Published at 6th of April 2022 05:55:55 AM

Chapter 137: Creating a Profile Pt.2

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The mini pity party he threw for himself started and ended just as quickly. There was no doubt he would be spending several nights on this and could only get so far within the next couple of hours. He would have to develop a special code to track the specific parameters related to Valentina and have it notify him directly whenever something pulled. 

Of course, the parameters were his biggest issue. The yellow notepad had only a few random scribbles with the major expanse of the paper mocking him. It was just irritating that there were pros and cons to each potential parameter. He could include Valentina to see if she has used that name elsewhere but would be limiting the identity to only one name. The name itself was good enough for a general search versus a customized tracker. 

Deciding to categorize the characteristics, he separated the sheet into physical, skills, and assumptions. The first category being the most easiest to think of, the skills would be very preliminary but depending on their interactions and the information Xi Long gave he could refine it quickly. The last category was the most random and held his own assumptions on her, things he thought could be linked back to her. 

Starting with physical, he tried to imagine her full face from when they had gone to dinner. If he had a weaker memory this portion would have been the hardest out of the three sections. No matter where she was, she wore a mask to cover her face. He had no comment on her use of the mask, he himself wore one just to come here. Whether her reasoning was for comfort or protection, they were both very valid. Yet, without the dinner to go off of he could easily make a mistake on what he thinks she looks like. 

He had to give credit to Xi Long, the woman he chose was quite the looker. It didn't matter that his attraction was towards men, he knew an attractive woman when he saw one. Face alone, she could probably enter the entertainment field or use it as the base of her career. A small smile crept on his face as he remembered when their first meeting, 'judging on the acting she did then....yeah she would definitely be successful in entertainment.'

Going off memory, his current 'physical' list looked like this:


- Dark brown eyes

- Black hair, medium length, slightly wavy

- 5"8 ish with flats *note (debatable with heels)

- Slim athletic build

- Pale skin *note (for now)

- Shoe size - average 7.5 or 8 

He wasn't too sure about her shoe size specifically, just based on woman's average and her build he guessed the number. Even if he wasn't accurate, he wouldn't be too far from the correct answer. There were a couple other features he remembered but none that he thought were useful. Things like lip shape, her three sizes, and so on, did not matter since no crime report would show those. 

Finishing up the physical portion, he set it aside and started on the skills. For one he knew she could handle a gun and was quite proficient at it. There was no doubt in his mind about it and he didn't need to see her use one to be sure. A woman who walked around with a poison needle tester in her hat was definitely not one who hesitated in shooting.  Her entire being exuded a neutral aura but when she fought every part of her was bloodthirsty. 

The switch up in personality was quite amusing to him, she came off cold and reserved to everyone but Xi Long. Even with Xi Long, it was still cold and reserved but filled with affectionate banter. So those few sentences would break her former aura and present another side to her. However, that was not enough to be a deviation from her normal state. The real switch up happened when she entered a combat situation. Anyone looking in could tell that she enjoyed frightening Su Moxi. 

She practically looked like a street thug with the way she was acting. There were no weapons on her at that time yet she easily took down the other woman. That could only mean she was skilled in hand combat as well and was his second point to jot down.

His final point for this category was simply her observation skills. She could easily read the waitresses body language and noticed something as minuscule as a hidden camera based on a missing piece. Just being familiar with that piece was not enough to verify her technological capabilities but was enough for observation. This specific trait would not be expressed clearly in a crime report or sighting. He could guess that it would show up in the more complex crimes like a heist. So it would not be something he included in his code but would help narrow down the searches. Noting down her skills also helped him develop her profile for his own personal interest. 

Occupational habit is what he called it, always hard to control his thirst for information when it was in front of him. Sighing, he thought about the section for a couple more minutes before deciding to leave it. Other than these three, he couldn't think of any immediate skills she had and didn't want to waste more time on it. 

With that his 'skills' list, looked like this:


- Skilled with weapons: 

--> Guns (YES)

--> Needles (YES)

--> Blade (??)

--> Cross Bow (??)

--> Sword (??)

--> Other (TBD1). 

- Hand Combat:

--> Street Fighting (Most Likely) *note she enjoys fighting, high probability that she had fought often

--> Professional Fighter (??)

--> Military Trained/Secret Force (??)

--> Foreign training (??) *note strong suspicion of being an international citizen. Details TBC1.....

- Observation:

--> Good at reading body language

--> Good instincts, others TBD.....

Looking at his list and back his watch he realized twenty minutes had passed. Though it was longer than he had expected, it was not entirely out of his calculations. Staring down he debated on adding more notes but worried that it would crowd the paper. Adding too much now would limit the space he had later. Since this sheet would never become digital it was his only piece for now. He could of course rewrite his findings but he'd rather not create more work for himself.

Picking up his pen, he went to write his third section when his phone vibrated with a text message. 

'Who is this...?' To Be Determined To Be Confirmed

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