Published at 3rd of May 2024 06:52:17 AM

Chapter 37

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Chapter 37: The Beast’s view of the Führer

Bright southern sun shining down.

Meanwhile, Leon, who stabbed his father Lycan II to death has become the next king, was standing on the deck of a ship.

The name of the ship is Fugaku. With a displacement of 5,000 tons, this ship was designed for Eryutheia, the Führer of the Yamato Empire.

“While looking at it from the outside, I was aware of its size… Once you get on board, I realize it’s even bigger. What do you think, Mar?”

“…This Mar, is no expert when it comes to ships.”

“I do not mind, speak your mind.”

Fugaku’s foredeck. While looking up at the bridge, Leon asked old General Mar, who was standing next to him. Mar took one look around the deck and replied, “It would be impossible to build something like this in our country.”

“As you can see, most of the ship is made of high-quality steel. And the deck. It’s covered with high-quality wood, perhaps to prevent slipping, and that alone says a lot about how much it’s worth…”

“There is no way that our Beastvania country can even prepare that much iron. And that country has bigger ships than this one…”

Leon looked around at each ship of the 1st Fleet anchored to protect Fugaku. They are all massive and powerful battleships, led by the dreadnought class battleship Fuji.

Without sails or oars, the Yamato Empire’s ships sailed on, spewing black smoke.

Even excluding how the system works, which is incomprehensible to them, this ship is too technologically sophisticated for their common sense based on the structure of the ship alone.

“A superpower with technological prowess completely apart from ours, no doubt. It might be more accurate to call it a ‘nation from another world’.”

Another world― Leon lets out a chuckle at Mar’s words.

A different world is something that is hard to believe even in this world of magic… It cannot be said that it is a far-fetched idea after being shown something like this.

In addition, they are surrounded by the Imperial Guard, the maids unit, who stand in line to monitor them. This unit is responsible for the Führer’s escort and the defense of Fugaku.

When you think about it, this is an unusual sight.

This scene can be considered quite unusual even from a modern Japanese point of view. Girls dressed in cute, frilly maid outfits, carrying bolt-action rifles and lined up like soldiers.

“No wonder you call them from another world, with all these strangely dressed female soldiers.”

Amazing, perhaps in a sense it is only natural that Leon had this impression.

For the record, these maids are dressed in maid uniforms complete with mini-skirts and knee socks, the so-called ‘absolute area’ design.

Leon, who is accustomed to the less revealing clothing of medieval culture, sees such a thing… There is no need to tell you where this is going.

“So this is the artistic style of this country… I like it, maybe we should adopt it in my country?”

He had begun to awaken to something he shouldn’t have.

Under the watchful eyes of the Imperial Guard, they make their way to Fugaku’s conference room for their peace conference.

By the way, the guide was Fugaku’s captain, Yozakura.

She led him around the ship, walking through the ship. Not that she showed him anything in particular. They just walked along the corridor for a while.

That was more than enough for them to be amazed.

The Führer’s ship ‘Fugaku’ is a palace that sails the seas. It is also a palace for the Führer, who is the subject of a strange religious belief by the citizens of the nation.

It is no exaggeration to say that all of the Yamato Empire’s national resources were invested in its interior.

The goal of the ship was to be “the most luxurious ship in the world.” It must be so luxurious that any other ship would look like a piece of garbage in comparison.

As a result, the interior of the Fugaku is so extravagant that even the most luxurious hotels could be described as dog kennels.

The ship was built with great enthusiasm using World War I-level technology.

What would happen if a person from a medieval era level walked in such a place?

If they were just an ordinary person, they would probably have just said, “Wow… it’s amazing,” without really understanding what it was all about.

However, both Leon and Mar have a “discerning eye for things” because they were in a position to do so.

They are amazed when they see rugs of incomparably higher quality than those in their own country, when they see beautiful mirrors without distortion, or when they see a simple light bulb and exclaim, “What is that shiny object?” And surprisingly…”

“Just from the structure of this ship alone, I can imagine how formidable their national power could be, Prince Leon, this is…”

“This is really a floating castle. The interior of this hallway is more magnificent than my own room. We are no match for them.”

Fugaku was the perfect propaganda tool to show the power of the Yamato empire.

And then…

“This is the conference room. Her Excellency the Führer is already waiting for you. Don’t be disrespectful.”

“I know, um…”

“It’s Yozakura. I am the captain of this ship.”

Captain Yozakura conducts herself in a businesslike manner. She is rather gentle with the Führer but very harsh with them. But this is not to imply that they are discriminating against the Beastkins.

Yozakura and the rest of the Imperial Guard are cold to everyone but the Führer, that’s all.

Leon gave her an awkward affectionate smile.

Incidentally, his eyes are fixed on her ample breasts. Leon is a healthy young man, so he cannot overcome the magical charm of large breasts, even if they are human.

……Needless to say, worshipping big breasts is a felony in the Yamato Empire. Be mindful of boobs while in Yamato Empire.

Bidding farewell to those boobs, he enters the conference room.

Usually, the large windows in the conference room are wide open.

However, on this particular occasion, it was closed off from the outside world by thick curtains, and the atmosphere was dark and heavy.

Then, there are two rows of tables.

The representatives of the Yamato Empire side were already lined up in the upper seats.

Representatives of the Army and Navy on the site, the officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and their respective secretaries.

And then…

“She is the Führer of the Empire, Eryutheia…”

The person sitting in the center of the representatives of the Yamato Empire.

A small, beautiful girl wearing a black military uniform reminiscent of the old German army. Behind her is another beautiful maid― Ayame, an eternally beautiful girl.

Leon couldn’t help but be captivated by the girl’s beauty.

In general, beastkins do not have romantic feelings for humans, and vice versa.

The relationship between a human and a beastkin is similar to that between a human and a chimpanzee. Not many humans would fall in love with a chimpanzee, a creature that looks similar but is very different.

However…There is a beauty in this world that transcends even racial boundaries.

In the dimly lit conference room, her silver hair was slightly illuminated, giving her a mysterious atmosphere, and her face was unusually well-shaped. And then…

“This is, how shameless…”

“What are you talking about, Mar? It’s what we would call a fine and elegant work of art.”

Under the table, you can see her beautiful white and smooth thighs. If you look hard enough, you can almost see into the realm you’re not supposed to.

The absolute area, consisting of the combination of a miniskirt and knee socks, was also effective against the beastkin.

There is no beastkin who gets excited by human feet. It is the same as no human being would get excited by the feet of a chimpanzee.

But what if the chimpanzee’s feet are exceptionally beautiful?

Leon’s sexuality became distorted. In human terms, it’s like a furry, arousal with different species.

But that’s not all.

Eryutheia, who understood from his gaze that he was staring at her thighs, quickly covered them with her hands.

“…Where are you looking, creep.”

A peerless beauty with a blush on her face, glaring at him with cold, contemptuous eyes.

This was too intense for Leon, who had only reached the age of a junior high school student. The door into the wrong world was opened with a loud bang.

Leon’s proclivities were completely distorted, and the peace conference went smoothly for the Yamato Empire due to this phenomenon, which was later known as the ‘Dominatrix Revolution’.

What was established by this conference was basically the same as what had been presented to Lycan II earlier.

One, Yamato Empire and Beastvania Beastkin Nation are on equal relations of friendship.

Two, Beastvania Beastkin Nation will pay 10 tons of gold as postwar compensation. This may be substituted for other goods.

Three, Beastvania Beastkin Nation will sign a trade treaty with the Empire and completely abolish tariffs.

Four, Beastvania Beastkin Nation will stop discriminating against half-beastkins and will strive to build an independent nation for half-beastkins.

A few supplementary clauses were added to this, such as the treatment of the occupied territories, bringing the Beastvania War to an end.

And with this reconciliation, Eryutheia’s prestige was further elevated. “As expected, the Fuhrer’s thighs! A treasure of the world, that even charms the beasts!”

There is no doubt that the person in question had a very complicated look on her face.


Author Note:

Thanks for the many reports on the spelling errors.

With this, the Beastvania War is now concluded.

Well, even if the war is over, there is no way that the different races can be on good terms with each other, and it will probably be settled with a mere 20-year truce.

If you found it interesting, I would be very grateful if you could give it a high rating or bookmark it.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!