Death... and me - Chapter 2464

Published at 9th of January 2024 07:09:47 AM

Chapter 2464: Change in Situation

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Chapter 2464 Change in Situation

Rean shrugged his shoulders as he looked at Nolui. "Well, it's up to you now."

Nolui scratched the back of his head, knowing that Kinblei wasn't a character easy to deal with. In the end, he positioned himself in front of Kinblei, blocking him from reaching Rean. "Kinblei, I already said that the things related to this trip to the other side of the Universe would be discussed once we are back. I'm still this group's leader, remember?"

Kinblei then thrust his spear, forcing Nolui to dodge at the last moment. Even Nolui didn't expect him to do that. "Are you crazy?"

Kinblei couldn't care less. "I have never been someone rational to start with. If you get in my way once again, I'll take you down with him."

Nolui's cultivation then began to circulate as his expression turned serious. Kinblei might be stronger, but he is only a single stage higher in cultivation than Nolui. That wasn't enough to scare Nolui at all. "Then this is my last warning, too. Attacking Goku is the same as attacking a member of the Realm of Gods' Army. You better think it through. Not only will you not be able to get a single job anymore from the army during this war, but you will definitely be hunted by both senior Fosleve and Flinyu, two Divinity Realm experts who are waiting for our report." n--Ovelb1n

Nolui noticed a change in Kinblei's eyes and smiled. "You said you are not rational, right? I wonder if you are truly crazy enough to buy a feud against the two powers controlled by those two seniors. Will you even have a chance to ever show your face in the Realm of Gods again? Even I can't tell. Besides... that also means the huge reward that had been promised for this mission will be gone. You won't get a single merit point."

Yet, as soon as they arrived at the first spot, Rean and the others noticed that the air was very heavy. "Weird..." Nolui commented. "There are too many cultivators, demon beasts, and spirits here. Most of this army was supposed to be far into the Devils' territory, conquering more land. Why are they back here?"

Kanglia noticed that, too. "When we were about to teleport here, I also saw that the spirits and people in the cities we passed seemed to be quite constrained. It's just that we were in a hurry, so I didn't stop to ask anyone what was happening. But now..."

A few moments later, Nolui's communication badge turned on. He quickly took it out and read the message. "Senior Flinyu and Folesve are already waiting for us."

From inside the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm, Roan warned Rean. 'There is a good chance they will also not let us leave that easy.'

Rean agreed. 'Nothing can be done about that. I still need those serene golden filaments. Besides, we can definitely resist a teleport in a messed space now, so running away isn't that big of a problem... although I would rather not rely on such a roulette.'

'I'll keep the Circuitry Teleport Formation ready for use,' Roan answered, already expecting the worst.

Their group arrived at a big building in that city. However, Nolui didn't let everyone follow them. He simply sent everyone a Divine Sense message: 'You can all return to your armies. Remember, this last mission was a secret, and if you let it leak outside, don't blame senior Folesve and Flinyu for holding a grudge.'

Right after, he looked at Rean, Kentucky, and Essefy. 'As for you three, follow me.'

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