Delayed Transfer - Chapter 179

Published at 20th of February 2024 12:08:54 PM

Chapter 179

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Mark, the twins Isaac and Aaron, Natasha and his vice-captain, and the mages, Lossa and Ardeen enjoyed the Star Wars Trilogy movie so much that during dinner they kept discussing the plot and the lore behind the Star Wars universe. The mages were particularly interested in the concept of the Force and how it was used to create a council that governs a system of planets and what happen if Force users turned to the dark side.

Natasha and her vice-captain were captivated by the heroism shown by the rebels in their fight against the empire and the twins declared that they liked it all.

“Mark, do you have a Millennium Falcon?” Issac asked.

“Yes, I gave it to you remember? You haven’t even completed it yet.”

“No, a true one which we can ride to outer space.”

“Unfortunately, I don’t have one. But someday, I’ll build one and will go on adventure to different galaxies and if you’re good, I’ll invite you to have an adventure with me.”

“You have to take us with you! You promised that we would be together from now on!” Aaron clamored.

“Yes I did, didn’t I? Okay, once I have a spaceship, if you want to go with me, I’ll take you both.”

Everyone laughed and continued eating and discussing different things. While everyone was talking, Mark commented absently that he liked anything Star Wars and he liked playing Knights of the Old Republic on his console then he noticed that everyone stopped talking.

“What happened, why did everyone stop talking?” Mark asked while looking around although the twins just kept on eating their pizza.

“Lord Mark, what do you mean you like playing Knights of the Old Republic?” Lossa asked.

Mark’s expression was a little awkward since he wasn’t planning to introduce console and console games to anyone yet due to him avoiding anyone experiencing culture shock.

“Uum, in my homeland we have what we call games that we play on a television set or other screen where we control the characters with a controller and have them do quests and adventures.”

“Do you have something like that with you?” Natasha asked.

“Of course. I would not leave my homeland without bringing everything with me but I’m not sure people are ready to see all of my things.”

“Why not?”

“Well, as you know my devices are complicated and powered by a fuel not available here. Meaning that only me can provide those things and if people get addicted to my things, I wouldn’t have any rest.” Mark said jokingly.

Natasha ignored Mark’s joke.

“Can you show it to us?”

“Fine, but just for a little while since it’s almost time for bed, and we're still in the middle of a difficult mission remember?” Natasha blushed but still insisted on seeing what Mark was talking about.

When everyone was done with eating, Mark summoned his PS5 and connected it to the television set. He then took a copy of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic from his inventory. He then briefly explained to everyone what a console was and what a controller was while showing everyone the PS5 controller. He then started the game and played it while everyone was watching. After a few minutes, he allowed Natasha to control the character, and everyone took turns after several minutes.

Mark’s mouth was getting dry from giving out instructions non-stop on how to use the controller while they were controlling their avatars, but he could see that everyone was excited and the twins were getting overly so, so after about an hour, he decisively shut down the console and television and told everyone that it’s time for bed.

The twins were sad but didn’t protest but everyone else gave Mark the stink eye, even Natasha and he just laughed.

Mark took the twins to the bathroom for them to take a shower while the rest did their thing before going to bed. After the twins took a bath, Mark took his and they prepared for bed. The boys kept talking non-stop about the movie and the game and Aaron suddenly said that he wished they were home already so they could watch and play without interruption. Mark laughed and told the boys to go to sleep.

After a while, Natasha came into the bedroom already showered, and lay down beside Mark.

“That console device and game were truly wonderful Mark,” Natasha said.

“Once this mission is over, you can always come to our home and watch movies and play with us.”

Natasha hugged Mark and started sleeping. They didn’t talk about the fact that once the circus left, he and the twins would leave with it, and since he already asked Natasha to come with him which the guard captain declined, saying that she had a duty to the city and her family, there was nothing to talk about and they just need to continue enjoying their time together.

The next day arrived, and everyone was happy to see that the blizzard passed. After breakfast, Mark stored the RVs in his inventory and destroyed them using his skill and would just replicate new ones if needed.

The group continued on their journey in the cold wilderness to the village where the cult was located. It was freezing but Mark, the twins, and the mages were comfortable sitting on the couch on top of the floating disc that Mark summoned, covered in thick blankets.

They were floating behind the soldiers and occasionally, the mages would point to a landmark and give descriptions. The descriptions were for the kids and Mark appreciated the fact that the mages kept it funny and entertaining.

The group didn’t stop for lunch, so Mark conjured some food for the twins and the mages. Natasha and her soldiers made do with the ration. He would have offered some to the guard captain but before they left, Natasha mentioned that she would be eating with the soldiers.

In the afternoon, the temperature plummeted so Mark summoned more blankets for the twins and the boys napped. The group encountered some monsters, but Natasha and the soldiers quickly handled them.

There was an instance when they needed help, but the mages handled it quickly enough. While they were traveling, Mark was still worried about what to do with the twins once they arrived where the mission was located. His ill-conceived plan of bringing the twins with him was biting him in the ass with worry but he calmed himself thinking that there were lots of ways to make the kids safe.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!