Published at 4th of December 2023 01:01:03 PM

Chapter 35

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The army knife too is another success. 

[Mysterious knife from otherworld]

Weapon Rating: 156

Weight: 425 grams


Sharpness: 48 Durability: 547/600

Special Ability:

Wind Cutter level 2 (NEW)


Sharpness + 10 (NEW) Wind Cutter + 2 (NEW) Enchantment points: 1 (decreased by 30)


The reason why I didn’t put more Sharpness into it is because of the diminishing returns. At this point, adding more Sharpness beyond a certain level would not proportionally increase the knife's cutting power, and may even harm the knife as it increases the chance of chipping or breaking. 

Thus, the rest of the enchantment points were used to give it a special ability instead. It’s a wind-type elemental infusion, giving the knife the ability to project a sharp gust of wind with each slash, with cutting power equal to 80% of the knife’s cutting power. With this, I can extend the range of my attacks easily.

After enchanting the knife, I shift my focus to the rest of my equipment. I imbue my clothes and boots with extra durability, thermal insulation, and resistance to water and dirt. However, when it comes to my guns, I’m uncertain about the best enchantments. Accuracy and weight reductions are common for bows, but my guns are already quite light, and with Sapphire's aid, further accuracy enhancements seem unnecessary. So, for the time being, I decide to leave them unenchanted.

Next, I move on to the bullets, giving them special abilities:

20 bullets are enchanted with Piercing, allowing them to penetrate tougher targets.

20 bullets receive an Explosion enchantment, causing them to explode on impact, thereby increasing my damage output.

I reserve the rest for future enchantments, allowing flexibility based on upcoming situations.

Thus, after spending such a long day doing enchantments, I’ve gained some new skills.

Enchantment Crafting 3>

Usually, reaching this level in Enchantment Crafting takes people three to five years of daily practice, often accompanied by considerable effort and frustration. However, with Ruby's assistance, I've managed to achieve this feat in just one day.

But, unfortunately, I can't really make much use of that skill.

Despite this rapid progress, the skill isn't as beneficial for me as it might be for others. It offers only a slight increase in success rate and consistency. But why would I need that when I already have a 100% success rate thanks to Ruby?

At the moment, what I'm actually looking forward to is the title that comes with advancing in this skill.

In the world of Enchanters, there are four ranks: Novice, Apprentice, Master, and Grandmaster. I've now attained the rank of Apprentice Enchanter. Advancing to Enchantment Crafting level 5 will elevate me to a Master Enchanter. Achieving this rank is significant not just for the status it conveys but also for its tangible benefits. It comes with a 30% boost in enchantment quality and a similar reduction in the points needed for enchanting items. This substantial improvement will make my enchantments even more powerful and efficient than ever before!

But until then, it's just endless grinding. Each enchantment brings me closer to my goal, yet there's still a long road ahead.

As evening approaches, Sophia and I make our way to one last destination before heading home.

Upon entering the Enchantment Guild auction house, we are greeted by the auction clerk, a middle-aged man whose sharp gaze appears to take in everything at once. He is the epitome of efficiency, with gray hair neatly combed and glasses perched on his nose, lending him a scholarly appearance. His uniform is immaculate, yet it's his quick, assessing smile that truly captures our attention. His name, we notice, is written on his tag – Mathew.

“Hi, are you here to auction your enchanted equipment?” asks the auction clerk as we approach his desk.

“Yes, we'd like to auction these items,” Sophia says, laying out our enchanted weapons on the counter: five daggers, three swords, a spear, and a bow.

The clerk raises an eyebrow, surveying the array. “These are basic Guild weapons, aren't they? Are you sure they're worth auctioning?”

“Yes,” Sophia affirms confidently.

“Alright,” Mathew sighs deeply. “That will be two gold coins.”

Sophia glances at me, silently asking for approval. I nod, giving her the go-ahead. She places two gold coins on the table to cover the auction fee—a steep price indeed. Converted to dollars, it's equivalent to about two thousand bucks.

Mathew accepts the gold and hands us some paperwork to sign.

Once the registration is complete, the clerk says with a slight bow, “Thank you. The auction house is closed for today, so would you mind coming back tomorrow? Our Master Enchanter will appraise your items and put them on auction accordingly.”

“Sure, no problem!” replies Sophia, and we bid him farewell.

Stepping out of the Enchantment Guild, Sophia turns to me with a whisper of concern, “Jack, are you sure about auctioning those items? Even if they are perfectly enchanted, they’re still beginner weapons. They're not even worth the auction fee alone!”

“Oh, are you sure about that?” I reply, a smirk playing on my lips.

“Huh? What do you mean?” She looks confused.

“Well, we’ll see tomorrow.”

Because what I'm auctioning isn't just the items themselves, but also a reputation. On each and every item I’ve placed for auction, I’ve also included my other name, which I’ve decided to be my Enchanter name from now on.


It’s a name that brings back so many memories.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!