Published at 23rd of June 2023 09:56:32 AM

Chapter 47

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by GlueGourmandizer Follow


Original Author: ひのはら (Hinohara)
Date Submitted to Kakuyomu: 2021/10/22


In a venue where celebrities normally hold live performances, boys and girls around the same age as Aira have gathered, all wearing black suits.



Aira let out a yawn in her seat while a department head gives a speech.
She's having a hard time getting comfortable in this suit.



"Isn't that girl cute?"
"Wow, she seriously is... I wonder what department she's in."



Ignoring the voices around her, Aira looks straight ahead.
She hasn't confirmed that the one they're talking about is her.


Aira has already gotten used to getting some stares whenever she goes somewhere new.



"Hey, what's your name? Give me your contact information."


Once the entrance ceremony ended, the boy sitting next to her tried to strike up a conversation but Aira leaves her seat without saying anything.



Her black pumps clack against the pavement as she walks. Along the way, several people offer her leaflets for clubs, but she ignores all of them.


She had no intention of joining any clubs from the very beginning.
She knows that makes her seem unsociable, but she wants to use that time for either a part-time job or to go on dates with Ema.


In the location they have agreed upon beforehand, Aira finds Ema's car on the side of a road a short distance from the venue.
After knocking on the window, she gets into the passenger seat.



"Good work."
"All I did is show up."
"That suit looks cute on you."



Aira has heard people call her cute countless times.
Her heart has grown completely cold to compliments about her appearance. However, when those words come from Ema, her heart flutters.



Right now, those words bring her joy.
When it's the person she loves saying them, their meaning seems to change so much.



"...Doing it in a suit would be pretty sexy."



After having sex for the first time, Ema has returned to her usual self.
Did she make a breakthrough of some kind? She has become a bit pushy like before and teases Aira whenever there's an opportunity.


People say that love makes you blind. Perhaps there's some truth to that because Aira finds even that part of Ema lovely.



"...You're not joining any clubs?"
"I prefer to be with you instead."
"...We'll be together at home. I think it's a good idea for you to make some friends at university."


She knows that Ema is right, but Aira still shakes her head.



Maybe she's a bit desperate to make up for that one and a half years apart.


"...But, I'm not interested."



Looking out the window, she sees students wearing the same suit.


Ema also looks out and seems to suddenly remember something.



"By the way, did your mother come to the entrance ceremony?"
"Yes, though when I told her that I'll be going back with you, she commented about how we seem to be a little too close."
"Do you think she suspects that we're in a relationship?"


As she wonders how to respond, the car starts up.



Though not related by blood, they are still cousins in addition to both being women.



Aira does not want to feel guilty about their relationship, but what exactly should she say if her family asks her about it?



"...Maybe we should pay your family a visit and properly tell them about us."
"But... that might not be a good idea... they might get surprised."
"I see..."



This makes it seem like Aira is trying to hide her relationship with Ema.
Even though she loves her and wants to cherish her.



Trying to hide her relationship with her beloved Ema makes it seem like she's feeling guilty for it.



She can't help but feel a bit disgusted with herself for this.











Although she has slowly been getting used to lovemaking, she still has ways to go before she can fully keep up with Ema's pace.



Hearing the intercom ringing, Aira wakes up on the bed which still has some remnants from her actions with Ema last night.


After putting on her loungewear that has been scattered all over the bed, Aira heads out of the bedroom to check the intercom that interrupted her sleep.


Her eyes widen in shock at what she sees on the monitor.






The image transmitted to the monitor from the first floor shows Aira's mother and Ema's mother.


After rushing back to the bedroom, Aira shakes Ema's body.



"Ema, wake up..."
"Mama came here... and she's with Auntie Yuuko."



Ema rushes to the intercom while getting dressed.



Once she sees the two of them on the monitor, her face twitches.



"Wha-what's going on...!?"
"I don't know... they never said anything about coming here..."



Ema sighs in resignation when those two press the intercom again.



"...I'll go and show them in..."



After seeing Ema leave the apartment, Aira sits down on the sofa with her face pale.



Why did those two come here?
Since she has been hiding something from them, she can't shake off her guilt.



The notion that the two of them have come here because they have grown suspicious of her relationship with Ema lingers in Aira's mind.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!