Published at 20th of February 2024 12:38:31 PM

Chapter 135

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My Second War.

(*Celia’s POV*)

I call my first war a war, but compared to most wars, it truly wasn’t. Now this war is a real one. We got borders, and tactics to take over certain areas. And small skirmishes.

Tuseoun was our only true ally. But unfortunately, they were behind the Elven kingdom of Eloateilian. Amora wasn’t that much of a fool, and she managed to turn every single kingdom, not counting Leretia or Tuseoun, into our enemies.

To even just get to Eloateilian, we have to go through over thirty different kingdoms. As for the woman herself, one of Yona’s spies was able to greatly injure her. She will easily survive the injury, as she has healers on staff, but she can’t run away for a while.

Which gives us enough time to hopefully reach her before she enacts her horrible plan to run away. But before then, we have to wage an absurdly huge war. Yona wasn’t planning on increasing the size of her kingdom this quickly, but we have no choice in the matter.

Sure, we could just NOT take over the kingdoms that we conquer, but what’s the point of doing that? We conquered it, we might as well take it over completely, and expand our kingdom. Of course, Eloateilian won’t be part of that plan, as Viva will be its queen soon enough.

First on the chopping block is the kingdom of Crenatia. This war is annoying, as we have to deal with each kingdom in a line, one by one. Otherwise, one of their forces could flank us easily. We can handle that, but it would be annoying…

Ria: “Celia, I will go reinforce our forces that are dealing with the most annoying kingdom at the moment.” She said.

Celia: “Alright, please be safe.” I say after I gave her a kiss on her cute lips.

She then teleported away with a blush on her face. Cute! Ria forgave herself pretty fast, now that I think about it… Oh well. That just meant that I could have her as one of my wives all the more faster.

With a happy smile, I walked over to the commander’s tent, to talk to whoever the commander of this group was. When I went into the tent, I was greeted by a familiar sight…

Kuria: “Oh? Celia! It’s good to see you!” She said with a happy smile after she gave me a hug.

Celia: “Kuria… You know, didn’t I ask you to show your face every once and a while?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Kuria: “Can you really blame me? Your dungeon advances greatly every few months. I’m sorry about not visiting, but I just got lost in its wonder.” She explained with a remorseful tone.

Celia: “I see, I understand. Have you got your full powers back yet?” I ask with a curious tone.

Kuria: “Progress on it is slow, but Ria has been a good help with it. Helping with this little war of yours is the least I can do.” She replied.

Celia: “I didn’t know that a Goddess would know how to run an army, but from what I’ve seen, you’ve done an amazing job at it so far.” I praise.

Kuria: “Aw, are you after my heart or something? I’ll have you know, I don’t think Ria would take kind to me marrying you. Since our nicknames would be the same.” She said with a joking tone.

Celia: “That wasn’t my intention at all… Anyway, what did you need help with?” I ask with a sigh.

Kuria: “Me? I don’t need much help at all, as I am doing just fine with my part of the war. Though, if you could bring me the heads of the people on this list, it would speed up our takeover of Crenatia by a lot.” She suggested.

Taking the list, there were five names on it. Each even had a straight-up picture of them next to their names. Oh, God… Yona gave her spies modern cameras and printers! Even the paper was of a quality not of this era…

I feel like a hitman now… I looked through the list, and found the easiest target to deal with. The list had three Lieutenants, one Captain, and one Admiral listed on it. Of course, I am going after one of the Lieutenants first.

Lieutenant Houston Gram, was a decent soldier. But not on the same level as the rest of the people on the list. His forces were stationed in an open field, on the left of the battlefield. It wasn’t really that good of a location, but it was his lot in life, I guess.

As I flew above nearby their camp, I wondered what kind of approach I should take. I can’t just kill all of the soldiers in this war, as we will need the warm bodies to protect the places we conquer.

If that wasn’t the case, then I could just rain down gunfire that they would have no chance of dealing with. Maybe I can sneak into Gram’s tent? I am not really that stealthy, though… As I thought this, my fantasy phone thingy rang.

Viva: “Celia? I have just realized something that I forgot to tell you about.” She said with a remorseful tone.

Celia: “What is it?” I ask with a curious tone.

Viva: “Remember how I and my sisters could go invisible? To the point where not even Ria could detect us?” She asked.

Celia: “I remember.” I reply.

Viva: “The spirits make us invisible. Only Elven royalty can bestow the protection of the spirits on a person. I have already bestowed you all with their protection. I know that you can’t see them, but they’re with you right now.” She explained.

Celia: “That’s awesome, but how do I turn invisible?” I ask.

Viva: “Just think about turning invisible, the spirits will do the rest.” She said before she hung up.

I understood why she hung up so fast, as she was pretty busy. The main way that we justified this war, was that we were helping out Viva take back her kingdom from her evil mother. In that sense, she is one of the main figureheads of this war.

Going with Viva’s instructions, I did as she said, and I was now completely invisible. I could see through myself, which was kinda weird…

Even better, it was starting to get dark out, so I could be even more stealthy under the cover of the night. With an evil grin on my face, I flew down to their camp.

Not only am I invisible, it seems that my voice and footsteps are silent as well. As such, going through the camp was easy as pie! It took me only a few minutes to find Gram’s tent and enter it.

Sitting on a chair in front of his desk, was a heavily armored man. What a fool… I’ve seen a picture of him without his armor on, and he was basically a twig. But his armor made him look super thick… Compensating much?

I snuck up behind him, and using a very high-quality knife that Solia gifted me, I easily cut his clean head off. It was like cutting through butter… I really need to figure out the extent of my new strength soon…

Taking the list out of my inventory, and a pen, I marked his name off, and drew a cross over his picture. I then put the list, pen, and Gram’s head, into my inventory. One down, four more to go! This is getting fun already!

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!