Published at 30th of April 2024 06:39:44 AM

Chapter 111

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Sweat dripped down my cheeks, mingling with the heat of my nuclear slash. Its intensity unsettled me, though it posed no harm to me or my allies. For nearly a decade, I've honed my mastery of nuclear spells, balancing devastating damage with minimal radiation exposure to those fighting alongside me. Despite my expertise, I couldn't shake the feeling that my Baryon Deathscythe could still benefit from another five years of refinement to optimize mana usage.

Exhausted, I released a plume of smoke from my mouth. Scanning the area frantically—left, right, and up—I confirmed the absence of any more obsidian-faced mermaids before collapsing onto my knees.

“Lysander!” Meike's voice cut through the chaos.

“U-Urgh!” Johnny's strained attempt to rise ended in failure, his injuries proving too severe.

“I’m fine,” I reassured them, wiping my lips before pushing myself back up. “But you two need to focus on recovering quickly, or we won't stand a chance against that thing.” I gestured towards the towering Pestilence Dragon looming ominously in the distance.

Seventeen dragons relentlessly bombarded the Pestilence Dragon and the obsidian-eyed mermaid, while footsoldier dragonoids joined the fray, launching rockets and spraying bullets from their assault rifles. This onslaught bought us precious time.

Surveying our surroundings from our secure position at the foot of the bell tower, I assessed the safety of our location. If those obsidian-faced mermaids dared to show themselves again, I'd swiftly clear them out with a single sweep of my Baryon Deathscythe.

As I gazed up at the slightly tilted bell tower, memories of a previous timeline flooded my mind. The Cathedral Exa loomed on the right, the very same scene from that fateful night when Johnny and I raided it, venturing to the ritual site to activate the Regression Magic.

“Lys…an…der…” A weak mutter shattered my reverie, pulling me back to the present. I glanced down to see Johnny, his eyes fixed on me with determination, half of his body propped against the bell tower's walls. Meike worked tirelessly to nurse him back to health, giving her all to ensure his recovery.

“Johnny,” I addressed him firmly.

“I will not go easy on you… just because you saved me…” Johnny's words were laced with grit. “I will still… fucking kill you.”

“Johnny, cut it out,” Meike scolded, her tone sharp. “Lysander saved me too earlier. We both owe our lives to him.”

Johnny's eyes widened in disbelief. “I-Is that true?”

I flashed a smile and shrugged casually, enjoying his momentary confusion. But Meike wasn't finished.

“The fact that Lysander chose to rescue me, and you, means that he did not take this opportunity to escape. Stop fixating on revenge for now, Johnny. We have far greater enemies to contend with,” Meike urged, her concern evident in her voice.

“Listen to your girlfriend, Johnny,” I added, a playful edge to my tone.

“Tsk,” Johnny clicked his tongue in irritation, then turned away, finally allowing himself to relax and lay down.

Meanwhile, Meike was drenched in sweat, her mana reserves depleted. She reached for her mana potion and downed it in one gulp before casting her healing spell once more, focusing on stabilizing Johnny's health.

Witnessing the struggle of the dragons, Johnny, and Meike stirred a sense of unease within me. “Hey, where’s Gazelle anyway? If he’s the Supreme Leader, he should be defending the Dragon’s Fortress with all his might.” I asked.

“Gazelle is gone,” Johnny replied with a sly smirk. “He went to Kraghelm, where your squad will be heading next. I'm sure he's aiming for Hiraya this time.”

I clenched my fists in frustration. “How?” I muttered. “How did you know that my squad is going to Kraghelm and not Nocturnia?”

“Maybe you should question who the real enemies are,” Johnny retorted, his smirk widening. “We have eyes and ears everywhere. The Purge of Humanity cannot be stopped, no matter what you do, Lysander Faradeiss.”

The confidence and teasing tone in his voice grated on my nerves, making me itch to lash out. I took a step forward, but before I could act, a powerful slap echoed through the air. It was Meike, her hand connecting with Johnny's left cheek, leaving it just as crimson as his fiery hair.

“M-Meike…” Johnny's voice faltered.

“Stop antagonizing him, Johnny!” Meike's voice cracked with emotion. “Lysander is here to help! You don't have to provoke him and turn him into your enemy again!”

Johnny gritted his teeth. “Lysander is the enemy. He killed-”

“You have to learn to forgive!” Meike's cry cut through the tension.

Johnny fell silent, unable to form a response. The sight of Meike's tears must have been too much for him to bear.

“Revenge this, revenge that! Revenge is a fool’s game! All you've been talking about is the past! You're not even looking at the present or the future!” Meike's scolding intensified. “Maggie is dead, and I am alive. Even if you kill him, Maggie will not come back!”

“M-Meike, I…” Johnny's voice wavered.

“Is your love for Maggie greater than your love for me, Johnny?” Meike's tears flowed freely.

“No,” Johnny whispered, his gaze dropping to the ground, tears brimming in his eyes. “I love you, Meike. Everything I've done... it's to prevent the past from repeating itself. I won't let my love be taken from me again. Not by him.”

“I will never hurt Meike,” I interjected firmly.

Johnny looked at me with tear-filled eyes, his despair palpable. It tugged at my heartstrings, tempting me to join him in his sorrow, but I steadied myself with a deep breath.

“I am your best friend, Johnny. Even if you don’t see it that way right now, my feelings for you won't change. I promised to save you in this timeline, and I intend to keep that promise. You can seek vengeance on me after the Purge of Humanity and Gazelle are stopped. It doesn’t matter to me. All that matters is saving you, even if it means protecting you from toxic influences like your ex-girlfriend,” I stated firmly.

“What did you say?” Johnny's voice was a mix of rage and pain. He attempted to rise, but the agony in his chest held him back. “Argh!”

“You heard me. Maggie Antlers is toxic,” I declared. “She poisoned your mind, led you to Neo Arcadia and Gazelle. She instigated terrorist acts, manipulated your emotions, and weaponized your love for her into a destructive force.”

“Take that back, Lysander!” Johnny's voice thundered.

“I won’t,” I replied, holding his gaze. “Because I'm your best friend. And it's my duty to give you some tough love. If I have to turn back time with Regression Magic, I’d kill her again to save you. Even if you hate me for it, even if you curse me to hell, that's what best friends do.”

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