Delayed Transfer - Chapter 114

Published at 22nd of December 2023 11:31:50 AM

Chapter 114

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Mark asked Robert and Donald what they thought of what the government would do next, while they were eating after the exhausting dungeon dive. Everyone else was listening since even though they had their own opinion on what the next step the government would take, it was different from what Donald and Robert could think of since both men were very successful businesspeople.

“As of right now, you’re probably safe since there are a lot of politicians or their loved ones and relatives that might need your spell, but you should prepare yourself. Human greediness knows no bounds. Once the important people are safe and thought of acquiring the power themselves, they might make a move on you. Remember all of these are speculations but it’s better if you’re prepared.”  Robert said after thinking for a bit.

“Not only that. You have been extremely open about what you can do and sooner or later, the things you can do would spread to those powerful rich men or private organizations. Honestly, we are being naïve in thinking that what we are doing so far in terms of security and privacy is enough.”  Donald added.

“I know I’ve been too open about everything and also thinking that I could handle the consequences, but I am very powerful, and I have the means to escape if something severe happens. My only worries are, what would happen to all of you since you’re involved already.” 

“The best thing that you could do to help your friends is to separate yourself from them and to do that as soon as possible.”  Robert continued.

“No! We’ll be all right. We could handle anything that anyone can do to us.”  Sam said and Enleed and Armina agreed with him.

Mark thought that he should do what Robert advised and separate himself but right now he couldn’t bear to do it. He was falling in love with his current lifestyle. It was as if their friendship was the stuff of T.V. sitcoms.

“I think that you do have some time for now but sooner or later you will need to decide this,”  Donald added.

Mark felt sad since what Donald said was the truth. Sooner or later, he would have to separate himself from his friends but for now, he would stay with them and enjoy his lifestyle. He would cooperate fully with the government to get their protection and then just continue exploring the dungeon so they could get more items that would make his friends more powerful. He was also grateful to Donald and Robert for the money he and his friends were getting from them since they didn’t have to involve anyone else.

Mark and the rest of the gang went home after eating so they could rest. The next day was a rest day for the whole team since everyone was still a little tired from the dive. Mark continued decorating his villa and by the end of the day, he could finally say that his villa was complete.

For the rest of the week, Mark and the group continued completing their vacation home on the 21st floor and after a few days, Enleed declared that the vacation villa was done. Everyone enjoyed themselves decorating the rooms assigned to them on the villa and when they got bored with it, they would swim on the oasis pond or explore the rest of the oasis. Mark didn’t continue diving past the 21st floor since he was feeling lazy and was enjoying the activities he and his friends were doing. They played online games, attended conventions, frequently went outside to eat, and more. They ignore the security details that the government assigned to them.

Mark received another call from a so-called relative from his mother’s homeland asking of course for money and he just sent some. He let go of his anger and just felt indifferent. He sent money because he had it. He just told the woman he was talking to that he would send them money monthly on the account they provided, at least for a year, but just stop calling him and his mother’s distant cousin agreed since she was surprised by the amount Mark sent.

The next schedule for the day Mark would use his Dryad’s Circle spell for the government came, so together with David, Donald’s brother and his security team that was hired by Donald went to the same location he previously cast his spell.

When Mark went inside the room, he noticed some famous faces in the group. Some were politicians and some were celebrities. He cast his spell and every sick person in the room was amazed by the trees that suddenly sprung from nowhere and was in awe of the dryad that looked like a nature goddess giggling at the group of sick people. When the trees were gone and the dryad disappeared, the nurses and doctor took the patients away. After that, he followed the doctors who came to him and wanted to have some more blood samples from him.

The doctors mentioned that they hadn’t found anything extraordinary in his blood. After that, Agent Harper talked to him regarding his request for a world tour vacation in a few months and she said that the government tentatively agreed as long as his full itinerary was disclosed, and he would allow government agents to follow him. Mark agreed and he was excited to invite his friends to come with him for his worldwide vacation.

When Mark arrived home, he was glad that Sam, Armina, and Enleed were there and even Melissa and her parents were there visiting. He told everyone the good news and he invited them to come with him for his vacation. Since no one at the house had any jobs, everyone agreed. Even Melissa clamored to be part of the vacation tour since it would be an all-expense pay courtesy of Mark who received the funds from the government for healing those people. Sam and Melissa’s parents declined to go with them and told everyone they would like to stay and rest and enjoy their new fully renovated home.

The group then made a tentative plan on which place to visit first, and everyone agreed that it would be Hawaii.

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