Delayed Transfer - Chapter 116

Published at 22nd of December 2023 11:31:47 AM

Chapter 116

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Mark used his Telekinesis to take hold of the two terrorists who were posing as flight attendants. The guy who was talking to Robert noticed that he couldn’t move anymore, and he shouted in another language.

“My brother in the cockpit activated the bomb when he heard my shout, and it will blow up after one minute if you people don’t release me!”  The terrorist shouted.

Mark lifted the two terrorists shoved both of them in a chair and used his skill to bend the chair’s arm so they couldn’t move. He then took the gun from the terrorist and stored them in his Inventory.

Mark then instructed Sam to use the plane bathroom door to open the dungeon door after he anchored it there so they could go to the 21st floor of the dungeon. Once everyone was inside the dungeon, Mark removed Sam’s authority to open the dungeon door temporarily to avoid any accidents. After that, Mark cast Bark Skin and Space Shield for added defense. The two terrorists were open-mouthed staring at him.

Mark then forcefully opened the door of the plane and jumped after casting his Flight spell. After flying for a bit, he then saw the plane actually explode. It was magnificent. Like a movie's special effects. He then checked his phone to see if he had any signal since the only thing that he could see for miles was the ocean. Unfortunately, there was no phone signal but he remembered that Hawaii was to the southwest of California so he started flying as fast as he could to the southwest based on his compass which was one of the things that he bought and stored in his Inventory. He bought a lot of knickknacks that he thought might be useful like flint for starting a fire, music boxes, some toys, watches, clocks, and more.

After flying for about a couple of hours, Mark actually saw a huge ship he assumed was a cruise ship based on how it looked. He cast Invisibility and went to the ship. He searched for a room without any people and anchored the dungeon portal to the room’s bathroom door.

Mark went inside the dungeon, and he saw Sam, Armina, Enleed, and Melissa waiting at the portal. He assumed Robert and his family were inside the villa. When the gang saw him, all of them hugged him suddenly which brought warmth to his heart.

“When I couldn’t open the portal, we got worried!” Sam said while patting Mark to check if he had any injuries.

“Yes, we thought something happened to you,” Enleed added.

Mark saw that Armina and Melissa were both teary-eyed.

“I’m sorry. I removed your authority Sam because I don’t know what would happen if you opened the dungeon door and the plane was not there anymore. The plane actually exploded a few minutes after I jumped from it! I flew for a couple of hours, and I found a cruise ship. I’m in one of the rooms without people.”

Mark saw Robert, Danielle, and Albert come out from the Villa. He then opened the portal and all of them went outside the dungeon.

Mark told everyone that they were currently on a cruise ship. He then noticed that his phone had a signal already, so he called Agent Harper and informed her of what happened to him and his friends. Agent Harper then told him to stay in the room and somebody would come in to talk to them regarding the situation.

After a few minutes, somebody knocked on the door informing them that it was the captain. When Mark opened the door, he saw a man he assumed to be the captain together with a couple of people. The captain then said that the government would come in by helicopter after one to two hours and the captain invited them to a conference room where they could wait.

Mark and his friends followed the captain to a large conference room then they were served something to drink. While they were waiting, Mark offered condolences to Robert for the death of the people on the plane. Robert said that he would contact their family to inform them of what happened and of course, would offer compensation to their families.

Sam then asked Mark what they should do next. Mark replied that nothing changed. They would still go on vacation but instead of staying with Robert, they should go to a five-star hotel to enjoy the benefits of a full-service hotel staff. The rest of the group agreed and even Albert said that he would join them, so Robert and Danielle had no choice but to follow them to a hotel.

After about an hour and a half, Agent Harper, and a couple more agents came inside. Mark told her and his colleague what happened. He told them that he used his Telekinesis to subdue the terrorist who wanted to kidnap Robert Scott for money and then since the bomb was activated, he and the rest of the group jumped from the plane. He told the agents that he supported and lifted the whole group using his Telekinesis and flew for about 30 minutes until they found the crew ship.

Agent Harper confirmed again that the people who blew up the plane had nothing to do with Mark, just wanted to get money from Robert Scott.  The agent then asked what their plan was, and Mark said they wanted to continue with their vacation. The agent then informed the group that they were only half an hour's helicopter ride to the nearest five-star hotel, so they went with Agent Harper.

When they arrived on the island, Mark and his friends went to the hotel to check if they could stay there without any reservation but of course, with Robert there, they weren’t worried.  All of them knew that the power of money was prodigious.

After Robert talked to the hotel staff, several mini houses by the beach were rented to them. The mini houses were located side by side near the beach and Mark, Sam, and Enleed stayed in one of them. Armina and Melissa occupied the house next to theirs while Robert and his family stayed on the other one.

Since it was already six in the evening, the group decided to eat at the hotel’s restaurant, but Robert didn’t join them. He said that he needed to call someone regarding what happened to the plane. Danielle and Albert joined Mark and his friends to eat.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!