Published at 3rd of April 2024 08:03:18 AM

Chapter 579: Chapter 579: The Second Test

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Chapter 579: The Second Test

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The crowd widened their eyes, even more attentive than Feng Tianlan.

Only to hear him say, At present, little Qingluan has only me as her senior here. We share a father-daughter bond, and I feel like Im marrying my daughter off. She has always respected me, and if you want to marry her, kneel down and beg me.


Make Prince Lan kneel down and beg him?

Even Xuanzong, the Emperor of Chengyuan Kingdom, wouldnt dare make him kneel, right?

This Senior Han had extraordinary courage.

Where was this test easy?

What kind of status did Royal Prince Lan have, to actually make him kneel?

Its said that even in the Holy Heaven Dynasty, no one dared to make Royal Prince Lan kneel. Mr. Han was really daring!

Feng Tianlan stood still, looking expressionless, making it impossible to discern his thoughts.

Everyone thought he must be very angry.

This Senior Han, relying on being the Guardian Princess senior, was really audacious.

Where was this a test? It seemed more like an attempt to disrupt the wedding, didnt it?

Hidden inside the door, Gu Xiaonan and Feng Yuanxi were also stunned.

Feng Yuanxi furrowed his brows and asked Xiaonan, Why is this Senior Han acting like this? Does he want to ruin Mother and Daddys wedding?

Gu Xiaonan pursed his lips and replied in a low voice, Grandpa Han is very kind to me and Mother. Hes just worried that Mother might marry the wrong person, so hes testing Daddy.

Feng Yuanxi couldnt help but worry, Isnt he pushing Daddy to his limit? Im afraid Dad will lose his temper.

Ah, will he kill Grandpa Han? Gu Xiaonan remembered Feng Tianlans angry expression from before and couldnt help but worry about Han Xiao.

Not likely, Feng Yuanxi thought that his father cared too much about his mother to harm someone she cared about. However, if this Senior Han continued to provoke his father, it might irritate him and lead to unpredictable consequences.

Just kneeling is such a simple gesture, and he cant even do that? It seems like you dont really care about our little Qingluan either, Han Xiao provocatively said.

Not to mention the groom, even the onlookers were infuriated.

Actually, it wasnt uncommon for the brides father to make things difficult for the groom during a marriage proposal, even if it was just for show.

This was perfectly normal.

However, Senior Hans tone and attitude were simply too arrogant, and everyone was getting angry just by looking at him.

Moreover, he wasnt Gu Qingluans biological father, just an uncle in name. With the grooms dignified status, asking him to kneel down was a bit of a stretch.

With Prince Lans status, he definitely wouldnt kneel kneel?

As everyone was furious, they saw Feng Tianlan slowly bend his knees.

Han Xiao watched him calmly, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Uncle Han, stop joking around.

Just at that moment, a melodious female voice sounded.

At the same time, a gentle breeze flew out from the door, supporting Feng Tianlans knee.

Feng Tianlan was half-kneeling, and his eyes suddenly lifted, looking towards the direction of the door.

They saw a figure in fiery red quickly flying out from the door. The slender and graceful figure was wrapped in a dazzling red robe, like a blooming red lotus, with a phoenix soaring.

Feng Tianlan stared at her with burning eyes.

Others were also drawn to her.

The bride came out by herself?

Hehe, it looks like the Guardian Princess cant bear to see the groom being tested. Is she feeling sorry for him?

Wuwuwu, the Guardian Princess and Prince Lan are so loving. One is willing to give up everything for the other, even kneeling to propose, and the other cant bear to see her lover being tested and wronged. What kind of fairy-tale love is this!

Gu Qingluan landed next to Han Xiao, with a red veil covering her head. Everyone couldnt see her face clearly, but that didnt stop them from trying to catch a glimpse.

Han Xiao helplessly said, Why did your come out here, you little girl? Are you afraid that 1 will devour your lover?

Feng Tianlans gaze towards Gu Qingluan became even more intense..

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