Published at 30th of October 2023 08:20:35 AM

Chapter 249

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 While Zephyr and Charlotte were fighting , the knights in Ze'at were busy repairing the gates of the fort that Zephyr had destroyed.

 They are using earth magic to build a barricade, but it doesn't have much of a defense function. It's a good thing it's there.

". I'm sure the imperial army has already heard that the gate has been destroyed. They may take this opportunity to attack us."

 Under Baynard's direction, the knights proceeded to repair the gate.

 On the other hand, the imperial army learns that Zephyr has sailed alone to destroy the gate and enter the fort.

 After receiving the report from the reconnaissance unit, the higher-ups took advantage of the situation and ordered a sortie.

 There were some people who said that the magic of the other day might be there, but  they guessed that it was not a magic that could be used so many times, so  they  forced them to go out.

 Naturally, as the imperial army advanced, the kingdom's army would also move. The knight who had been scouting reported to Baynard that the imperial army had started its march.

 Baynard receives the report and hurries to repair the gates, but the speed at which the Imperial Army is advancing is unparalleled .

 The imperial army is also desperate not to miss the great opportunity that Zephyr has  given for them. In addition, they are wary of the magic that was used last time, so they are trying to break into the fort before it is used, which naturally increases the speed.

"Damn it! Call Rudolph! Tell him I need to ask him something!"

 Baynard clicks his tongue as he decides that the gate will not be repaired in time. It was a  good  news that the mighty Zephyr was gone, but the destruction of the gate was painful.

 After a while, Rudolph comes to Baynard's side, accompanied by a knight. Rudolph was out of breath from being brought in by force, and looked as if he was about to collapse.

"Are you okay? Can you speak Rudolph?"

"Yes,  please wait a moment, ......."

 It took about five minutes for Rudolph, who was breathing hard, to catch his breath.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I was told that you had some requirements for me.

"Yes, about that, can you use the magic you used the other day?"

 Baynard had decided to use the magic he had used the other day again, since it was unlikely that the gate would be repaired in time. But Baynard guessed that the magic he had seen the other day was not something that could be easily repeated.

 That's why he called Rudolph to confirm it. He asked Rudolph if he could use the magic again.

"I'm sorry, but the magic of the other day is not filled with magic power, so it cannot be used.

"Then how much magic do I need to use it?

 Lord Leold - used the his share  magic  skill , and it took a lot of magic power, probably enough for thousands of  mages ."

 The magic power of thousands of  mage!"

 "I can't prepare that!"

"Well, Leolde  alone has non-standard magical power, and I think that's about it because he  used the magical power of the residents of Zeat."

"You say that, but ......

Baynard made a face as if bitSo, it's a valuable asset, but as Rudolph said, it would take the magic of thousands of people to reboot the magic circleing down on the number of wizards currently belonging to the Royal Army. The number of wizards is much smaller than knights. 

 It's not that the maes belonging to the kingdom army are incompetent, but the magic circle developed by Leolde  and co the other day will certainly give an advantage in this battle.

 Baynard wondered what he should do, but the answer was  fined .

"I'll gather the wizards and reactivate the magic circle. That way, even if the gates are destroyed, the Imperial Guard will not be able to get to us."

 Having taken the most effective course of action, Baynard was about to summon the wizards when Rudolph called out to him.

"Commander Baynard. May I have a word with you?""

"What is it? As you can see, I'm in a hurry."

"Since you seem to be in trouble, I thought I'd offer you a solution."

 Baynard wondered if he was going to end up in trouble again, but he had learned something from the other day.

 He was sure he could count on him .

"Let's hear it.""


 As Baynard and Rudolph  were at strategy meeting, the Imperial Guard was relieved that the magic of the other day had not attacked them. At the same time, the upper echelon's prediction had been proven correct.

"Commander. A wall of earth is reported to have appeared in front of the fort.

 The second-in-command received the report from his subordinate and reported it to the commander. The commander who received the report gave the order.

"The second-in-command reported to the commander. After that, send the infantry troops to break into the fort. The gate has already been destroyed by Lord Zephyr. I'd like to say it's an easy job, but you never know what might happen in the kingdom now. Proceed with caution."

 The imperial troops proceeded after receiving the  orders . They are determined to win this battle for the sake of their allen comrades  who were  killed the other day.

 But unfortunately, that wish will never be came true . New victims will be appear , and a terrible tragedy is about to strike again. The Empire will know  that they are not the best.

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