Published at 24th of January 2017 10:21:24 PM

Chapter 11

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Chapter 11 – Flying Knife! There’s a Flying Knife!


“Come on and take it out already!” Gu Fei said in annoyance while stretching out his arm.

“Why should I give it to you?!” The young lady retorted.

Gu Fei frowned, it can’t be that I need to actually sincerely and earnestly explain to her that ‘stealing is bad and it is not well-becoming if you steal. Give it back to its rightful owner, okay?’ Don’t forget, Gu Fei was a teacher and had definitely said these kinds of words before. Right now, however, a person whose age was not much different from his own stood in front of him, and seeing her cool-headed and adept approach, he suspected that she could be a professional in this aspect. Regarding these kind of people, in general, wouldn’t they just speak nonsense when asked to tell the truth?

If reason didn’t work, then fists would do the talking. His childhood was built upon his old man’s influence, and in truth, for the most part, he and his dad’s character were basically of the same mold apart from their different perspectives regarding the goal of learning Kung Fu.

Gu Fei clenched and unclenched his fists, making the young lady’s face change, “What are you doing? You want to hit a person? And a young lady at that? You can’t be that despicable!”

“You don’t want to take a beating? Then take out the things you stole, or I’ll create some flaws on that pretty face of yours!” Gu Fei said.

The young lady looked horrified, and after a long time, finally gnashed her teeth, saying, “Fine! It’s my bad luck. Here, take it.” As she spoke she stuck her hand into her bag, took out a dagger, and hatefully flung it toward him.

This flying dagger, if he were to be hit by it, he wouldn’t have the face to call himself adept at Kung Fu. Reaching out to catch the dagger, he was about to properly explain himself with a couple of sentences when he saw that the young lady had already dashed away.  

Not good! Gu Fei cried out inwardly. What was this toy that he was holding in his hand? It was not [Frosted Memories] at all! He was obviously lied to! Frustrated, he chased after her once again.

Thinking that he could catch the ‘weak’ young lady in a few steps, he soon found just how wrong he was. Parallel World boasted how well they imitated reality, but they had overlooked a fundamental detail: the gap between men and women.

This game’s differentiation between gender was the same as other games: a simple change between the word “male” and “female”. With the exception of the outer appearance, there was no actual difference. Previously, on their official website, just like older games, sexual harassment of male players on female players was severely condemned, which had even led to a major revision. However, the fact of the matter was that the deciding factor was actually a player’s profession! He, a single male Mage,  wanted to have illegal intentions toward a female Warrior? Someone must have pinched his brain. His level was high, but of no use, even if he wanted to get close to the lawbreaker, he couldn’t. Separated by thirty-five meters, even if he used magic to cause an explosion reaching the skies, wouldn’t that also constitute as sexual harassment?

The male-female issue was definitely a bug, he angrily thought.

Take this young lady in front of him for instance, her speed could only be described with one word: fast.

In vain, he tried to distribute all his sixteen levels worth of stat points to agility. however, the young lady in front of him clearly displayed the true agility of her class. The distance between them gradually grew bigger – so much so that she could turn to face Gu Fei and give him a ghost of a smile.

Gu Fei was furious, but being furious wouldn’t help. The game simply wasn’t able to stimulate a person’s full potential. With effort, a person could easily attain their maximum, but to continue past and break through even in the slightest was absolutely impossible.

“Fool! Still chasing me! If we round a bend, you probably won’t even be able to see me!” Seeing that the distance she had created was large enough, the young lady unexpectedly stopped at the corner of the road and turned around to face Gu Fei.

“So it turns out that you won’t run anymore!” Gu Fei said, using the most primitive goading expression possible.

However, according to research specialists’ findings, women naturally had the capability to resist such goading, and sure enough, Gu Fei’s taunts were akin to throwing a rock and seeing it sink without a trace into the sea. The young lady looked as if she hadn’t heard and instead, with great emotion, blew a kiss towards him, “I’m done playing around with you, little Mage! I’m leaving now!”    

Finished, she turned and had already begun leaving when Gu Fei completely blew up, “Go and die!” As he shouted, the dagger in his hand flew out like a shooting star.

The flying dagger was much more vivid than Bruce Lee’s flying dagger.

Bruce Lee’s flying dagger was fast, but even more frightening, was it’s accuracy.

Bruce Lee’s flying dagger never missed its target! Regarding its accuracy, within the game, not counting dodging, it would absolutely hit the target.

Of course, the reason why it was so accurate was because of its speed! It was so unimaginably fast, that it simply became undodgeable.

Because Bruce Lee’s flying dagger was shot by the finest expert, each and every one of the expert’s moves were as cunning as a rabbit. It could be said that within the blink of an eye, the flying dagger would then disappear before your eyes. This kind of person was, of course, exceedingly fast.  

Regarding Gu Fei’s situation, he just needed to throw it at a young lady who had just turned and was preparing to run. As such, she did not have the capability to escape the Bruce Lee’s flying dagger’s awareness or skill. Simply firing the dagger at her was enough to achieve sufficient accuracy.

The extent of Gu Fei’s accuracy, who had been able to smash people’s eye sockets in with just a rock, was of course a given.

The dagger flew out with a – whoosh – sound.

“Ah!” The dagger planted itself in the middle of her calf, and at the corner of the road, she had already fallen to the ground.

Gu Fei rejoiced, and with the fastest speed possible, came over as the young lady was already bawling herself to tears.

It was most difficult to bear with a beauty’s tears and this time he, looking at the flow of blood, thought that he had gone a little too far.

Although this was a game and although the dagger as a whole wouldn’t hurt a person, it would probably still hurt a lot. Especially since, with a casual glance, he noticed that the dagger hadn’t simply scratched the surface, but was firmly planted within her calf. However, he was only speculating as he himself had never been stabbed by a heavy dagger before.

“You, you, you!!! That was so too much…!!!” The young lady pounded on the ground and watched as he drew closer, crying and pointing at him while shouting. Gu Fei inwardly felt a bit ashamed, but after remembering that this person was a criminal, he immediately faced the enemy with a winter-like cold attitude and ashen face. He then reached out with his hand into his bag, pulled out a bundle of small meat daggers, and roared, “If you continue to curse, I will stick all of these into you.”

The young lady immediately shut up. Having already been stabbed with a dagger, she didn’t dare to have a trace of doubt that he would stab another dagger in her body.

He, of course, was just trying to scare her. He already was regretting throwing the dagger from earlier, how could he stab her with so many knives?    

The young lady lying sideways on the ground with her hand dragging her wounded leg didn’t dare speak and only let out a “wu wu wu” crying sound.

Gu Fei’s hand touched the dagger stuck in her leg.

“Hey! What are you doing? Pervert!!!” Touching the wound brought a burst of pain and the young lady scolded without fear.

“Pulling it out! A dagger sticking out of a leg looks extremely ugly,” Gu Fei replied.

“Will pulling it out hurt?” The young lady asked naively.  

If this were reality and the blade stabbed non-vital parts, then there wouldn’t be too much blood flowing out, and people basically wouldn’t have to worry about losing their life. This was why at this time, whatever happened, a person could not lightly pull out the dagger or it would speed up the blood loss. However, Gu Fei thought, this could not be more than a game, so it should be okay to just pull it out, right? Thus, he nodded his head toward the young lady and said, “Pulling it out shouldn’t hurt.”

“Then pull it out already!” The young lady clenched her jaw.

“Fine!” Gu Fei grunted in reply, and without a pause, raised his hand and pulled out the dagger.

“Augh!” The young lady let out a miserable shriek. Not only was the pain ever present, but blood was also gushing out. The facts confirmed the truth: the game really was surprisingly realistic.  

“My HP is decreasing!” The young lady suddenly shouted out.

“Oh, crap!” Gu Fei was also anxious, “Quick, quick! Are there any strips of cloth?! Or better yet, a bandage!?!”

In spite of everything, the young lady actually handed over a bandage. Gu Fei took one look and recognized it as the game’s item called Staunch Bleeding Bandage. After tearing it open, he wrapped it around the young lady’s leg two to three times. In a flash, the blood stopped flowing, yet it was unknown to him if it stopped due to his basic knowledge of staunching blood, or if it was the item’s doing.

“Is your HP still dropping?” Gu Fei asked.

“No.” The young lady answered.

“Pfft, that was close!” Gu Fei let out a long breath. If the young lady’s HP had fallen to zero, she would return to the resurrection point and he wouldn’t know how to go about finding her.

Once the injury had stabilized, the young lady’s cries decreased and up until the very last sob, she would glare hatefully at him from time to time. When he felt his regret lessen to the the point where he almost had none, he extended his hand to the young lady, saying, “Enough, give [Frosted Memories] back to me!”

Although the young lady’s pocket that stored her items was within reach to the point where he could also touch it with a reach of his hand. However, he thoroughly understood that this pocket was equivalent to its owner’s source of wealth. On the other hand, to outsiders, it was just a pocket and by stretching their own hand outward, the only thing they would find in the pocket was their own hand.

At this moment she stopped looking so pained and replied with a bit of energy, “Right back at you, is this yours?”

“Uh… No!” Gu Fei answered.

“Then why should I give it to you?”

“Because it’s my friend’s!” Gu Fei defended.

“Friend?” The young lady sneered. “Why would friends not sit together? Don’t think I didn’t notice you; you and that lecherous guy next to you were definitely also eyeing this dagger.”

Gu Fei thought of Fireball who she was referring to. Indeed, at that time, Fireball’s eyes were hot, passionate, lecherous, and audacious.

“You stole, what good could you be up to?” Gu Fei retorted.

“Hah, I never said I was.”

“Hurry up and take it out!” Gu Fei put on a ruthless act.


“Then I’ll reinsert this!” Gu Fei picked up the dagger that he had just pulled out of her leg.

“Oh, if you want to do it, do it already!” The little smile, which had caught the eyes of everyone back at the entrance of the pub, had reappeared on the corner of her mouth again.

This little young lady! She unexpectedly was able to see through me! Gu Fei was depressed. At that very moment, he did not make a move.

“Actually, I know what you want!” The young lady stated.

“What are you talking about?”

“Before leaving the practice area, weren’t you already in the hands of the guy by the time you had reached the hillside?” The young lady asked.

The young lady from the hillside indeed had had her eyes on him. Gu Fei understood: this little young lady, from before that time all the way until the pub, had already noticed Ghost Blade’s dagger and had easily stolen it in front of everyone in the end.

“This thing is currently some of the best equipment! This game is so popular, if we were to sell this dagger online there will definitely be flocks of people who want it. At that time, it would fetch a high price and the two of us can split it. Is that fine? This way, you won’t want me to return the dagger, right?” The young lady explained.

“Stop!” Gu Fei showed an impression he thought to seem like the most despising stance. “I don’t want money, I just want to get my friend’s stuff back to him – don’t mistake a noble person for a villain.”

“Hey, you, stop acting and be a man. Why can’t you be candid like me, a single young lady?” she retorted.

“I am being honest!” Gu Fei dully replied. “Give me the stuff, and I won’t make things difficult for you. You think that I am doing something bad when I’m advising you about this kind of matter.”

“Oh?” The young lady rolled her eyes, “So you’re saying you’re actually a good person?”

“Of course!!!”

“Okay then… good person, could I bother you to take me to a Medicinal Master? Do you really think that the dagger wound you bound up will be okay? Take me over, and the dagger is yours,” the young lady said.

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