Published at 18th of December 2023 05:41:31 AM

Chapter 45

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Solomon Magic Academy.

 Teachers' office.

 The accepted students for this year were being discussed.

'First place went to Elias (from the Dietrich family), second place to Ilsa (from the Felsenstein family), and third place to Mira-sama (from the Felsenstein family). It is possible that the second and third places could have been swapped, but I think it is fair to say that they are in order."

 Marine Elster, homeroom teacher of the first year S class of the secondary section, was the one who opened the debate.

 She is in charge of Elias, Ilsa and Mira.

'Indeed. But don't call her Mira-sama. The king has asked me to treat her like a normal student and not as a special one. Isn't that what happened with Luisa and Luis?"

 Valdemar Solomon, the school principal, condemned Marine's statement.

'I'm sorry, sir, . And .......'

"The one with the white hair and red eyes... Damn, isn't he interesting?"

 The majority of teachers are not happy about Albert's entrance, but one of the very few who are in favour is Axel Schneider, the homeroom teacher of the upper secondary class 2 S. He is a member of the school's homeroom teacher's council.

 He is Louisa and Leah's homeroom teacher.

 All of his values are either interesting or not interesting.

 He finds Albert interesting and agrees to enrol him.

 It is a supremely clear reason.

 Let's leave aside the good and the bad.

"He is a child of the 100th rank in the pecking order. I disagree. He seems to be possessed by some evil spirit or force."

"Me too. I don't think he got his powers in the right way. I don't know what kind of trouble he'll bring to this academy".

"Well, that's all right, as long as it's interesting. Boring bastards."

 The previous headmaster, Walmond Solomon, was a man of conservative views.

 His son, who had spoken out for reform in the election for headmaster, became the new headmaster.

 The previous headmaster, Walmond, was to stay on as deputy headmaster and teacher.

'"ather ...... no, my predecessor, so you are letting him go out wild?"

"'Well, well, that's not an option for us, ......."

"What if he hurts someone?"

"Let the guards handle it. It won't be our fault."

"That's not what I'm saying. If the guards act, it means that someone will be hurt. Can we tolerate such a thing?"


"Ugh. ......"

"I don't suppose any of you object to his passing?"


"Fuck, I like a cool guy."

"As a special measure, however, his grade rank on admission is 100th. I think in terms of simple fighting ability leaving aside the written grades, I think he's number two. If it's potential, I think you're even higher."

"Second place? Better than Ilsa?"

 Marine could not accept the headmaster's statement that Albert was better than Ilsa.

 No wonder.

 The school's head teacher said that the person ranked 100th in his class was better than the number two in his own class.

'Yes, that's right. I think you all have some concerns about his use of magical powers. That's why we have taken special measures. I wondered whether the power he uses is a legitimate basis for evaluation. I was also worried about it, but as a bitter pill to swallow, I decided to give him the 100th rank in the D class pecking order instead of the S class. He is competitive, so I'm sure he'll move up soon, but there is a lot at stake, so we have to keep an eye on him as a teaching staff."


'Kuku, give it up, Marine. Are you afraid that your little student is going to be beaten by someone from D class?"

'I have no such fears, I'm going to raise everyone in Class S to be great. I just don't want to see some of them using powers that are unknown to them, and I don't want my students caught in the middle of unforeseen situations."

"Miss Elster, even if you are not in homeroom, Albert, he is still a student at our school. Let's not discriminate against him and be generous. We don't have to nip the young ones in the bud, do we? Isn't that our responsibility as adults?"

'I am sorry, Headmaster. I was distracted in the face of unknown forces. Surely it is the duty of adults to guide a child who is heading down the wrong road".

"I disagree. I don't care what happens."

"Old people worry too much."

 What the school principal said was true.

 But he had other ideas.

 It is no exaggeration to say that the Solomon Magic Academy has lost its sense of relevance compared to the Duke's Three Families and the Adventurers' Guild, which are well-funded and have achieved a great deal of success in the war.

 Although some graduates and current students have become adventurers and made a name for themselves, the dukes and the Adventurers' Guild were recognised by the public as being superior to the Solomon Magic Academy.

 He is looking for someone who can bring a new wind.

 Whether that is Albert, he don't care , but he want someone who can bring reform, and I want him by the throat.

'Elias and Albert? It's going to be interesting, damn it."

 Among the faculty members, there were those who were in favour and those who were against it, but Albert's enrolment was officially accepted.

 A confrontation with Elias is unavoidable.

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