Delayed Transfer - Chapter 259

Published at 16th of May 2024 01:00:00 PM

Chapter 259

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Mark was enjoying the web novel that he was reading when he became aware of his friends coming out from the theater. That meant that a couple of hours had passed and he didn’t notice it.

“So how was the film, was it scary to you? I was a kid when I first saw it and it terrified me but thinking about it now, it's probably not scary to adults at all,” Mark said.

“You’re right. I enjoyed it like a story set in your homeland and there were curiosities that I’d seen but it did not make me afraid or anything like that. I would also assume that just like the Home Alone movie, this one was also made decades ago since the devices and equipment that I had seen were not the same as the ones in your home.” Mentorra said.

“Mentorra is right, It’s not scary at all,” Nedertu said with disdain.

Nedertu’s comment made Mark smile.

“Okay, I will try to find a scary movie and we’ll watch it tomorrow night. Are you all hungry?” Mark asked.

The sisters said that they were going to rest and Milena echoed them so the women all went inside the mansion to their rooms to sleep.

“I would like some pizza, Mark,” Nedertu requested.

Mark replicated some pizzas and joined the cat man in eating some late-night snacks.

“You’re country is truly wonderful Mark. Even the common people can enjoy their lives and they don’t need to worry about monsters eating their children. I assume that the horror movie that we just saw is fictional?”

“Yes. That movie isn’t true. There are no monsters in my country just people monsters. Those who commit heinous crimes are still present and some of them know how to hide since our country is big. But like any other advanced culture, our history is also rich in warfare and bloodshed before we achieve our current stability and to be honest, that stability is fragile. What I’m proud of is the imagination of my people since our artisans manage to develop our entertainment industry to an unimaginable level. What you have seen so far is just the surface of that industry.”

“I’m so happy that I met you, Mark. Ever since you came my imagination was stimulated to the extreme. Before, only battle could entertain me that much but now I look forward to the things that you have been showing to us. Honestly, even if you don’t pay me and just feed me, I would stay and be your servant for as long as you’d want me.”

Mark laughed when he heard what Nedertu said.

“Hey! You’re not a servant. You’re a family member. I’m going to stop now and sleep since we’re turning into women here. Just kidding don’t tell the sisters I said that” Mark said laughingly and Nedertu joined him.

The next day Mark woke up early and he got a bit worried since usually, the twins usually would wake up earlier than him and shout in his ears to wake him up. He immediately went to the twin's room and saw that they were still asleep.

Mark checked their temperature and it felt normal and that woke the twins up.

“What’s the problem?” Isaac asked sleepily.

“Well, I thought you both were sick or something since normally you would shout the house down the moment you two wake up which is earlier than me.”

Isaac giggled when he heard that and Aaron smiled.

“Just in case let me cast a healing spell,” Mark then cast his spell, Dryad’s Circle, and the dryad that came out of the trees smiled at them.

“Did you watch the third pirate movie while we were sleeping?” Aaron asked worried that he missed the move after Mark’s spell was done.

“Of course not. We know you’d be disappointed if we did that so our friends watched something else. They watched something scary last night. I don’t think you would want to see that since I’m quite sure that it will scare you. Are you two going back to sleep? I’m going outside to prepare breakfast then I’ll visit the circus for a few minutes just to make sure that everything is all right there.”

“I’m not going back to sleep. We’ll follow you outside.”

Mark and the twins went outside the room and they went to the table where they usually eat. They saw that everyone was already awake and Nedertu was even swimming in the lake. The sisters and Milena were reading their books while they sat at the beach chairs near the water.

“Good morning everyone. I’ll go ahead and prepare breakfast.”

The twins didn’t even change their clothes. They ran towards the lake and jumped, joining Nedertu in his swim. Mark saw that the kids swam towards the inflatable toys and they were becoming expert swimmers. He didn’t worry since the cat man was looking after the twins.

Mark went to the table and replicated breakfast meals for everyone and once he was done he invited everyone.

His friends gathered at the table including Nedertu and the kids who reluctantly followed the cat man out of the water. While they were eating Mark told everyone that he would go to the circus for a few minutes to check if everything was all right and to his surprise, everyone just nodded.

“You don’t need to worry about the circus Mark. Every one of us needed to leave once in a while and when we returned nothing usually happened. The circus is full of powerful people so they can protect it very well.” Mentorra said when they saw Mark, they were surprised that they did not look worried about the circus. Mark nodded in understanding when he heard what Mentorra said. Nevertheless, he told them that he would still visit the caravan.

After breakfast, the sisters and Milena said that they would browse the movies in the movie storage room for a while and Nedertu and the twins went back to swimming.

Mark summoned the portal and went back to the circus to check things there. When he arrived in the RV, he immediately went outside and saw that everyone was busy. The actors were preparing their show and the other acts were being prepared by the participants as well. He arrived where Hamil was and saw that the caravan leader was busy but stopped when he saw Mark.

“Mark you’re back, what happened? I thought you’d be back the day after tomorrow?”

“I’m just checking if everything is okay here.”

“Oh. Thanks for your concern but you don’t have to worry about us. Go back to your vacation but I’m happy that you’re worried about us and I’m glad to know that you can be back here instantly if you wanted.”

“I did tell you that.”

“I forgot about that,” Hamil said sheepishly, and then his attention was sought by one of the circus performers.

“Okay, I’ll go back to where the twins at and be back here the day after tomorrow,” Mark told Hamil and the circus leader nodded.

Mark immediately went back to the twenty-first floor of his dungeon where the oasis was located and saw that Nedertu and the twins were still at the water playing and the women were not present, probably still in the movie storage room.

He changed his clothes and joined the twins and Nedertu on the water then played with them for hours.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!