Published at 5th of March 2024 09:06:49 AM

Chapter 210

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Chapter 10: Leisure With the Angels.

(*Celia’s POV*)

When I woke up, I learned that I slept for over a week. For me, it only felt like a normal eight hours of sleep… What the hell is up with that? While dropping off those items in a big empty building, to which is planned to be their new place for entertainment, I ask this to Cimra.

Cimra: “As an endless being, time is different for you. Now that you have been a Supreme Goddess for a while, you’re starting to feel the difference.” She answered.

Celia: “What? So, I will just sleep for long periods of time, then? But two of my wives are Goddesses, and they don’t sleep for weeks on end.” I say with a thinking pose.

Cimra: “That is because they have things to do, or they want to spend time with you. At the moment, there is nothing here for you to do, so sleeping is a good alternative.” She explained.

Celia: “Ah, I see. Thanks for explaining. Are these items enough to entertain you and the others?” I ask after I finished taking everything out of my inventory.

Cimra: “Are you kidding me? Celia, we’re long lived beings, but it will take us hundreds of years to get through all of this… How much did this even cost?” She replied.

Celia: “A lot more than what you offered to give me for payment.” I reply with a giggle.

Cimra: “…”

Celia: “What’s wrong?” I ask.

Cimra: “No, nothing… The last Goddess will wake up soon, so you won’t have to wait long until you can start doing the tests and exams.” She explained.

Celia: “Why is it tests and exams? Aren’t those the same?” I ask with a confused tone.

Cimra: “Tests are tests, exams are checking your mind and body out and making sure that there isn’t anything wrong.” She answered.

I mean, I can’t look at my System for information, but I feel completely fine. At the very least, I should be able to ace the exams. Thinking about this, I waved goodbye to Cimra and left the building. I decided to go check on the last Goddess.

Going back to the building that I woke up in, I came across many angels. All of them greatly liked me, as I not only gave them entertainment, but I also saved them. I wonder if that will give me good grades by default?…

Whatever. Walking to that room, I saw only one person left inside. I didn’t look at any of them before, so seeing the person on the bed gave me a major shock… It was Amelie! I guess that she evolved into a Goddess? But if so, does that mean that I’ve been gone a long time?…

Marni: “Ah, Celia. What’s up with that expression?” She asked with a concerned tone.

Celia: “…”

Marni: “Hm? Don’t worry about this one. She will wake up soon enough.” She said with a confident tone.

Celia: “That’s not what I am worried about, Marni…” I reply.

Marni: “Then what?” She replied with a head tilt.

Celia: “How long have I been asleep for?” I ask with a serious tone.

Marni: “Celia… I cannot answer that question, I’m sorry.” She answered.

Celia: “I see… Well, please take care of this woman. She is actually one of my mothers, Amelie.” I say with a sad sigh.

Marni: “Really!? Ah, her name is Amelie…” She said with a shocked tone.

Before Marni could ask me any questions, I waved her goodbye. I needed to think through this for a while… Amelie was very close to evolving into a Goddess before I evolved, but that doesn’t really tell me much. As she is sleeping the longest, she was surely the last one to evolve. Which means that she evolved shortly after I did…

Even when she wakes up, I can’t get an answer about how long I’ve been asleep for. Amelie had been asleep too, so she wouldn’t really know. Granted, she would know how long I was gone before she evolved, but that information isn’t really useful to me.

With my mind in a mess, I decided to chill out with some angels. Befitting my evolution, they did treat me like some kind of queen. But luckily, after being with me for an hour, they started to act like my friends. Which I greatly preferred.

They took me on a tour of the various islands in this dimension, to which I greatly enjoyed. Each island had its own theme, which seemed to be the only real source of entertainment that they had before I showed up.

For instance, there was a vacation island that was just a tropical beach. They even took me ice skating on a frozen ice island, which was very fun. I need to make sure to remember to do this with the others when I get back. It would make a good date, but I am sure that the rest of my family would enjoy it as well.

Back on the main island, I saw Marni frantically searching around in the air. What is she looking for? She didn’t lose my mother, right?… With curiosity, I flew over to Marni, who looked happy to see me. So she was looking for me?

Marni: “Celia! Something bad happened to Amelie!” She exclaimed.

Celia: “What!?” I reply before turning around and flying back to that building, but Marni stopped me.

Marni: “She isn’t there, Celia! She woke up screaming, and she ran away. Amelie is somewhere on this island.” She explained.

Celia: “Amelie can fly, though?” I reply.

Marni: “Celia, she was very spooked. Amelie probably isn’t in her right mind at the moment.” She said with an unsure tone.

Celia: “…”

I begged the other angels to help me find Amelie, but even after searching for hours, we didn’t find a single trace of her… I remember her and the others can go invisible, so I think that she is hiding that way. I asked the others to stop the search, as she was surely hiding from them.

Closing my eyes, I looked within myself on a whim that I might find Amelie’s location. Like a storm cleared up, I easily found where she was. As Amelie saw me, she undid the invisibility, and ran toward me, giving me a tight hug. Amelie wasn’t really in her right mind, so I didn’t ask her anything, and I just let her continue to cry in my chest.

As she continued to cry, I carried her back to my apartment. By the time I arrived, she had fallen asleep in my arms. I put her on my bed and tucked her in. As I watched over her, I was almost going insane… What could have caused her to act like this? I want answers, but I won’t force them out of her. I just have to painfully wait until she is back to normal…

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