Published at 12th of October 2023 11:40:07 AM

Chapter 241

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Another day, another incident. This time they don't want Fie to enter the World Tree Realm. According to what the Council tells the elves, they claim that an Amlethian wanted everything for himself. Wanted the power of the World Tree. Wanted to lead them by instilling fear of the resurrection of the Devil King. Those who don't obey or buy the Amlethian story are held in the Amlethian cell, just like the group of elves who attacked back then. Of course, none of this is true. 

"And that's what happened!" [Diana].

"And you're saying that my son was somehow able to transport you from Amleth all the way here?" [Iligast]

"As bizarre as it sounds, I was there, and as The Saga, I put my rank and the trust I had built up all year into it. Bash me if you want, but that's what happened. If it weren't for the powerful Dyrad who is with your son, I wouldn't even hesitate to drag him here and ask him to tell the truth" [Khamisah].

"Did you hear that?"

"Miss Saga beat the elves in their own territory."

"But Miss Saga wouldn't do that! She helped us before!"

"Helped, because that's her job as a guild member, and now she's with the Amlethian Queen!" [Iligast]

"Her Highness Queen Amleth is better than your so-called council. With her, we elves who weren't given equal opportunities grew bigger and stronger. I myself was called the legendary archer under her graceful and great leadership" [Apollo].

An open discussion, seen by the elves in the kingdom, between us Amlethians and the Elven Council. It's held in the same place as their religious site. We have all sworn not to tell a lie before the World Tree. 

The discussion is arranged after Mrs. Myle has painstakingly gotten the Council to agree to it. I don't know how she does it. I'm sure she gets some help from Sister Farhana.

""Can we please stop all this shouting for a moment and discuss an important matter first? First, may I clarify, do you or any of the elves in this kingdom have any connection to this group of elves who attempted to kidnap the young lady Diana" [Myle]?

"As a member of a council, I can say that we from the Elven Kingdom have no connection with this group. Of course, my brothers are there, and it may sound like I am trying to defend myself, but I can assure you that I am only speaking the truth" [Farhana].

I'm sure both of them had agreed to say something beforehand to calm the anger on both sides. Mr. Apollo seems to hate the Council, and as for me, I feel the same only towards this Iligast. Sister Farhana also tries to take the lead from the Council's side, reassuring the citizens of this kingdom that they're not here for malice.

"May I ask from your side, Ms. Myle, what has the Kingdom of Amleth learned about them?" [Farhana].

"Though they haven't revealed their name yet, from what we've learned, they seek the purity and preservation of the Elder Elf bloodline. Not only that, but they're going beyond that. What that means is still a mystery to us, but we do know that one of their goals is to get their hands on everything related to the World Tree, which is why Young Lady Diana was attacked" [Myle].

At this revelation, the gathered elves begin to make a ruckus. Some are confused, some agree that elves can indeed become even better than their ancestors, while others are disgusted. 

"If I may interject, does that mean they're trying to get a power similar to our inept World Tree Priestess? Interesting" [Iligast].

"FATHER!" [Farhana]

"You're calling?" [Farhah]

"Yes! I'm calling because I miss you!" (I don't want her to get hurt by that guy's comment!) [Diana]

"My granddaughter is so cute!" [Farhah]

"Meow!" [Fie]

(It's not my place to comment on this, but this guy is clearly hostile towards her ex-wife) [Khamisah]

Grandmother Farhah, the neutral witness, represents the World Tree and will punish anyone caught lying. She is currently in her own world. She is interested in the case, but not for long, as she can be seen talking to the nearby flower and interacting with the Queen of Dyrad. She also plays with Fie

"If I may ask, what will the Elven Kingdom do?" [Myle].

"We're going to get our people back, it's unthinkable that an elf would do something as heinous as kidnapping a noble lady from a foreign land." [Iligast]

"Will you be in charge?" [Myle]

"Of course, myself and the councilman will" [Iligast].

"I'm sorry, but I can't help but wonder, you seem strangely proud of your son for committing this crime" [Myle].

"Pardon?" [Iligast]

"Not only that, you're clearly hostile towards Madam World Tree Priestess. Jealousy, if I may add. I can't help but feel that something is wrong. I'm not accusing you of anything, but I want to clear the air. I have heard several disturbing rumors about you, all of which refer to your jealousy, hatred, and how you belittle the World Tree Priestess." [Myle]

When Ms Myle say this, the other started gossiping. I can tell that they're all in agreement with what she just said

"And what's that have to do with this?" [Iligast]

"Almost everything. Their leader is your son. They have a goal that's akin to getting the same power as madam World Tree Priestess and you're currently in bad relationship with her. As the representative of my kingdom, it's my duty to investigate this further. I can't very well allow the criminal that dare to harm our Young Lady Diana be with someone that support them. More so your comment just now. What do you mean interesting " (That part where he say interesting really caught me off guard. I'm sure he's unrelated to the group, my gut feeling tells me that much, but, my gut feeling also tells me that he's interested in the power that this group want to obtain) [Myle]

Way to go! Go squash him! Squash him like want would squash a cockroah! Now, the elves that are present couldn't help but feel the same! 

"Madam World Tree Priestess, if I may ask, can the world tree decide the fate of the criminal without the interference of the council?" [Myle]

"The previous saint, my master did taught me of the technique. Yes, it's possible, but alas, the council forbidded me from doing so as of now" [Farhah]

"Why is that?" [Diana]

"You can ask my husband. Something about not wanting to rely on me. It's been too long, I sincerely forget about it" [Farhah]

Again, the crowd can't help but start gossiping. Since Mrs Myle carry herself in professional manner, it doesn't seem like Iligast is that angry. Angry, but, at leats he doesn't throw a tantrum or anything 

"Then can we get the criminal to be monitored under you?" [Myle]

"I'll help wherever possible. I might not be a citizen of this country no more, but, my duty as an elf toward the world tree priestess still remain" [Apollo]

"That'll appreciated. Very well" [Farhah]

"Thank you. I'll ask Her Highness Queen Amleth about it once I reported everything " [Myle]

I hope this will make the others respect Grandma Farhah a little more. I'm not sure why Ms. Myle says something about Iligast being jealous of Grandma Farhah, I really don't get it. Does it mean that Iligast wanted the power for himself? Is that why he married Grandma Farhah in the first place? Too complicated. Whatever it is, I hope everything will go smoothly for Grandma Farhah from now on. 

(The crowd adores the World Tree Priestess and slanders the Council. Myle... you're really terrifying) [Apollo]

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