Published at 19th of February 2024 07:14:10 AM

Chapter 725: Spotting the city

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Chapter 725 Spotting the city

As the two flew, Erik let out a weary sigh. He was thinking back to the fight they just had.

He couldn't believe that a flock of Zephyrwings would make so many problems and almost kill them.

June clicked his beak in agreement, his large avian eyes blinking in a gesture of solemn understanding.

Erik said. He was tired, yet his face showed a firm determination.

June said, puffing out his feathered chest.

Erik turned to look forward. Erik said. He then took some clothes from his backpack and gave them to his clone. It didn't take time for him to put them all on, and they started their march.

However, even in human shape, June struggled to push through the dense underbrush since he didn't stay in that form for a lot of time.

He was having trouble walking. He was wobbly and had to ask Erik for help just to stay on his two feet a lot of times.

The forest floor was a chaotic tapestry of pine needles, fallen branches, and muddy patches that made every step treacherous.

June winced as the sharp thorns of the vines left a stinging sensation on his skin, while low-hanging boughs whipped across his face, drenching him in the refreshing mist of dew.

June nodded, steeling himself. Walking side by side, both the man and his clone emerged from the dense forest and headed towards the massive gates of the city.

After having successfully overcome the trials of both the sky and the forest, they were relieved to leave them behind. Ahead lay Caelora City, their journey's end - or perhaps just the beginning.

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