Published at 4th of December 2023 01:01:02 PM

Chapter 36

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Later, we head to the Library to pick up Yumi and Hana. I’m truly grateful for the Library's existence, providing a safe and enjoyable place for the girls during the day. I've compensated Catherine extra to help look after them. I don’t want to treat the Library like a babysitting service, but our options are limited. Leaving the girls to wander the streets of Vera on their own isn't safe, even during the day. They are innocent little girls that lack any means to defend themselves. It would be really bad if some bad guys approach them when me and Sophia are not there.

Upon our arrival at the Library, we find Yumi and Hana playing outside with Fufu. The sight of two little fox girls and a floating cabbage is delightfully cute. It brings back memories of the times I used to play outside with Anna when we were little, stirring a bittersweet feeling in my heart.

“Jack!” Yumi's face brightens with a smile when she sees me.

“Sorry, we are a bit late,” I apologize as I walk over. “Are you guys hungry?”

“Not really!” Yumi answers cheerily. “Catherine got us some food earlier. What about you?”

“Well, we had a big lunch, haha, so I’m not really up for dinner either,” I respond. “How about some light snacks at the market? Would you like that?”

“Absolutely!” Yumi exclaims, and even Hana nods in agreement.

Thinking about it, I realize I haven’t had the chance to try the street food in Vera yet.

Turning to Sophia, “Can you show us where to find the most delicious treats?” I ask.

“Yes, leave it to me!” Sophia responds

Seeing her smile and the sparkling in her eyes, I bet she also wants some snacks now. We then go inside to say goodbye and thanks to Catherine, before heading out to the market.

Later, as the evening sky deepens into twilight, the vibrant heart of Vera's market comes alive, its medieval charm illuminated by flickering lanterns and glowing stalls. The cobblestone streets, bustling with people of all ages and walks of life. This is what Vera is like, a city that never sleeps. After a long day's work, people flood the streets to enjoy food and companionship. The air is filled with music and lively chatter.

As we walk into the center open market, the aroma of various street foods fills the air, a delightful blend of spices and herbs that tickles the senses. Each stall we pass seems to offer something unique and enticing. There's a vendor grilling skewers of spiced meats that sizzle over an open flame, their smoky scent wafting through the air. Another stall selling noodles is full of patrons. And next to it, another one features a large, bubbling pot of stew. But we are not looking for anything as heavy as stew, just something light to eat for fun, something sweet would be fantastic.

Thus, Sophia leads us to a stand where an old man is frying something that looks like dough balls in a large, iron pan. The golden-brown treats, glistening under the lantern light, He serves them with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of powdered sugar.

“This is a popular local delicacy,” Sophia says, introducing the food to us. “It is known as 'moon fritters’, it’s my favorite!”

Intrigued, I order three small portions, along with one specially sized for Hana.

Sophia is the first one to take a bite. Her face instantly melts in happiness.

Meanwhile, Yumi, ever the caring sister, gently blows on Hana's portion to cool it down before handing it over. Fufu, on the other hand, doesn’t eat anything. It just floats around and makes cute noises.

“Mmmh!” Hana's eyes light up with joy.

“Oh wow!” Yumi exclaims. “It’s like pancakes but better! Jack, what are you waiting for?”

I chuckle, “I just wanted to see your reactions first. Alright, here goes!”

I take a bite and am instantly greeted with a delightful symphony of flavors and textures. The outside is slightly crispy, the inside is airy and soft. The dough itself is subtly sweet, marrying beautifully with the rich honey and the light dusting of sugar.

“Wow! It’s good!” I exclaim. “But I need more honey!”

I ask the vendor for some extra honey and generously douse my portion. I have a sweet tooth, so the honey in this world is not sweet enough for my taste. As I savor each bite, a thought crosses my mind – how perfect these would be with maple syrup. Yes, maple syrup from back home would have been the perfect accompaniment!

Then, after the moon fritters, we try some more pastries, grilled fruit salad, and end our food tour with some herbal tea. In this lively setting, with the blend of delicious food and captivating entertainment, the worries of the day seem to melt away.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!