Delayed Transfer - Chapter 117

Published at 22nd of December 2023 11:31:46 AM

Chapter 117

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The next day, Mark and the gang frolicked on the ocean.  They hired someone to teach them how to surf and the person who taught them was amazed by their expertise since Mark was using his Telekinesis to support everyone on top of their surfboard. 

Albert kept shouting that he loved his life, he loved magic, and that he loved everyone while the surfboard was skimming the top of the waves, never going down since it was supported by a spell. Everyone around them was pointing at them and some even took some phone videos.

Everyone had a blast playing on the ocean. When they get hungry, they eat the most delicious and expensive food. They scheduled different activities like spa sessions, tour guides, and more. The group enjoyed themselves immensely and after four days of playing, they went home on a commercial plane riding first class.

When they arrived home, Sam and Melissa wanted to check in on their parents and Mark reminded Sam to bring the laptops and hard drives to him so he could store an updated copy of the devices.

After a few hours of rest, Mark and the gang spent some time chatting about their experience in Hawaii. They talked about how strange that they were not frightened when they were taken hostage on the plane and that when they wore some of their dungeon items, their confidence was boosted. They felt strong and thought that they could take on any adversary. Mark confessed that that was how he felt all the time now since he had a lot of items with powerful spells. He told the group that he felt like a superhero, and he somehow felt a little guilty for not using his powers to help people.

The group also talked about the activities that they did and how enjoyable those were. Mark then told his friends that he would like to visit Japan next since he would like to purchase a lot of things there. He was also planning to store a lot of ready-to-eat food stored in a bento box that he could keep in his Inventory to be easily replicated anytime from that place. He wanted to purchase a lot of manga and action figures and other anime thingamabobs to add to his villa on the 11th floor.

Mark was glad that according to the System Interface, the dungeon was a personal boon and would follow him once he transmigrated. It reassured him that he wouldn’t lose his home.

Enleed then showed the gang the number of views and comments on their website and social media accounts. They received high praise for the graphics that were used on their dungeon dive which according to a lot of people, was on par with high-budget Hollywood films.  Mark asked Sam not to forget to make a copy of the videos of their dungeon dive on one of the hard drives.

Mark and the group then planned to go to Japan for their next vacation after the next government healing session was done by Mark. He then informed the group that he had a spell called Comprehend Languages that he could cast to everyone so that meant they wouldn’t need interpreters. The spell would expire after a certain amount of time, but he could just renew it again.

Sunday came and Mark and the group prepared themselves to tackle the 8th floor of the dungeon. They missed one dungeon dive session due to their vacation, so they were particularly excited about tackling the 8th floor. Mark then thought of the fact that he hadn’t been doing his personal dungeon dive and knew that he should do that soon since he needed more powerful items that he could give his friends. This time, he planned to keep high-level dungeon items and armor sets to give to his friends just in case.

Donald and Elizabeth said that he regretted the fact that he wasn’t with them on their vacation since he saw the video of the group surfing, supported by Telekinesis.

Mark and the gang entered the portal to go to the 8th floor of the dungeon. Albert said that he couldn’t wait to use his Rod of Fire Bolt to destroy the enemies. Everyone laughed since Mark told them of the rod’s tiny damage and Albert asked why they laughed. Mark admittedly told the kid that the damage was only ten and that meant to destroy a goblin using his weapon, he would need to shoot at least ten Fire Bolts from the rod.

The kid pouted and said that he would like to have a more powerful weapon. Mark promised the kid that once he had one, he would let his father purchase it but to remember that it would still depend on Robert whether he would allow Albert to use it and how it should be used.

The group then fought with ogres, orcs, kobolds, spiders, and more. They fought more valiantly this time while Mark took videos of the fight. It was as if everyone were making sure that the fight would last shorter and during one of their pauses, he asked everyone why they looked like they were in a hurry to finish the fight. Sam said that he wanted more powerful items since there was danger even outside of the dungeon and everyone else agreed with him.

It was about noon when they reached halfway out of the dungeon, so they stopped. Mark put a marker to the location where they stopped, cast a Space Floating Disc, and invited everyone for a ride. Mark controlled the disc to float as fast as it could, and everyone enjoyed the ride. Albert kept shouting that he loved magic again and Sam, Enleed, and Armina joined him. Enleed mentioned that his leather shoes that had the levitation skill could move as fast, but he was only using them as a roller skate.

They rode the disc till they reached the portal and would complete the 8th floor of the dungeon the next day. When everyone went out of the dungeon, they ate the lunch that was prepared by Donald and Elizabeth and after that, the group went home.

Since it was still early, everyone did their thing while Mark wasted his time playing on his computer. He planned to tackle the 22nd floor after they completed their dungeon dive the next day. While planning his dungeon excursion, Mark thought of the fact that he only had eight months left till transmigration and he was a bit sad. He then asked the group if they wanted to watch a movie or something and everyone agreed. Mark and his friends watched a particularly good film and then ate in a restaurant after.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!