Delayed Transfer - Chapter 260

Published at 16th of May 2024 12:59:59 PM

Chapter 260

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Mark asked the twins and Nedertu to get out of the water at around ten in the morning since it was time for them to watch the third film in the Pirates of the Caribbean film series.

“What is the title of the third movie?” Isaac asked.

“I think it’s called Pirates of the Caribbean At World’s End. Let’s go take a shower and we’ll all watch it.”

When they arrived at the theater after their shower, Mark saw the women were still browsing the movies on the computer in the storage room. They were enjoying watching the trailers and all of them were holding snacks they got from the refrigerator outside.

“Ladies it’s time for us to watch a full movie instead of watching commercials.”

“It’s already midmorning! My goodness I didn’t notice the time. Just watching these short videos are entertaining enough,” Milena said.

“We’re watching the third part of the Pirate series,” Mark said and the sisters and Milena joined him after he copied the movie to a laptop.

In the theater, Mark provided everyone with popcorn and sodas then they began watching the movie. Halfway through the film, he excused himself so he could prepare lunch for everyone.

He still prepared a seafood festival for lunch but different from their previous ones. After everything was ready, Mark waited for his friends while he continued reading his web novel. He didn’t join back in watching the film since he had just recently watched it and was not in the mood to watch it again.

Mark’s friends came out after the movie was finished and he invited everyone to lunch. They enjoyed everything that he prepared and the twins kept saying that they should go back to just eating his food which Mark ignored.

“This is going to be our last day today since tomorrow we will need to go back,” Mark said to the whole group.

That statement made the twins pout but they knew that couldn’t stay since the circus would need to continue on their journey.

“On our next stop, you kids will need to continue your studies with Rendira and I have a project that I will need to complete as well.”

Mark thought of going back to dungeon diving once he distributed all of his skill points which he planned to do once they were back from vacation. Nedertu told him that they would arrive in the next village after a week of travel.

He would have liked to dungeon dive while they travel and he wondered if he could anchor the portal on the door of the moving cart. He would need to experiment and if he were successful, he would be able to dungeon dive even while they were traveling.

Mark was beginning to get anxious a bit since he had been very free in sharing his things with his friends and somebody powerful may covet his properties. He would like to be powerful enough that someday his name would be deterrent enough for others not to attack him, his family, or the circus.

The whole group decided that they would watch the fourth film in the pirate series after they played in the water for about an hour after lunch. After the movie watching, the time then would be their own and when night arrived, it would be time for their horror film fest although they were only planning to watch one horror film.

“Mark how do you conjure different types of food and are they endless?” Solinae asked while eating one of the grilled fish dishes. Mark knew that the elf was not asking the questions seriously, she was just enjoying the food but he answered her anyway.

“Before the start of my travel, I knew that there was no going back so I planned to store a copy of all my favorite things and I have magic that would let me copy all of the stored data in my inventory,” Mark said which made the sisters nod in understanding on how he kept producing all of his items and food.

“To be able to copy anything stored in your huge inventory is probably a legendary spell and I’m guessing there’s a limitation,” Monterra said ponderously.

“Yes. The limit is the amount of mana I have and I’m thankful that I have quite a lot and I can’t copy anything that has mana in it so the magical equipment and items that I have are not copies but something that I received from my adventures.”

“That meant that you can’t copy magical artifacts and magical food,” Nedertu added.

“Silly Nedertu, that’s what Mark just said,” Isaac retorted which brought a gasp from Mark on how sarcastic that comment was.

“Isaac! That’s bad manners. And I’m proud of you!” Mark said to the kid which made everyone laugh but only brought a confused expression to the twin’s faces.

After lunch, Mark, the twins, Nedertu and Milena went to the lake to swim and surprisingly even the sisters joined them.

Their play in the water brought tremendous fun to everyone especially the kids since Mark and the elven sisters kept using magic to either splash water on someone or lift someone to be thrown.

Unfortunately, their play brought the demise of one of the inflatable ship toys which almost made Aaron cry but a magic spell from Mentorra fixed the toy without any problem.

The whole group then continued watching the Pirate films and they were now on the fourth film in the series which was Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides. The sad part was, that the twins succumbed to their sleepiness and slept through the whole movie which everyone just let them.

Mark woke the twins when the movie ended which made the twins angry since everyone just let them sleep.

“We missed the movie!” Isaac said while pouting which brought a smile to Mark since it was very cute.

“You can watch it at a later time. You can join us tonight to watch the scary film if you want,” Mark said to the kids and the twins cheered.

“Is that a good idea Mark?” Milena asked, concerned.

“I already chose the movie that we’re watching and I have seen it when I was a kid. They’ll be fine. I chose it in honor of our vacation.”

Everyone then went their separate ways since the plan was to gather during dinner and then watch the horror flick. The women went back to reading their books and Nedertu and the twins went back to the water and Mark decided to join them.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!