Published at 19th of February 2024 05:57:34 AM

Chapter 57

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When Nirra exited the guild. She saw Ellie sitting on the steps with Ameria and Mofu. The small vulpen was rubbing his head on Ameria's side, his colors still blue. Ameria still looked a bit distraught about earlier, with her head hung low. She noticed Mofu comforting her, so she turned to her side to pet him. Mofu enjoyed the pets, of course, and his secondary colors slowly changed to a dim red.

"Thanks, Mofu," she murmured in a low voice, slowly feeling a bit better.

"Oh, sis, what took you so long?" The three then turned to Nirra after Ellie noticed her presence.

"Oh, the guildmaster came down to check what the commotion was about, so I had to explain some things to him," she answered.

"Alright, what did he say?" They stood up and walked up to Nirra.

"He said to just evade that guy from earlier. He'll issue a punishment for him later," She answered. Cmon, let's go; we still have a quest to complete." She then kneeled so that Mofu could jump on her shoulder. The small vulpen gladly took his place on Nirra's shoulder as she stood up.

"Alright, let's go," Ellie said while they started walking towards the eastern gate.

"Feeling a bit better, Ameria?" Nirra asked as she walked alongside her.

"Yeah, thank you for defending me back there," Ameria said as the sound of their steps changed to that of walking on dirt since they were nearing the gate.

"No problem; whatever the reason he said those things to you, we won't let it slice since you're our friend." Nirra obviously lied since she already knew her past thanks to guildmaster Viceroy. She smiled at Ameria, which made her feel safe with the twins.

"Just the next time we see him, he's getting a knife shoved in his eye sockets," Ellie said with her teeth clenched. "No one talks to my sister like that and gets away with it," she continued as they approached the gate.

As they exited the city, they only saw green plains all around, with the river flowing through and out of the city as the only notable thing in their sights.

"Sooooo, where do you find doomslimes?" Ellie said as they stood outside the city gate.

"If I remember correctly, slimes are made when there's an abundance of elemental mana. The kind of slime that we are looking for is a bloater," Ameria explained.

"Wait, doomslimes are not an elemental type of slime?" Nirra asked.

"No, that's their common name. Their real name when described in books is Bloater. They're only called that because of the ominous red substance they leak when killed, which was believed to cause doom to the environment they die in." She explained further.

"Then that means we can find them fairly easily?" Ellie questioned as she crossed her arms while talking.

"Well, a bloater slime can spawn with other slimes, but in 2 or 3, depending on how large the group that spawned is. We just need to detect a place where there is an abundance of elemental mana, and we should see a few jumping around, Ameria said as she closed her eyes to focus.

"There, over that small hill. She pointed to the place to their right, which was a small mound of dirt. "There's an abundance of wind elemental mana there; we should find some slimes in that location."

The twins nodded as they started walking towards where Ameria had pointed them. Once they reached the top of the small hill, they saw four groups of light blue slime slimes gathered near each other.

"They look so cute jumping around like that," Ellie said as she gazed at the group.

"Agreed." Nirra then took a look of her own. "Which ones are the bloaters?" She looked at Ameria, who was also looking at the groups of slimes.

"They're the larger of the group that have a glowing substance inside them, hence the name Bloaters. I count 7 boaters with 12 normal slimes," she said. The bloaters were slimes  that had something glowing red inside them.

"Did you remember to bring the bottles, sis?" Nirra said as she looked at her sister.

"Yep, what do you take me for?" Ellie pouted at Nirra's assumption that she was forgetful.

"Just checking" Nirra whistled while she looked away.

"You two will never change," Ameria giggled while looking at the twins.

"What does she mean by that?" Ellie turned to Nirra for an answer.

"She means that you'll still be a forgetful girl," Nirra said as she looked at Ellie with pity in her eyes.

"Alright, that's enough, you two; we've got some slimes to take out. Ellie, stay back while me and Nirra take them out of range. We don't want them to explode and waste the debris ooze Nirra is looking for," Ameria said as Ellie nodded while she brought out 10 bottles with her.

"Hey Nirra, how about a little wager?" Ameria said while smirking.

"Pray tell," Nirra said.

"The one who gets the least amount of slime kills buys dinner for the three of us," She said in a playful manner.

"You're on," Nirra replied as she loaded round after round into her Model 1873.

The two then let loose on their weapons, with bullets and arrows flying everywhere. As they competed to see who could kill more slimes. Red smoke covered Nirra's body after the continued shooting. Ameria even fired three arrows at a time, as some missed and some hit their mark. By the end, all the slimes were killed, and they went down to collect the debris ooze.

"I count nine," Ameria said as she collected the ooze from the dead doomslimes in a bottle. The ooze itself was a dark red color like the one she originally commissioned from the guild a few years ago.

"Ten, I win!" Nirra exclaimed as she finished collecting three bottles of the debris ooze.

"Haha, well played, Ms. Agustine," Ameria conceded as she stood up after filling up three bottles of her own.

"Alright, done. That should be all 10 bottles collected," Ellie said as she finished collecting four bottles.

"Let's get them to the guild and turn this quest over." Ameria said as they grouped up at the base of the small hill.

"Alright, let's go," Ellie said as they started their walk back inside the city gates.

As the sun cast a golden haze on the surroundings. Nirra noticed that Ameria had already forgotten about her earlier and was genuinely having fun shooting slime with her. So she smiled behind her back just as she was striking up a conversation with Ellie.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!