Published at 23rd of January 2024 11:14:59 AM

Chapter 56

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The ethereal chant, haunting and resonant, reverberated within the recesses of my mind. "Ich am thou, and thou art ich."

My gaze remained fixed upon the harrowing sight before me: the Goddess Exceria's emaciated form, suspended upon the cross. Despite the chaos surrounding the battlefield, the cross remained untouched, a beacon of eerie tranquility amidst the carnage. The very air pulsated with an enigmatic energy, echoing the familiar rhythm of the Vesryn Pulse within me.

The relentless cacophony of battle faded into insignificance. A profound sense of protection enveloped me, the presence of the cross of Exceria a comforting anchor amidst the turmoil. My senses honed in on a unique resonance emanating from the goddess's remains, akin to the Vesryn Pulse I knew so well.

Drawing a shaky breath, I whispered, seeking clarity amidst the chaos, "What message do you wish to convey, goddess?"

Despite the pain and weariness that weighed me down, I pressed on, drawn inexorably toward the haunting spectacle of the crucified Goddess Exceria. The sound of her heartbeat grew louder with each limping step, a perplexing paradox given the state of decay her body displayed. Yet, an inexplicable intuition told me that life—or something akin to it—persisted within her.

Her golden hair, a radiant contrast to the grim tableau surrounding her, and her distinctive pointed ears marked her unmistakably as Exceria, the singular dragonoid who had chosen the form of an immortal elf, standing apart from her brethren who took human guises. The gaping void on her forehead, where the azure mystic orb once rested, was a stark reminder of her diminished state.

In that solemn moment, a voice from the past, tinged with warmth and nostalgia, resonated within the corridors of my mind. "You are the splitting image of Goddess Exceria," My deceased friend Adelyn's voice whispered, reigniting memories and deepening the mystery of the connection between the fallen goddess and myself.

The cryptic voice, echoing the refrain "Ich am thou, and thou art ich," which I'd been pushing to the periphery of my consciousness, now resonated with newfound clarity. The rhythmic beat in my chest, synchronized with that emanating from the frail form of Goddess Exceria, hinted at an unfathomable connection — perhaps even an identical essence.

A revelation, both profound and unsettling, dawned upon me. "I am... your reincarnation," I murmured, the words tinged with a mixture of awe and acceptance.

A path seemed to unfurl before me, one intricately woven with destiny and purpose. All that remained was my willingness to embrace it. Determinedly, I found a piece of debris near the base of the cross, leveraging it to elevate myself until I met the gaze of the goddess at eye level. As I reached out, making contact with her chest, a sudden, searing sensation surged through my right hand, a tangible manifestation of the profound bond linking us.

The unmistakable V-mark on my right palm pulsed with a vibrant crimson hue. This wasn't just any mark—it was the legendary Mark of Vesryn, emblematic of the Dragon Lord's might. It was said to bestow unparalleled invincibility, immortality, and dominion over dragons, crafted eons ago by Vesryn to counter the gravest threats ever faced by our world.

Yet, in this moment of profound connection and realization, I sought something far more significant than raw power. The profound bond I felt with the goddess Exceria tugged at the very core of my being.

"If my existence is intertwined with yours, if I am your reincarnation," I whispered, eyes fixed on the remnants of her form, "then you must heed my deepest desire."

Drawing a deep, steadying breath, I squared my shoulders, a newfound determination etched across my visage. With clarity and conviction, I steeled myself, ready to undertake the path that lay ahead.

The atmosphere grew thick with anticipation as I reached into the goddess's chest, each movement purposeful and resolute. My fingers closed around the pulsating heart, a relic of immense power and significance. With a surge of determination, I extracted it from its ancient sanctuary.

The moment the heart was severed from its vessel, Exceria's once regal form disintegrated into a cloud of ashes, carried away by the whims of the wind. It felt as if she had granted her essence willingly, entrusting me with a task of monumental importance.

Turning my attention, my heart sank at the sight of Lysander's lifeless form. Rushing to his side, I gently cradled his silver-haired head in my lap, my fingers brushing away stray strands. Gazing into his once vibrant eyes, now dimmed by the veil of death, a flood of memories washed over me.

"Lysander," I whispered, my voice cracking with emotion, "you've always been a part of me, and you will forever be."

The miraculous glow emanating from Exceria's heart continued to pulse, and I carefully placed it onto Lysander's wounded chest. Almost instantaneously, his injuries began to heal, the flesh regenerating as if it were never harmed. The heart of Exceria pulsated with newfound vigor within him, a fusion of destinies intertwined.

But as hope kindled within me, the atmosphere shifted once more. From various directions, smoky veils dissipated, revealing three formidable dragons, each radiating a palpable aura of danger.

To the west, a formidable Black Feather Dragon emerged, its dark plumage contrasting sharply against the sky. With the keen eyes of a hawk and the menacing talons of a garuda, it poised itself to strike.

From the east, the metallic gleam of a Futuretech Dragon was unmistakable. Its armor, embedded with glowing circuits, reflected a chilling blue light. Its jaws opened wide, emitting an eerie hum as if powered by some unknown technology, signaling its intent to consume.

Lastly, rising from the south, the Deep Sea Dragon made its presence felt. Its shimmering blue scales and menacing white fins painted a fearsome picture, reminiscent of ancient sea legends. Its razor-sharp teeth gleamed ominously, a clear indication of its lethal intent.

As desperation gripped me, every ounce of hope seemed to wane. My reserves were drained, my body ravaged by injuries, and my vision clouded by blood. The overwhelming odds bore down on me, leaving only a final, desperate prayer as my lips trembled, tears betraying my despair.

"…Save me… Lysander!" The plea echoed, a frail whisper amidst the chaos.

In an instant, a blinding white flash pierced the battlefield's gloom. When clarity returned, the sight before me was astonishing — the formidable trio of dragons lay incapacitated, defeated by an unknown, overwhelming force that moved with a swiftness beyond comprehension.

Standing tall, exuding an aura of power and authority, stood Lysander in his Partial Dragon Form. Draped in a sleek black military coat adorned with silver armor, he appeared as a beacon of hope amidst the devastation. His silver hair flowed majestically, matching the pristine scales of his dragonic wings and tail. Yet, the darkness that adorned his limbs reminded all of his formidable nature, a perfect blend of dragon and warrior.

The azure brilliance of Lysander's eyes met mine, and in that moment, I glimpsed the resolute determination and vibrant life that had been absent just moments ago. A sense of relief and warmth enveloped me as he spoke, his words resonating with a promise of salvation.

"Hiraya... I have come to save you," Lysander uttered, his voice a soothing balm in the midst of chaos.

Tears welled in my eyes, and a tender smile graced my lips. "…Lysander…" The name escaped my lips in a whispered affirmation of gratitude and love.

His outstretched hand offered a lifeline, a connection that transcended the tumultuous battlefield. Accepting it willingly, our touch ignited a verdant magical aura within my heart. In an instant, the pain, the injuries that had plagued me, vanished. My forehead, once stained with blood, now gleamed clean. Broken ribs and fractured limbs were miraculously made whole, as if a healing magic had breathed new life into my battered body.

As the radiant connection between Lysander and me deepened, a familiar warmth pulsed in our chests, a testament to our intertwined fates. This sensation was no longer just mine; it was shared, a heartbeat in tandem with the essence of Exceria, now Lysander's very heart.

Following his gaze, I locked eyes with our looming adversary, Johnny Wolvesbane, astride his formidable Harpy Dragon, a picture of arrogance and malevolence. The challenge before us was evident.

"Hiraya… Please lend me your strength once more," Lysander implored, his voice carrying a weight of determination and urgency.

With a resolute smile, I responded, "Of course." Placing my hand over my pulsating heart, I mirrored Lysander's gesture. As our hands met, a radiant golden light emanated from our chests, culminating in a blinding flash that resonated with unparalleled power.

"Activating Vesryn Pulse!" My voice echoed, a declaration of our united might and resolve against the looming threat.

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