Published at 6th of February 2024 11:14:54 AM

Chapter 405: Forced Proximities

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Chapter 405 Forced Proximities

June crossed his arms in front of his chest. "A wildcard," he muttered. He had already deduced what was happening—it was a chance for CHAOS. "I have already presented to you three representative songs from the three generations. However, there are still a lot of songs that define these iconic times," Haemin explained. "That is why we came up with this blank card. The participant who chooses this card will have the freedom to choose whatever song they like from any of the three generations!" "I want that card." "I need that card." "Don't tell me we're going to run to get that card." "I don't care. I just really need that card." Just then, Jaeyong raised his hand. "Yes?" Haemin asked, pointing to him. The other participants also paid attention to Jaeyong. "There's only four songs," he said. "Does that mean some groups will perform the same song?" Haemin smirked. "While the title of the mission is 'Blast from the Past,' it will also incorporate teamwork. However, the teamwork I'm talking about is not only within your group but also with people you aren't familiar with. In this industry, we must learn to work outside of our comfort zones!" Haemin smirked. "While the title of the mission is 'Blast from the Past,' it will also incorporate teamwork. However, the teamwork I'm talking about is not only within your group but also with people you aren't familiar with. In this industry, we must learn to work outside of our comfort zones!" The participants frowned, dreading where this was going. "This is also a 'Mixture Battle,' which means you will be teaming up with another team to perform one of these songs!" "I'm an introvert. I can't do that." "Imagine being paired up with CHAOS." "Oh, they're going to eat us right up." "Bro, imagine getting paired up with SPADES! I don't think I would be able to speak at all." "I'd rather chew my own shoe than do that." It was safe to say that the twist in the mission was something the participants weren't too fond of. "However, not all of you need to pair up," Haemin quickly added, causing most of the participants to sigh in relief.

June was also hoping not to be paired up with another artist. In this show, collaborating with the other participants felt like a recipe for disaster. June could already imagine the amount of misunderstandings and antagonisms that could happen. June was also hoping not to be paired up with another artist. In this show, collaborating with the other participants felt like a recipe for disaster. June could already imagine the amount of misunderstandings and antagonisms that could happen. Not only that, but they'd have to adjust to each other's schedules, too. It just seemed like performing alone as a group was the best choice. June really hoped for EVE to perform by themselves and for them to get the wildcard. However, that hope came crashing down with Haemin's next announcement. "And that's where CHAOS' benefits come in," he smiled, some already groaning in disappointment. "As our very first kings, CHAOS gets to decide who they can team up with—that is if they want to team up with someone. They also get to choose the song they're going to perform!"

"Now, for the teams," Haruki started off. June finally stopped inspecting his hair to pay attention to what was happening. He couldn't predict the teams that CHAOS would form. However, he was secretly hoping for it to be OCTA. "We'll go in consecutive order. So, the first formed team will be taking the first generation song and so on," Haruki prefaced. Haemin nodded, gesturing for him to go on.

"The first team will be BOYMYSTIC and Robby," he said. Robby turned to the senior group, bowing his head in respect. Unlike his disdain for EVE, he was actually a pretty big fan of BOYMYSTIC and diligently watched their season, so he was happy with the decision. "The second team is MORPH3D and OCTA," Haruki smirked, already seeing contrasting emotions from the participants. June also froze. That would only mean one thing. "Fuck," Akira whispered by his side. June looked at Haruki's calm expression and pursed his lips together. Not only was he talented, but apparently, he was also cunning.

"And the last team will be SPADES and EVE."

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