Delayed Transfer - Chapter 133

Published at 18th of January 2024 01:00:52 PM

Chapter 133

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“Why, hello there. I believe your name is Mark. My name is Luzvimnda. I am in charge of the caravans of pleasure. These are my girls and my boys, and they are experts in making sure that our customers receive the utmost pleasure.”  Madam Luzviminda said while languidly pointing at the beautiful girls and boys.

“Hi, Madam. Where are you entertaining our customers who are interested in your…services.”

Of course here at our caravan of pleasure.  My caravans are well equipped to handle even the most vigorous of customers and we make sure that the caravans are parked far enough from the center of the circus to make sure our customers will enjoy the privacy they deserve.”

“I noticed that the villagers here are a bit conservative. I’m surprised you’re not encountering problems or pushbacks.”

“It is understood that in this type of circus caravan, there is also an underground entertainment like us. Some may not like it, but everybody understands that we will not disappear as long as some enjoy our services.”  Madam laughed.

“Would you like to try our services?”  The madam asked while smirking.

“No thank you.”  Mark then gave the madam a bag of Hershey’s kisses.

“This is one of our homeland’s specialties. Please enjoy.”

Mark then showed the madam how to unwrap the chocolate and when she tasted it, he felt embarrassed by the moan that came out from the madam’s mouth. The girls and the boys surrounded her, and the madam gave each one. The girls and boys, all of them moaned when they tasted the chocolates and Mark fled from embarrassment.

Mark went back to the theater and watched the play that the caravan people presented. He was surprised that it was a different one from the first one that he had seen and when one of the actors who were not on stage saw his surprise, it was explained to him that during their three days stay in a village, they would almost always present six plays and all of them were different from each other. Plays would only be repeated if they stayed for more than three days.

On the fourth day of the circus caravan stay in the village, Mark noticed that the customers were beginning to thin out and he was told by one of the actors that that was one of the main reasons why they almost always stayed for only three days.

Mark checked his caravan and Nilfur said to him that it would only take one more day and it would be done.

The fifth day came and everyone in the circus caravan was preparing for departure. Mark was also informed that his cart was finished. When he checked it, he was satisfied with how it looked. The cart didn’t have any paint yet, but the inside was spacious. He had a lot of items that he could use to decorate the inside and he was planning to fix it so that the whole cart would have electricity.

Mark then talked to Hamil regarding the need for an animal to pull the caravan and the leader said to speak with Zenethor, the leader of the zoo, and ask him if he had an animal that he could rent or purchase.

The zoo leader said that there were no animals for sale, but he could rent one of the Zzourta, the lizard animal, to pull his caravan for one gold per month and Mark agreed. He also asked if Zenethor knew anyone willing to work as his coach since he didn’t know how to drive a caravan. The zoo leader introduced him to one of the cat men named Nedertu who agreed to be his coach for 20 silvers per month.

After lunch, everyone prepared to depart, and Mark was sitting beside Nedertu to experience the caravan travel beside the coach. The cat man was a lean handsome were beast with orange coloring. Mark was excited to begin the next part of his journey with the circus caravan and he couldn’t wait to see what kind of experience he would encounter as part of the circus in another world.

Mark’s caravan was still empty, and he declined Nilfur’s offer of making him furniture. When the journey began, he was surprised at how smooth the caravan was running since he thought that it would rattle to no end but based on how it moved, he actually felt that the caravan had some suspension system or something since the ride was smooth. The Zzourta lizard animal’s movement was also unexpected in its smoothness. There were no darting or jerking movements as he expected from a lizard animal.

The caravan’s movement was slow since there were a lot of them and Hamil informed him that the next village was five days’ travel from where they started.

Mark asked Hamil where they would stay the winter and the caravan informed him that they would winter in the city of Riverwood which was a city beside a river. Mark wondered at the familiar name, and he guessed that the name was common enough that it was used by a lot of places which was confirmed by Hamil since he mentioned that he knew exactly five places with the same name as Riverwood City.

Hamil told Mark that Riverwood would be their last stop. They would stay in three more villages and then start their travel to the city. 

Mark was excited to visit all those villages and the city of Riverwood. Hamil mentioned that there were a couple of dungeons near the city of Riverwood, which was why the adventurer’s guild was particularly active there.

While they were traveling, Mark noticed that there was a group of people who went to the forest and came back with the game and when he asked Nedertu, he was told that the game would be part of their dinner.

Mark enjoyed the scenery while they were traveling. The wind playing amongst the golden leaves was particularly soothing to the soul. He was expecting that his journey to the next world would be full of bloody battles but was extremely happy to encounter this soothing journey. Nedertu mentioned that there were times that they encountered bloody battles against monsters from an overflowed nearby dungeon or a high-level monster that wandered from deep in the wilderness or forest. There were also times when they needed to battle greedy bandits and were thankful that their journey so far was peaceful.

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