Delayed Transfer - Chapter 102

Published at 8th of December 2023 05:35:48 AM

Chapter 102

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Mark invited agent Harper and agent Feldman inside his house and asked them if they wanted something to drink but the agents declined.

They waited for the lawyers that Donald sent so discussion didn’t start then. After about 30 minutes of waiting, they heard a knock on the door and Mark let David in together with two of his colleagues, which Mark thought was just a show of force.

Mark, David and two of his lawyer colleagues and the two agents were in the living room. Before they sat down, David told Mark that the lawyers didn’t know anything and was just there as a witness. Mark then told David that before the sensitive topic was discussed, he should dismiss the extra people for confidentiality’s sake and David just nodded. When everybody was ready, Agent Danielle Harper started her questions.

“Mr. Baker, it has come to our attention that you had something to do with the cure of the cancer patients in the hospital where John’s daughter was confined. We are also aware that you might have something to do with the item that was brought to our attention by a corporate spy.”

Mark noticed the surprised reaction of the two lawyers that David brought and signaled David. David excused himself stating that he would need to invite his colleagues to stay outside, and the agents agreed.

While the lawyers were leaving, Mark thought about how he should act and how he should answer the government regarding his deeds these past few weeks. He could deny everything and be the center of investigation and scrutiny and possibly be on the run which would disrupt his current life and the lives of his friends. Mark could also admit to some and then cooperate with the government so he could have limited freedom for the limited time he would stay in this world and peaceful cooperation would also be better when it came to how the government would treat his friends. When David was back, Mark decided to answer the agent.

“Yes. I was the one who cured Ms. Elizabeth Dren and the other patients of their cancer. I came from a long line of sorcerer from the Far East and my mother, before she passed away, taught me some but unfortunately, since she passed away so early, the spells that I've learned were limited.” 

Mark thought he would see some reaction from Agent Harper or Agent Feldman, like amazement, disbelief, contempt, or something but they didn’t show any reaction.

“Can you tell us more about these skills that you have.”

“The spell that I have to cure cancer can only be cast once every two weeks but the amount of people that can be cured would only be limited to its area of effect of forty feet by forty feet. The spells that I have to imbue some items of magic to increase the holder’s strength and speed are extremely limited since my mother died before she could teach me more. As you know my spells are not all powerful since my mother did die and was a full-fledged sorcerer.”

“Can you cooperate with the government?”

“I will need to talk to my lawyer first, but I intend to cooperate with the government. Can I speak to my lawyer and then let him speak to you about the degree of my cooperation?”

“Yes, Mr. Baker. We will be back in the morning.”  Agent Harper and Agent Feldman stood up and left.

Sam, Armina and Enleed went to talk to him regarding what the agents wanted, and Mark told them that the cat was out of the bag but he told them that he intended to fully cooperate so they could continue living peacefully. Sam then told Mark that a construction van was parked not too far away so they had better be careful about what they say.

Mark invited David, Donald’s brother and now his lawyer, Sam, Armina and Enleed to the first floor of the dungeon so they could talk in private. David was not overly surprised since Donald had fully disclosed to him what was happening so he would know what to do.

On their private meeting, Mark told David that he would heal whoever the government wanted him to heal but he would need to be paid the appropriate price and Mark asked David to think of the best price per person they could ask the government. David told him that he would need to do some research and also if they intended to continue doing their Dungeon and Dragons weekly meetup aka dungeon dive. Mark confirmed that they would still do the weekly dungeon dive and they would need help to make sure that the location was private enough and to make sure to utilize all his know how on the legal side of things to make sure that they wouldn’t be tagged as doing something illegal. David assured him that he would do everything to make sure that all the legal niceties were covered. Mark also asked David to appraise Donald and Robert about what happened.

Since the agents advised him that they would return the next day, David also told Mark that he would be coming in the next day to meet up with the agents.

After their meeting, the group went outside the dungeon. David went home to prepare and Sam, Armina and Enleed went to their room. Mark told Sam that the download project needed to continue since it was particularly important to him, and Sam assured him that it was still on going without any issue. Sam and Enleed also decided to do some research on what to do to make sure their house was bug proofed so they could talk in privacy, but everyone admitted that they could only talk about sensitive matters inside the dungeon.

After everyone was gone, Mark went to the 11th floor of the dungeon to Identify the Unidentified Items and there were actually three Legendary Purple items and a lot of Magic Blue items. He also had thirty stat points and seventy-five skill points to assign.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!