Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:52:19 AM

Chapter 35

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Chapter 35: The King of Beasts and the Strongest Maid

Shishishi, it went well. 

King Lycan II smiles as he is brought back to the royal capital Lycanvania, by the Führer’s ship, Fugaku. 

I have to return to get the King’s seal. Well, there is no lie to this. 

Without the King’s Seal, the document cannot be made official by the royal family. Therefore, I can’t make any surrender. There is no falsehood at all so far. 

But whether we will surrender with open arms is a different story. 

I fully understood that we could not win on either land or sea, no matter how hard we tried. I can fully understand in my head that they also have complete control over my life and death. 

But for Lycan II, defeat is unacceptable. 

If winning is not possible…The only way out is to run away. 

If there is no chance at all to escape, then we may surrender…Fortunately for him, maybe unfortunately for him, he got that opportunity again. 

As usual, Fugaku anchored offshore Lycanvania due to lack of draft. 

From there, Lycan II boards a launch boat and lands in Lycanvania. That’s about it… 

“…What now?” 

The one who glared grimly at Lycan II was that maid― Ayame. 

Aside from one soldier piloting the launch boat, this one maid came along as a supervisor. 

This maid, volunteered herself to be the supervisor. She was also alone. 

After confining her own master to her bedroom under the guise of “bondage neglect play,” she went off on her own, pushing through the opposition. 

“What are you gonna do, maid? Do you honestly… You alone are capable of serving as a supervisor?” 

“Yes, of course.” 

Ayame confronts Lycan II with a dignified attitude. 

Lycan II observes Ayame for a while. 

She is a dignified girl with shoulder-length black hair. She must be beautiful as a human, her appearance is so well defined that even as a Beastkin, Lycan II would agree. 

Her build is… that of average for a woman, no maybe a bit shorter? Alongside the more petite Eryutheia, she would appear taller but in reality, her height is not that much taller. 

Her muscle build is poor compared to those of the muscular Lycan II. She’s a beautiful and slender maid. 


“You sure are very confident, maid. Do you ever consider that I might kill you and run away?” 

When he asked her this, Ayame simply laughed. Then she said, “If you can.” 

―try it to do it “If you can.” That is what she meant. 

A Maid and a King. 

Amidst the tension between the two, the launch boat arrives at the port of Lycanvania. 

Crowds gathered in the poorly maintained medieval-style harbor to watch the Yamato Imperial Fleet that suddenly appeared. 

“Hey, look! That giant ship! That’s the human fleet!” 

“Did our navy lose!? That’s impossible! The fleet led by the undefeated Lycan II!?” 

The crowd points at the approaching launch boat and shouts, “It’s Lycan II! The King is alive!”

But then Lycan II appears before them. 

His face is covered with blood, and his arms are bound, without any sign of freedom. 

“Aah, look at the shape His Majesty the King is in…” 

“We are doomed. Our navy has been defeated after all.” 

“We lost the decisive battle in Tigervania, and now we’re losing again here… At this rate, the beastkin will…” 

After seeing this, the citizens of Lycanvania realized that their fleet had been defeated. Captured by the human nation, that much is certain. 

The people’s minds begin to fall into despair. 


“Listen to me! My loyal fellow beastkins! We haven’t lost yet! Kill the humans here and start the war again!” 

Brought back by Lycan II’s command. 

Not to mention, their patriotism is high due to strong nationalism. Now all they need is an order from their leader so they can fight. 

The Lion Tribe Guard was the first to respond to his command. 

They had gathered at the harbor to see what was going on, and they were the first to thrust their spears at Ayame. 

Their number was… About 20. They surrounded a single girl with that many people. 

“Well well, Lycan II-dono. Did you lie when you said you were going to surrender?” 

“Dumbass! Who wouldn’t run away when there’s a great opportunity like this! It is your own fault for being deceived!” 

Lycan II tasted defeat after being beaten over and over again. But this time it’s different. A single girl against a large number of guards and 10,000 citizens. 

There is no way we can lose. 

He is so sure of his victory that he can’t help but laugh out loud. 

But… Ayame keeps a composed expression on her face. She simply gives an order, “You should run away,” to the pilot of the launch boat behind her. 

“Hmph, so you knew this would happen. Did you intend to limit the number of victims to yourself? That’s impressive. If you weren’t a lowly human being, I would like you to be my subordinate.” 

Lycan II turns his vulgar gaze on Ayame as if to find something adorable in her. 

“Don’t be silly, I have no intention of dying. Besides, I belong to Eryu-san for all eternity. Always have been, always will be, a thousand years from now, even ten thousand years from now…” 

This Ayame is… No, Ayame and Eryutheia are essentially immortal. 

An avatar and her adjutant who play several hundred years of game time. Just two entities that live close to infinity. 

That is why Ayame is unusually obsessed with Eryutheia. 

Only Eryutheia, who also has an equally infinite lifespan, can stay with her for the rest of her life. 

Then there’s… Ayame who has lived for 300 years of “Rasbata” time is by no means a fragile girl. 

“Kill her!” 

A sharp order from Lycan II. 

Accordingly, the guards charge at Ayame with their spearheads aligned. 

“Did you get her!” 

The guards surrounding the perimeter charged at her. At the moment of the clash, Lycan II exclaimed unintentionally. 

But that’s a flag. 

“Too bad, it missed. It wasn’t even close.” 

Ayame jumped high into the air to avoid the spear. 

“What about it! You can’t dodge in mid-air! Get her!” 

The guards point their spears at Ayame in the air. 

Once she lands, she’ll be skewered. 


“If things drag on too long, Eryu-san will get worried… Let’s end it here” 

The second Ayame raises her hand, all the guards collapse at the same time. With their bodies torn to pieces. 

In the blink of an eye, the port turned into a sea of blood. 

There are no more spears aimed at her. Ayame descends there alone. 

“I-Imposible! W-What is this, magic!?” 

“Do I need to answer that question?” 

As a maid, she needs to be strong. 

Ayame exists only to protect Eryutheia. For her, beating up the small army that doesn’t even have any firearms is anything but a trivial task… 

“Now, Lycan II-dono. I am afraid the price of this treachery will be high… Are you prepared to pay the price for this betrayal?” 

Ayame takes a step forward. 

The monster maid who was able to dispatch the guards with just a wave of her hand. Lycan II’s legs crumble in fear. 

“O-Oy, people! Kill this maid! Save me from her, this Lycan II!” 

Lycan II desperately gives orders. 

But none of the people were willing to obey. Had this been before the guards were torn to pieces, they would have gladly obeyed the King’s orders and attacked Ayame. 

But how many of them can say, “Yes, I’m on my way,” when the guards are being torn to pieces in front of their eyes and the king is sitting back in a pitiful position? 

Hey, you go. No, you go first. 

If you confront her, you will die. This maid’s incomprehensible magic will tear you into pieces. 


That is the only thing that deters people from participating in the fight. People won’t fight if they know they’re going to die. 

“Uooohh! N-nooo!” 

When Lycan II realized that no one would help him, he ran away as fast as he could. 

And then… 

“That’s enough already. Father.” 

“Gubhyu… Why, Leon? To your father…!” 

He was stabbed with a knife, ending his life. 

Prince Leon, who stood in his path, stabbed Lycan II to death as he tried to escape. 

“You are…” 

“I am Leon. First in line to the throne of Beastvania. Now that my father is dead… That is why I have become the new King.” 

Then he looks at his surroundings. The warships of the Yamato Empire anchored offshore, the torn corpses of the guards, and the ravaged and battered Lycan II. 

“I understand the situation. I also know what my father was trying to do…” 

He understood all about his father’s defeat and his attempt of running away for some reason. 

That is why he killed his father. Do not provoke the Yamato Empire any further. The sins of his own family members must be cleared by himself. 

Because he knows it is the only way to end this war, this unwinnable war of annihilation. 

Leon bows deeply and offers Ayame the sword he carries on his waist. 

“Take this to the King of your country… Beastvania, the Beastkin Nation, hereby surrenders to your country.” 

Thus, the Beastvania War finally comes to an end. 

Back to Fugaku again. 

The phase of deciding winners and losers on the ‘battlefield’ through the shedding of countless blood is over. From now on, the final showdown will take place on the ‘Assembly Floor’. 


Author Note:

Perverts and maids are all very strong. That’s what I think.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!