Delayed Transfer - Chapter 134

Published at 18th of January 2024 01:00:50 PM

Chapter 134

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Mark studied his surroundings while the enclosed cart was moving slowly, driven by his coach Nedertu.  The speed of the caravan cart was slow enough that he was able to ponder the beauty of the forest and mountains unspoiled by the pollution of modern times.  The colors were so vivid that he had an urge to start an oil painting to immortalize the scene even though he didn’t have an ounce of talent in drawing or painting.

He remembered his smartphone, so he took it from his Inventory and took many pictures. Nedertu asked what device he was using, and Mark showed the pictures to his coach and Nedertu was so flabbergasted by the realistic resolution of the pictures that Mark actually saw greed flashed then disappeared on his coach’s eye.

Mark, not content with just taking pictures, started a vlog by controlling the phone using his telekinesis. He attached a Bluetooth mic so he could speak and be heard clearly on the recording. He talked about a lot of things while the caravan kept on moving. He talked about his experience so far joining the circus caravan. He talked about the beauty of the surroundings. He talked about how he said his goodbyes to the innkeeper and old Bert and Ned and his friends. He talked about how he got close to them and how incredibly friendly they’d been to him.

After several hours of vlogging, Mark stopped and showed the recording to Nedertu. The coach was so surprised that he shouted, which made his cart stop. If the caravan were moving fast, it would have caused an accident. Nedertu asked to borrow the phone for just a few minutes. He wanted to show it to Hamil and Linuel, the leader of the actors.

Mark just shrugged and gave the phone to Nedertu. It was just a copy, and the battery was limited so even if it was stolen, he was not really worried.

Nedertu ran to the actor’s caravan and called Linuel and then they both ran to Hamil. The caravan actually stopped so Mark followed his coach to Hamil’s caravan. Nedertu showed the phone to Hamil and Linuel and following Mark’s instruction, replayed the video and played it. Hamil and Linuel were so surprised by the recording. Their eyes were huge while watching the recording. Mark could hear their comments of “So realistic,” “amazing” and some such. He wondered if it was a mistake to have shown the phone to them but what was done was done.

When Hamil, Linuel, and Nedertu noticed Mark, Mark held out his hands asking for his phone back. Nedertu gave the phone back to him and he immediately hid it on his Inventory.

“What was that device.” The caravan leader asked while his eyes roamed, searching for the phone.

“It’s a device from my hometown. It’s very valuable and cost me a fortune. Unfortunately, its power source was limited so I could only use it a few times.” Lied Mark.

“I would really like to study it, maybe use it to see what my plays would look like!”  Linuel commented. Mark just shrugged and said that maybe someday.

The caravan leader decided to rest the caravan for the night since it already stopped. Mark noticed that the light was already dimming and entering twilight. He went back to his caravan planning to decorate it.

The first thing that he did was install a soundless generator on the part of the caravan that was prepared for it. Then he installed an electric cable so he would have an outlet where he could plug in any electrical devices he wanted to use. He then installed a wide-screen TV that would fit the side of the caravan behind the coach’s seat. Then some speakers a game console and a laptop just below the TV. He then installed a portable air conditioner and a separate electric heater. Next was a microwave oven and an induction cooker. Then he put some pots and pans, some glasses and plates, a couch, and a thick carpet.

Mark then put up some anime posters, and some electric lighting, and voila, his caravan was ready for the modern otaku life. He turned on the heater to make the caravan more comfortable since the night was cold during the autumn season. He then played a famous elven game on his Nintendo Switch while waiting for Hamil to call him once dinner was ready.

After about a couple of hours, he heard knocking on his door. When he opened it, the kid who was tasked to call him dropped his jaw when he saw the brightness and the appliances, as well as the anime that was playing on the T.V. inside the caravan.

“Hi, my name is Toby and Hamil is my father. He asked me to call you so you can eat with us. What are those?! “The kid asked while pointing at the T.V. which was currently playing the anime soundlessly.

Mark turned off the TV and said that it was nothing then followed the kid to Hamil’s caravan.

When they arrived at the caravan leader’s place, the kid shouted that Mark had moving pictures inside his cart and said that it was so colorful. Hamil asked Mark and he said to the leader that it was a device from his hometown. After they ate some rabbit stew and bread, which Mark found surprisingly delicious, he asked Hamil where he could find the Nilfur’s caravan. Hamil pointed at the back.

Mark was glad that the moon was out, so it was surprisingly bright even though it was already evening. The campfires of the caravan also helped. He noticed that as typical of a fantasy world, there were three moons and remembered that this was the first time he was out and about during nighttime. The three moons were beautiful. They were different sizes. The largest and brightest one had the same color as the Earth’s moon. The second one was slightly red and the last one was blue. The colors of the moon looked like Christmas balls to Mark.

When he arrived at Nilfur’s Caravan, he asked Nilfur if he could make his caravan soundproof.  The dwarf said that he could but it would make the cart heavier so it would be better if he asked the elven sisters for a spell for soundproofing.

Mark decided to talk to the elven sister regarding his needs the next day and went back to the caravan to watch some anime. He would use Bluetooth earphones to avoid alarming his neighbors.

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