Published at 19th of February 2024 07:14:10 AM

Chapter 724: Annoying Delay (2)

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Chapter 724 Annoying Delay (2)

The remaining Zephyrwings regrouped, flying in tight formation as they circled around Erik and June. Though they lacked the raw power of Galewings, these cunning Thaids still possessed some command over the winds.

Erik could sense the air currents shifting and could feel the Zephyrwings channeling their mana.

While releasing piercing screeches that seemed to be made out of rage, the Thaids flapped their wings in unison, generating slicing gusts that coalesced into pale white blades of wind.

However, these wind blades were comparable to those made by Erik. The reason was that, albeit their brain crystal power wasn't comparable to his, they still had almost double the amount of mana Erik possessed.

The wind blades screeched like banshees as they tore the air, the sound a haunting echo of their deadly purpose.

This eerie screech was born from the sheer force with which they were sent through the atmosphere.

The problem lay in the sheer numbers. Each of the 11 surviving Zephyrwings made a minimum of 10 wind blades. As a result, a relentless barrage of hundreds of these deadly tear splitting slices hurtled toward their position, leaving them in a dire situation.


Erik yanked June's feathers. They banked hard in opposite directions as five wind blades sliced through the space they were going to occupy. The blades dissipated into wisps moments later - the Zephyrwings could not maintain them for long.

Erik, perched atop his colossal bird companion, June, faced a daunting aerial onslaught. He gripped June's feathers tightly, his eyes scanning the chaos unfolding around them. Hundreds of wind blades, conjured by the Zephyrwings, hurtled through the air with deadly intent.

As the wind blades screeched and whirled, Erik and June moved in perfect harmony, evading the deadly projectiles with an unmatched grace.

Erik's skilled command over June allowed them to weave and dip through the storm of blades like a well-rehearsed dance.

He leaned low over June's back, their movements synchronized as they banked left and right, dodging the relentless onslaught.

The wind howled in protest as Erik and June maneuvered among them, avoiding the blades that sliced through the surrounding air. Erik's heart pounded in his chest.

He knew these were strong enough to bisect both him and June, and he didn't know if his clone was fast enough to avoid them all.

June's massive wings beat, propelling them higher into the sky and out of harm's way.

Erik could feel the power in June's sinewy muscles as he flapped them. However, the Zephyrwings did the same and gained altitude.

Erik's eyes remained locked on the battlefield above, searching for every inch available to avoid the blades.

Through their deft maneuvers, Erik and June evaded the deadly barrage of wind blades.


But more wind blades were already forming above and below. June pumped his wings, increasing his speed. Two blades crossed scant inches from Erik's head, ruffling his hair. A third grazed June's talons as he evaded upward.

"We need to get out the encirclement! The frost area is doing nothing!"

June then started flying forward, but the Zephyrwings gave chase, trying to box in the pair with crisscrossing wind blades.

Erik and June performed an aerial dance, reaching the point where they had to dive or spin abruptly on themselves to avoid the attacks.

Erik's Instability powers buzzed warnings whenever a thaid was making an attack and he alerted June to air currents that signaled attacks.

They stayed alive, but the endless evasion left no chance for Erik to counterattack.

Another pale, almost transparent blade sheared off a few of June's armored feathers as it narrowly missed. They could not keep this up forever.

Erik focused his mana into his slime sword, channeling frost energy along the blade's edge. As June leveled out from a steep dive, Erik slashed the air, launching a crescent wave of frigid wind mana.

The freezing blast created a vast dome of frosty air. Erik made the move in a brief lull moment. The wind acted like a gigantic wall, and hit two Zephyrwings, encrusting their wings with ice. Their frozen bodies dropped away, crashing far below.

June executed a sharp bank in mid-air, allowing Erik to leap from the giant bird's back.

As he moved, Erik's blade flashed like lightning, severing the head of the first Zephyrwing he landed upon. The creature crumpled beneath him, lifeless.

In a fraction of seconds, Erik bounded forward, landing on the back of the next Zephyrwing. In one fluid motion, he repeated the sequence, beheading the second monster with a precise strike.

However, as Erik dispatched the two, he made a pivotal decision. He stopped channeling mana into his instability power.

In the blink of an eye, he conjured another wind blade, and with a single, masterful swing, he cleaved the remaining thaid into two separate, lifeless halves.

The Zephyrwings fell from the sky, defeated and vanquished. June scrambled to pick Erik up and stop his free fall.

But the remaining two Zephyrwings he had stopped with the instability power attacked June with a tangle of wings, claws and beaks.

June screeched, smashing his talons into one attacker. But the other clawed viciously, shredding wings and drawing blood. Erik kept free falling, waiting for June to help.


With a move, June disengaged from the Zephyrwings that kept chasing the gigantic bird.

It took little for June to reach Erik, and once he gripped his feathers and jumped on his back, he shouted.


June furled his wings as Erik raised his sword overhead, channeling a huge amount of mana into his Frostwind blade. The air crackled as icy winds coalesced along the blade.

The remaining Zephyrwings arrived at the speed of a torpedo.

With a mighty slash, Erik unleashed the freezing mana-powered attack. A very large sharp wind blade with chilling energy exploded outward, peppering the two last Zephyrwings. Their bodies seized up as the frost instantly penetrated flesh and feathers. The frozen Thaids spun out, trailing frozen mist as they tumbled away.






June exclaimed as the frozen Zephyrwings dropped from the sky.

Erik breathed, drained from channeling so much mana.

June preened at the praise.

Erik chuckled weakly.

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