without learning the truth about this. Before Han Minhyun was able to leave, she stood up from the table and gripped his hand in order to stop him. Turning his head, Minhyun stared at Soohyun questioningly. He had one of his eyebrows raised, and a small smirk sat on his face. The playful look in his eyes showed that he was expecting something interesting from Soohyun. Lee Soohyun coughed and voiced out, "Han Minhyun, well if you let me in on the truth, I will be falling in love with you faster. Isn't that a good thing? You have my word on it." While mock showed at his eyes, Minhyun questioned, "What will I be doing with your love?" 'That jerk! Hold it in, Soohyun! Hold it in! You can't go around punching randomly although they deserve it. You are definitely more cultured than that. Han Minhyun is definitely trying to get under your skin, and you can't let him the p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e of having that.' Forcing out a smile on her face, she voiced out, "Isn't it nice to have the love of the one you love? After all, not everyone gets the opportunity for that, and you need to take every chances to have the one, you love, have similar feelings for you." "The one I love? But there is no one like that for me now," Minhyun voiced out, "About my feelings for you, yeah, I guess they have existed, but now, I think they are disappearing." Those words of Han Minhyun caused a sour feeling to be present within her c.h.e.s.t, and an ache spread through her heart even though she knew that he was merely playing along with her now. 'Yah! Lee Soohyun, you are weird. Just be normal. You can't let yourself be affected by Han Minhyun. Whatever he does doesn't matter to you. Loves you or not— is that even a big deal? Feelings will just be burdensome. That's all.' Lee Soohyun sighed and vocalised, "Well then, I will be leaving since there is no way I will be able to get the answers from you. Tomorrow is a long day for me, and I need to get some sleep." A loud yawn left her mouth while she released the grip on Minhyun's wrist and walked towards the door. Sliding the door open, she went closer to her bed and laid down upon it, hoping that Han Minhyun would be stopping her from going to sleep and inform her on everything— something that happened when Soohyun ended up sulking after his teasing. But this time around, that did not happen. Han Minhyun got on to his side on the bed, and pulling the blanket over him, he closed his eyes to go to bed. Seeing his attitude stupefied her, and she had the urge to turn back in order to see whether or not he was really sleeping. However, her pride was stopping her from doing so. That's when, conflicting feelings arose within her. Lee Soohyun had abandoned her pride in many instances, and it wouldn't exactly make a difference to her pride if she looked back to see whether or not he was sleeping. But then again, it was always good to keep some pride intact, and if she were to look back, he would only be teasing her further on this matter. His earlier words bugged her— the ones on how he held no feelings for her anymore— and she was tempted to ask him on whether or not they were true. Although a part of her was well aware of how he was merely playing around with her, that did not stop her from wanting to ask her on this; she just wanted to be reassured on the entire matter. 'No, Lee Soohyun, why are you being so peculiar about the entire thing? Why are you so bothered about Han Minhyun having feelings for you? Geez! You are really useless! You are unable to sort yourself out!' "Shut up, and go to sleep. When are you going to admit that you have feelings for Han Minhyun? Hearing your rambling for days is irritating me! You love Han Minhyun, and get over it. How dense can you actually be? Are you that stupid?" Minnie voiced out inside her head— annoyance visible in her tone. 'Yah! This is not something that can be treated casually, and I love Minhyun. How do you even know that when I can't even figure that out myself? There is something fishy about this. Could it be that this body has hormonal disorders? That could explain why I recently act so weirdly.' "I am really close to banging your head against the wall now, Lee Soohyun."

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