Delayed Transfer - Chapter 98

Published at 8th of December 2023 05:35:52 AM

Chapter 98

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Saturday came and during Luis’s funeral, everybody was solemn. Mark thought again of his indecisiveness that caused Luis’s death. Even though Miguel and Sonia kept telling him that it wasn’t his fault which he already accepted, he couldn’t deny the fact that the guilt would remain forever.

It was a good thing because it would cause him to take stock on his belief since any hesitancy due to outdated moral value could cause him his life and he decided to treasure his life as a last gift to his parents. He would make sure to rise and live his life to the fullest on the other world.

After the funeral, everyone went home. Sam and Melissa stayed with their parents and Sam told Mark that he would come early Sunday morning for their dungeon dive. Melissa told them that she would skip this turn since she would be accompanying her parents.

Mark called Donald and told him of the group’s decision to let Robert accompany them on their group dive and Donald told him that it wasn’t a problem with them. He then called Robert to tell him of the group’s decision to allow him to join the group for one million dollars to be split four ways. He also told Donald that all the dungeon items that he would like to keep he would have to purchase it. The next dungeon dive would be the next day, Sunday in the morning. Robert agreed with the price and said that he would come early tomorrow morning.

Before the group left, Mark held a meeting with Armina, Enleed, Sam and Melissa. He asked them for their opinion regarding setting a fix price on the dungeon items. Everyone agreed and decided that up to dungeon level 10, they would only sell the dungeon items without skills for the price the group, Robert and Donald decided.

Mark told them that the money would only be split four ways to Sam, Melissa, Armina and Enleed since he didn’t need the money and he was getting his own through the high-level dungeon items that he was finding on the lower level of the dungeon. He told them that since the dungeon would only last for a year, they would need to make sure they get all the money they could that could last them for their lifetime. If Robert and Donald were not enough as a customer, they could still find more through them but since Donald already established a research center and Robert was planning to delve into that scientific humdrum, they were doubtful that they Robert or Donald, would not buy the items.

The next day, everyone arrived including Donald, Elizabeth, and Robert. Before the dungeon dive Mark held a meeting first. His guild members gave their account numbers to Robert so he could send the money to them directly. Mark also asked Donald to find them an accountant and lawyer that would legitimize the money they were giving the group and Donald said that he would oversee it. Mark informed Donald and Robert the group’s decision to fix the prices of the dungeon without skills up until dungeon level 10.

“Remember, each item had an energy called “Mana” that would increase either your Strength, Vitality, Dexterity, Agility, Intelligence and Wisdom. Not only that, but it also had a defense stat that would literally defend you even from bullets.”  Mark told Robert and Donald.

“How do you know it would shield you from bullets?”  Robert asked.

With Mark and Sam’s permission, Enleed told the details of the kidnapping of Sam’s parents and how the thugs shot at them without them receiving any harm. The Mexican gang did hit them on the part which had the armor so they weren’t sure if they would still be affected if they were hit on the part which wasn’t covered by the armor.

Armina told everyone that she was quite sure that the part not covered by the armor was still protected since she distinctly remembered getting hit by a bullet on the arm and it only felt like somebody threw a stone at her arm.

Donald told everyone that the research center for the dungeon items were already established, and the scientist were now researching one of the iron daggers from the first floor of the dungeon. It would take some time before they would find initial results on their research.

The group then proceeded to head to the fourth floor of the dungeon. Robert was the only one who wasn’t wearing a dungeon item set but he was using the Magic Blue Iron Sword with the skill Slash that Mark found.  The skill had fifty damage with sixty charges and would earn one charge per 10 minutes. It had 20 – 25 physical damage when used as a regular weapon and had thirty durability. Mark asked why he wasn’t using the Magic Missile wand and Robert said that he did bring it, but he would prefer using the sword since he was trained as a fencer.

The group encountered Vampire Bats, Orc Warrior, Orc Archer, Orc Shaman, and huge ass Vampire Spiders. Mark noticed that the group were beginning to come together as a legitimate raid group. Enleed as the strategy expert in the guild were beginning to apply his expertise as a strategist from gaming to real life.

During one of their rest, Mark informed everyone that his personal goal was to get everyone a storage item so they could store their armor and weapon so they could equip them during emergency. He reminded them to be careful of the storage items since anybody can use them. So far, they only have three storage items, the storage leather satchel that he gave to Enleed, the storage ring that Donald has and the storage amulet that he gave to Sam. As a mask for his Inventory, Mark told everyone that he had a storage item as well, so he only needed to find one for Armina, Elizabeth and Robert.

Donald and Robert did ask to sell them more if there’s any so they could research on how the space inside was functioning and Mark agreed. They were able to find enough items for Robert to have a complete set and for everyone to upgrade their armor set but everyone with altered set for cosplay said that they would keep that old set for costume purposes and remembrance.

Armina then told everybody that she will arrange for everyone to have some sort of mannequin stand that they could use to display their armor.

Donald and Robert kept the items that they would like to have, and both said that they would send the money to their accounts. Mark kept the rest to destroy for crafting materials.


I'm so happy to share that someone who believes in me gave me a laptop so starting from this chapter, I would be able to use MS Word's grammar and spell check! 

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!