Published at 4th of December 2023 01:01:14 PM

Chapter 27

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I have three distinct AIs at my disposal. The first is Sapphire, a combat AI. The second one is Emerald, responsible for monitoring my physical body and keeping me healthy. And the last one is Ruby, my secretarial assistant, specializing in collecting and processing information.

With Ruby’s help, In just ten minutes, I've scanned five books, each no less than a thousand pages. Not only that, it's also processing the knowledge contained within them as I scan, and I can feel newfound wisdom pouring into my head like water from a spring. Processing speed aside, Ruby provides additional memory space, capable of holding a nearly limitless amount of data, which I can easily access with just a single thought.

However, I probably won't be able to digitize the entire library any time soon. Scanning ten pages takes just a split second, yet the real limitation is how quickly I can flip through the pages.

Because of that, I only focus on selecting books I deem essential for now. Most of the advanced books are held on the top floors. Yet, I can't just skip to those complex ones. I need to start with the basics. So, step by step, I begin with the simple books on the lower floors and slowly work my way up. It's like going through school all over again, but at super speed.

Time flies as I lose track in the sea of knowledge. I quickly get the hang of Valeria's whole history and how the world works. I learn about the magic system, how to use mana, and all the deep and complex theories behind. Then I move on to enchantments, the art of imbuing magical properties into objects. After that comes the essential knowledge about different monsters and how to defeat them, and lastly, the ins and outs of Valeria's famous dungeons, which I will probably visit very soon.

Thus, as night falls and the moon rises outside the window, I have already equipped myself with wisdom that would normally take decades to acquire. Yet, despite the vast trove of knowledge I've amassed, the whereabouts of my sister Anna remain a mystery. No spell within these texts offers a solution, and unsurprisingly, there is no mention of those who have been summoned from other realms.

I suspect that such sensitive information is likely safeguarded within the kingdom's highest echelons, possibly concealed on the inaccessible uppermost floors of this very library, or perhaps somewhere else within the royal castle.

But now, as the hour grows late, it's time to return home.

I walk down to the first floor. To my surprise, Yumi is there, her attention fully absorbed by the pages before her.

"Hey! Why are you still here? Where's Sophia and Hana?" I inquire

Yumi jumps a bit, startled from her deep focus. "Oh hi!" She flashes a quick, sheepish smile. "Um, we had dinner and Sophia and Hana have already gone back," she explains. "I wanted to wait for you. Besides, I was so engrossed in this book that I just had to finish it. Oh, and I got this for you, Jack!"

She hands me a parcel of meat skewers, the paper slightly greasy at the edges. My stomach growls in response. It dawns on me that I have been so engrossed in my literary quest that I neglected to nourish myself.

Knowing that we can't eat within the library, we step outside, the cool evening air greeting us. As we stroll under the canopy of stars, I glance at Yumi, her eyes still alight with the joy of discovery.

"So, what's that you're reading?" I ask, intrigued by the book she’s holding.

"It's an encyclopedia on different plants," she replies, a spark of enthusiasm in her voice. "I figured I should know more about flora if I'm to fully utilize my Divine Blessing."

“Huh? But you already have your Divine Blessing, right?”

Yumi’s blessing, Whispering Leaves, allows her to communicate with and befriend plants. Then why does she even need a book about plants if she can just talk to them directly?

But Yumi’s answer changes my perspective.

“No, it’s actually not that simple. I tried talking to them, but it turns out that plants have their own... personalities, I guess you could say that. Some are really friendly and chatty, but others are quite reserved. A few even got... grumpy when I tried to talk to them. I believe I haven’t gained their trust yet.”

"That's quite interesting," I remark, genuinely surprised. "So they're not all just waiting to lend a hero a leaf or a vine?"

She chuckles at the pun but shakes her head. "No, not really. And it's more than that. Just because I can talk to them doesn't mean I understand everything about them. I've learned that each plant has different needs and preferences. Some like certain soils, others need specific light conditions, and I don't know half of these things. So even when they do talk back, sometimes I'm not sure what they need or how to help them."

This insight shifts my perspective further. One might assume that such a divine gift would automatically bestow expertise in botany, but the reality is quite different. Merely being able to converse with plants doesn’t guarantee an immediate bond, much like with people. We can freely talk and have conversations with others, but at the end of the day, not many of us have a large circle of friends. In fact, some people become enemies precisely because of the things they say.

"It sounds like you've got a learning curve ahead, but that’s why you’re reading that book, right?" I ask.

"Exactly! I'm hoping that by learning more about their environments and how to care for them, I can build better relationships with the plants. Maybe then, they’ll be more willing to assist us."

I nod in agreement. "Just like people," I say, “You can't gain trust and cooperation without understanding and respect. I've just read about some plant monsters. Would you like to discuss them?”

“Oh really?” she exclaims, her eyes immediately light up “Yes, I’d love to! Do you, by any chance, know about those cabbage-looking creatures that can fly? They're adorable in the illustrations from the book! They have a name, but it slipped my mind. It’s… um…”


“Yeah! Flufflecabbages!”

Well, these whimsical creatures are not exactly plants but more like natural spirits that inhabit them. It’s debatable whether that makes them plants or something else. Regardless, they can take on the forms of flying carrots or tomatoes, though they seem to have a particular obsession with cabbages.

As we continue our conversation about these plant-like monsters, I can’t help but appreciate the tranquility of the library at night. It’s an ideal place for a leisurely stroll. High above, the moon hangs luminous in the sky, with stars twinkling and casting their gentle glow upon the serene pond below.

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