Published at 4th of September 2023 12:50:22 PM

Chapter 177

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“Speaking of the Mid-Autumn Festival being a family reunion holiday, haven’t your parents come back?” It wasn’t until the next morning during breakfast that Qiu Wuji remembered this matter.

As it stands, her only “family” is Chu Ge, and as long as he is there, it’s a reunion. It’s already good enough for her to recall that Chu Ge has other family members.

Chu Ge smiled, “It’s been like this for several years now. We exchange greetings on WeChat. I used to feel annoyed, but now it’s fine. I know they are doing something important.”

Breakfast was yesterday’s pancake, really, a true vacuum-sealed delicacy. Drinking a bit of soy milk with it made for a pretty good meal. It seemed like there was enough to eat for a few more days… Chu Ge slowly nibbled on the pancake and continued, “From another perspective, once a man gets married, his family is here. With you around, it’s a reunion.”

Qiu Wuji’s eyes curved, finding his words increasingly pleasing to hear. But then she immediately put on a straight face, “Who said we got married?”

Chu Ge chuckled and didn’t argue.

Seeing his confident and resolute expression, Qiu Wuji got annoyed. Who said being boyfriend and girlfriend means getting married? These days, having a boyfriend or girlfriend is normal. Your mindset is even more old-fashioned than mine!

She took a bite of the pancake with force, as if biting into the stinky moon in the book.

Chu Ge looked at her and wanted to laugh, “I need to write now. Today, you can try playing some games.”

Qiu Wuji said, “I see everyone discussing where to go and saying that they must go out for the long holiday…”

Chu Ge looked at her seriously, “Going out during a long holiday isn’t sightseeing, it’s just seeing. There’s no way to see any scenery, only people. Just think about the crowd at the park yesterday…”

Qiu Wuji thought about the crowds at the park last night and felt a bit sympathetic, “Then why do they insist on going out and suffering on this day?”

“It’s not that everyone chooses this time, but most people don’t have any other time to go out except during the holiday…”

Qiu Wuji paused for a moment, suddenly feeling the phrase “all beings are suffering,” realizing that her “work” as an assistant was truly relaxing.

“You mentioned the other day that we should save up some drafts and find a time when there’s nobody around to go out and play, how about that?” Qiu Wuji asked with great anticipation.

Chu Ge chuckled, “You didn’t want to go out before.”

“It’s not that I didn’t want to go out; it’s just that I felt there was no point in going far when I hadn’t explored nearby places. Now that I’m familiar with the surroundings, I’m ready to consider going farther.”

Chu Ge felt that was just an excuse. She had obviously started enjoying going out with her boyfriend now, but previously, she lacked interest… Nevertheless, this also meant that she was integrating more into the modern world, which was a good thing. He suggested, “It’ll be less fun if we go out later in winter. Maybe we can consider going to Hainan for Chinese New Year?”

The concept of celebrating Chinese New Year was present in the book. Qiu Wuji became excited at the idea, “That’s a deal then. You must save up more drafts during this time!”

Chu Ge was forced by his own assistant to go write and save drafts.

In reality, what kind of drafts could he save… Readers always think authors write three chapters and release two chapters every day, so they should be able to save up one chapter every day, which would amount to 365 chapters in a year. But in reality, 99% of authors only have drafts during the preparation period before starting a book. Once they have drafts, it makes them less vigilant — “I have drafts, so if I feel tired today, I’ll take a break,” or “I have drafts, so today I’ll release extra chapters to beat those jerks!”

What? Daily sales have dropped below 100? Watch me release an extra chapter!

What? My monthly votes were tampered with? I’ll release extra chapters and ask for votes to defeat them!

Oh, I’m spending the Mid-Autumn Festival with my wife today, no worries, I have drafts.

So, drafts are always a consumable item, and they will only decrease until they are gone. They can’t be increased… One day, suddenly, one would realize, “Where are my drafts? I had so many chapters saved, but they’re gone, sob sob sob…”

Now, let’s start saving again? Today I’m in a good mood, I wrote an extra chapter. Haha, great, it’s been so long since I felt so at ease. Finally, I can sleep in tomorrow…

What a load of nonsense.

Chu Ge knew so many authors, but after writing tens of thousands of words, none of them had any drafts left. If there were any, it meant they saved one chapter tonight to release tomorrow morning. There was an author who planned to save drafts before the new year and ended up still writing on New Year’s Eve, tears streaming down.

So, the idea of saving drafts and going to Hainan for Chinese New Year was just wishful thinking.

Chu Ge sat in front of the computer with a gloomy face, pondering how to plan and leave some drafts. There were still four months until the New Year, and it seemed like there was enough time to prepare… although he had no confidence at all, going out with Qiu Wuji seemed important…

At this moment, Qiu Wuji was searching for a master in the group chat, asking, “I want to play a competitive game. Which one is better?”

The group chat instantly exploded with responses: “Come play League of Legends? I’m really good with Yasuo!”

“Come to Dota 2, my ranking is 7,000 in the ladder!”

“Shut up, PUBG is best.”

“Go die in PUBG.”

The group chat was in chaos, and Qiu Wuji ended up muting several people, but she was still confused.

Blue Pill: “Oh, Qiu Qiu, come play World of Warcraft (WOW), it’s more suitable for you.”

In fact, Qiu Wuji was somewhat interested in the mining game in World of Warcraft, so she asked, “Why is it more suitable for me?”

“Because there are stealth characters in WOW who can sneak behind enemies and take them out with a combo.”

“But Chu Ge said it’s an archaeology game and too old.”

“Do you think Dota 2 and League of Legends are much newer games? They are all more than ten years old. If you count Dota 1, it’s even older.”

Qiu Wuji didn’t understand any of these terms.

Panda said, “Competitive games can easily raise your blood pressure and make you irritable. If that happens, our Chu Ge will suffer… In WOW, it’s more like cultivating…”

“Cultivating!” Qiu Wuji caught the keyword.

Wan Zijun said, “Don’t listen to that fat guy’s misleading. In WOW, when the next raid comes, you won’t even have time to feed your pet. Cultivating my foot, in a competitive game, you can just play badly, worst case, just go AFK, and it won’t affect anything.”

Blue Pill: “Can’t you AFK in WOW raids as well?”

“You think raid leaders won’t kick you if you do that?”

“I’ll just lead the raid myself…”

“That’s just for family and friends, the guild will disband…”

Panda fell silent.

Wan Zijun: “If you really want to play this kind of raiding game, you might as well play “Jianxia Qingyuan” (剑三), it’s also an old game, but it has lower hardcore requirements. It’s more like a large-scale social and cosplay game…”

Qiu Wuji’s eyes lit up.

The clothes everyone wore last night, weren’t they from “Jianxia Qingyuan”?

“If you want to play a stealth class, “Jianxia Qingyuan” also has Tangmen and Mingjiao… Most importantly, the characters are handsome and cultivate immortality, much better than WOW with a bunch of green-skinned trolls and tauren, suitable for Qiu Qiu…” Wan Zijun said.

“WOW also has Blood Elves…” Panda muttered, “How do you know so much?”

Wan Zijun proudly said, “I’m not talented, but in the game “Jianxia Qingyuan,” I’m known as the Casanova of the Sword Sect. I have more love interests than the Blood Elves you’ve encountered.”

Wan Zijun was muted for ten minutes by the administrator, Qiu Wuji.

Panda laughed so hard that he almost knocked his keyboard over.

With a single sentence, Qiu Wuji gave up the idea of entering “Jianxia Qingyuan.” The combination of large-scale social, Casanova, and love interests made her feel that the men in the game were not to be trusted. Moreover, Chu Ge didn’t have time to play with her as love interests together…

“In that case, how about Dota 2?” Panda suggested, “It’s also in the Warcraft series, and I’m familiar with it. I can guide you when you have time.”

Qiu Wuji trusted Panda more, so she reluctantly decided on the game journey, settling on the old game Dota 2, which even has ancient roots.

Soon, with a “ding,” the game was downloaded. Fiber-optic is fast.

She opened the game icon and registered an account, skillfully entering her chosen ID: “Qu Qiu.”

“Your nickname is already taken. You can choose ‘Qiu Qiu 2021’.”

Qiu Wuji: “?”

In frustration, she took a screenshot and sent it to Chu Ge, “Chu Ge, Chu Ge, my ID is taken!”

Chu Ge remained silent for a moment and replied with amazement, “The internet culture has gotten smarter nowadays…”

“Don’t be amazed, tell me what to do!”

“Others are just fake Qiu Wuji. Just use “Qiu Qiu who ran out of the book” directly…”

Qiu Wuji was taken aback, “Is that okay? Won’t it be too explicit? What if others believe it…”

Chu Ge walked over leisurely, holding a teacup from the next room. “Who would believe such an ID? How about this…”

He logged out of Qiu Wuji’s account, registered a new one for himself, and seriously typed, “Chu Ge who wants to be in the book” After completing the registration, he smiled and said, “Now it’s a couple’s ID, right?”

Qiu Wuji blushed a bit and pushed Chu Ge out the door, “Go away, always thinking about being a couple!”

After sending him away, Qiu Wuji logged back into her account and looked around sneakily toward the door before entering “Qiu Qiu who ran out of the book”

“So how do I get familiar with this game?” Qiu Wuji asked in the group chat.

The group members quickly gave the standard answer, “Choose Shadow Fiend, TP to the middle tower at the beginning, and type ‘?’ to everyone in the chat. You will immediately experience the charm of this game.”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!