Published at 25th of April 2024 07:32:12 AM

Chapter 136: Wedding Gifts (II)

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Chapter 136: Wedding Gifts (II)

POV: The Bride

Table of the bride and groom.

A minute after a dwarf accepted with infinite gratitude a gesture of friendship...

"The Representative of the Sealord of Braavos and the Honorable Iron Bank, Director General Tycho Nestoris." Announced the Chief Herald in Barrowton's service.

The foreigner clad in leather and silken farsettos bowed in Braavosi style.

"Honorable, Warden Tycho... Truly, milord, there was no need for any gift. Your city has already done so much for my family," greeted Barbrey.

"Nonsense, milady. Every wedding ceremony deserves to be celebrated with a gift. And in all my life, I have never witnessed a wedding of such magnificence. Weddings worthy of kings and queens.

A symbolic gesture of gratitude is in order, or I would tarnish the honour of my hometown otherwise." Barbrey smiled amicably and, holding her Jorah's hand, replied.

"If that is the case, honourable representative, far be it from us to stop your hand."

Tycho clapped his hands twice, and two servants carried an object covered with a silk veil.

"Lord Jorah, my Sealord is aware that your family is privileged to possess a sword in Valyrian Steel. And many in Braavos sing of the brave Bear Knight who won at the jousting of Torrhen's Square, is all this correct, milord?" Asked the representative.

"It is, Director, but I would not want too 'enriched' rumours to circulate in Braavos.

Fortune and love spurred my arm and spurs four years ago. I am not deserving of songs."

Why did every word uttered by her man excite her so much?

Could it be because of the thrill of danger? Of the impending demonstrations of power by all the representative forces of the Known World? Or would it be because of the smell of beer and forest scent that her Bear's breath emitted with every breath? There was no certain answer...

But what was certain was that tonight the Maiden would try to outdo herself to satisfy her Bear, and both of them, upon reaching the climax of pleasure, would shout that fucking name. All the Barrowlands would hear the name {Cersei}.

"Humility is the mark of a true warrior, and therefore, milord, allow Braavos to honour such a renowned fighter with this humble gift..." The cloth was uncovered...

It was a hollow shield on the head and two channels that closed with two side arches on edge. A versatile shape for both battles and tournaments, but more importantly, the advantages and all the black and white wood trim were reinforced with dark-hued steel...

"Forged especially for you and all your descendants. It may look heavy from the looks of it, but I assure you it is the strongest and lightest shield Bear Island has ever seen.

No wooden spear will ever make a dent in such an object, and they will have to shatter dozens of iron spikes or impact hundreds of slashes of excellent steel before they leave a mark...

Seasoned wood of Weirwood Tree and Black Barked Tree reinforced by Valyrian steel edging and plating."

The crowd of spectating nobles and servants emitted a small clamour of surprise-and with just cause. No one 'of known' in Westeros should possess such a tool of workmanship... a truly royal gift.

Barbrey's thoughts muffled all the voices around her.

'Therefore, Braavos still hopes for a possible alliance with Barrowton to overthrow the North... This is no mere display of power. How much could such a rarity be worth on the market? Two hundred--three hundred thousand gold coins minimum? Coin counters hate to invest their money poorly.

Hmm... Yes, no doubt, they are banking on my hatred of House Stark and want to make the Lions of the West jealous. But, putting aside the stupid Lioness... the necklace and the book were no coincidence.' Barbrey eyed the box given to her by House Lannister with a hint of skepticism and suspicion.

'You're behind the new appointment as Governor and Protector of Lannisport, aren't you, Duncan?

Holy Seraphine ...

How many moves and countermoves have you already calculated?'

The bride was aware that this boy was privy to secret information impossible to reveal unless one wanted to unleash war and destruction throughout the known world.

Barbrey had to surmise certain truths on her own... However, the missing piece that intrigued her most was sure:

'Why would you want an alliance with the West at all costs?' So the Reach and the Iron Islands were to be ruled out by obviousness of fact... but that still left the Trident, the Stormlands, the Crown Lands and the Valley.

Because of the strategic location? Because Casterly Rock is impregnable? could not be just that.

It was not even a matter of the concentration of Magic Blood...

'That the history of House Lannister is deeper and more occult than imagined?' Barbrey awoke.

"And to the most beautiful bride in the North, the most beautiful jewel...

Directly from Sealord's personal collection, the pledge of love that Aegon IV gave to the piratess Bellagere Otherys, who nicknamed her by the very title 'Black Pearl'" A small chest opened and inside, resting on a bed of red velvet, resided a pearl black as night, hypnotic and spendthrift larger than a walnut...

'Another pledge too exorbitant for a common gift...'

"I am dazzled and breathless, Director... I... I wouldn't even know what to say... How could I ever..." Barbrey played her part to perfection.

"Please, milady, there is no need to say anything. This gift is not meant to cause you discomfort but only to reward your beauty...

It is time for me to retire and make room for other guests who have come from the far east. Thank you again for the invitation, Lord and Lady Mormont."


A minute later...

'As expected, Oldtown doesn't give a damn about silly demonstrations of power...' House Hightower abandoned the podium of Second World Power, giving space to many guests in the formed line.

"From the legendary lands in the Far East, the honourable Chief Sorcerer Dug of the Yellow Chai Emperor Dynasty, Descendant of the First Emperor of Dawn, The God-On-Earth, and Lord Supreme of the Starry City Carcosa.

And his personal assistant, the Honorable Quaithe of The Shadow from Asshai." Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

Barbrey had to remember to reward Chief Herald William for not missing a single letter...

"Honorable, Sorcerer lord Chai Dug, honourable shadowbinger Quaithe, Carcosa honours us with your presence." The imposing sorcerer was the figure that most intimidated Barbrey of all...

Etiquette and courtesy had to be impeccable in front of the 69th Emperor of Yi Ti. Thousands, including subjects, guests, enemies and even relatives, had been slaughtered or, worse, tortured with atrocities that would put the ancient customs of the Red Kings to shame.

Corlys needed only fourteen ships with their holds laden with silks, jewels and spices from Yin, Leng and Asshai to elevate the Velaryons among the richest Houses in Westeros... And now Barbrey and Jorah had sea and land trade routes (secured and protected by the Confederacy of Wizards) to all markets east of Qarth...

Barbrey's mind sank into an abyss of jewels, gems, spices, and silks of all colours, and the imaginary roar of showers of coins muffled all the sounds of the surroundings...



POV Tywin Lannister

Table of the Royal Family.

Four hours later a married couple thanked the Noblest and Magnanimous Sorcerer in the Known World...

Until now, Tywin played his part to perfection.

Curiosity and doubt toward the bizarre guests of House Stark concealed respect and awe for the emissary of the Iron Bank, an air of defiance toward House Martell and Tyrell, and total indifference to the Hightowers...

That damned hopeful seer puppeteer was right on all fronts... Tyrion was getting results that no Lannister of Lannisport ever managed to achieve so quickly and without waste of resources, and that foolish daughter of his was trying to trick him and the King into causing an 'accident' to the Heir of House Tallhart...

Had he really been so blind to his daughter?

Did Cersei really think that a dash of cunning and a good name could rule the world?

Did that fool really think she could use Ser Gregor and Ser Armory without the knowledge of the Protector of the West...

Cersei still could not sense the true power hidden behind Lady Barbrey. Not even after all those displays of strength...

Yet, Tywin had even warned her.

[Never challenge or offend first forces you do not know.]

[Know your enemy first and if you must strike him, strike to kill, not to hurt him.]

Hundreds of teachings are thrown to the wind.

To his deep regret and disappointment, Tywin thought back to the words of his sister Genna ...

["Jaime is more like Tygett and Kevan. Tyrion is your true heir"].

It was too early to sing defeat in words like [She was right.] but every wretched minute of this day was further proof to the mockery with which the gods had cursed him ...

Cersei kept pestering him and Robert about how wild and untrustworthy the Mormonts and Tallharts were. Jaime scrutinized each knight, probably thinking about jousting and melee, and instead, Tyrion...his shame was playing the True Game.

He was the only one who was sensing what was really going on here... Ever since Tyrion returned from his assigned task of representing and bestowing the gifts of House Lannister, his son never took his eyes off each and every guest imprinted to pay homage to the newlyweds.

At the moment, Cersei was distracted with Joffrey, and Jaime was a shadow of his son-in-law's depraved drunkard Tywin was alone with Tyrion.

"Your opinion on this wedding and Lady Mormont?"

"Do you want my honest opinion, or would you rather I sing praises about the magnificence and undefeatability of Lannister Power and Prestige?" Tywin did not even dignify him with a reply.

"I have no idea what you and Lord Helman ... or rather 'Lord Duncan' have planned, but it is a fact that, if in the next three ... maybe five years at most, we fail to increase trade tenfold or, at the very least, triple mining, soon House Mormont will have more power and wealth than House Lannister...

At this rate, within ten years, Starks, Tallharts and Mormonts will rise above... well I would say all the Houses of Westeros.

Now it is more evident to me why there is so much urgency.

I know why you want to invest half the gold of Casterly Rock, and I find it a wise move...

Lady Barbrey She may be one of the greatest benefactors or threats to the Crown and our family.

Lady Mormont has something huge planned for this event. I still don't know what or why, but she needed all these guests, and she needed all of Westeros and Essos to witness her demonstrate prestige and strength.

Barbrey wished that your daughter, the Queen, would commit a faux pas." Another resounding slap in the face from harsh reality.

"What would you suggest we do for the good of the family?" Tyrion scrutinized him for a moment to better grasp what Tywin meant and then replied

"Well, it's still a little early to come up with a sound strategy. At the moment, I can only think of two...

Either you replace Robert and Jon Arryn with puppet rulers, and we declare all-out war on the entire North by allying with the Tyrells, Myr, the Iron Islands and the Iron Bank, unleashing the most tremendous blood conflict since the Dance of Dragons, and thus bestowing an excellent opportunity on Aegon Targaryen Sixth of his Name to wrest the Crown from the hands of your heirs..." The Crown Prince's Grandfather pushed the cup of wine away from his inappropriately ironic son's reach.


"Or... you move heaven and earth to forge any kind of alliance with House Tallhart and Mormont.

The almost certain heir to Bear Island and the heir to Torrhen's Square are the real keys of the North.

Any nobleman with a hint of foresight in his head will be able to see the potential behind the highly prized Tallhart-Mormont gems.

Likely, the Protector of the North has already attempted to propose Robb and Sansa Stark as possible-candidates-promised-spouses, and the Crown will have to be no less...but to do so, I would strongly advise depriving your daughter of any kind of authority or influence at court, locking her in a tower until the eventual marriages between the untouchables Joffrey and Myrcella and the 'Savage Barbarians of the North' are formalized and consummated." Tywin cast a reproachful glance at the dwarf, who concluded with:

"If you want your grandson to one day sit on the Iron Throne, the most powerful weapons to prevent Aegon's return are not War, Misery and Devastation, but Peace, Stability and Prosperity.

Robert has just proved that he has the strength. If the Usurper's new regime shows the people of Westeros years of splendour and tranquillity, with the entire North, West and Stormlands at his side, all Aegon Targaryen can hope to achieve in the future will be a 'Throne of Sand'."

After a few seconds of uncomfortable silence, the Protector of the West returned the cup of spiced wine to its rightful inebriated and witty owner.

"My Lords, my Ladies, please approach. Lady Barbrey Mormont wishes to make an announcement to all of you honourable guests." Various similar echoes from other heralds poured in from different parts of the tables, attracting the guests' attention.

"Observe, listen and carefully capture every single undertone word, expression or peculiar reaction of anyone who will be present here in the next announcement." So ordered the most powerful man in the West, concealing within himself an imperceptible sense of defeat and resignation.


End Chapter.


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