Published at 18th of December 2023 05:40:28 AM

Chapter 95

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Celebreation was taking place in the royal capital of the Kingdom of Athrun.

 No, not only in the royal capital, but the whole country is held celebration

 This is because the whole kingdom knows that Brünnhilde has defeated one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

 Someone was following what Brünnhilde had done with clairvoyant magic and sensing magic.

 The fact that the magical power of one of the Four Heavenly Kings was completely destroyed and that Brünnhilde admitted what she had done made this fact well known.

 For many years it had been inferred, not only in the kingdom but also among neighbouring countries, that the forces of the humans and the demons were in the balance.

 Now that one of the Four Heavenly Kings has fallen, the human side is seen as having gained the advantage.

 In the Royal Castle of Athrun, a meeting was being held between the Athrun King Rushard and the Emperor of the Prufort Empire, Samuel.

 In addition to the king and the emperor, the dukes were present from the kingdom side.

 From the imperial side, the generals were present.

 Since the topic of the meeting originated from the imperial side, some said that the meeting should be held in the imperial capital, not in the kingdom's capital.

 However, the Kingdom side cannot afford to be sidelined.

 In the Empire, the Kingdom is seen as one-fifth or one-tenth of the Empire's strength.

 They need the imperial side to visit the kingdom and provide them with accurate information.

'Thank you for your visit, Emperor."

'There is no need to be worried about it. It's to our benefit as well. But still, to defeat one of the Demon Lords' forces is truly amazing.? It should have been the Empire that achieved this. It was Duke Friedrich's daughter who did it, right?"

"Yes. My own daughter is truly terrifying. 'Hmm.'

 Brünnhilde's father, Duke Friedrich, replied to the Emperor's question in a joking manner to hide his pride.

'It's true! I'm really afraid that after defeating millions of the Demon King's army single-handedly, she even defeated one of the Four Heavenly Kings. Scary, scary.'

 A man with long black hair and a frivolous look said in a mischievous manner.

 His name is Narcissus.

 Despite his frivolous appearance, he has risen to the rank of general in the Prudhoeur Empire.

'Well, even we would have done it sooner or later. When the time was right, we would have gone on the offensive. We are superior to the Kingdom.'

 The man who said this condescendingly to the Kingdom's side was Vincent.

 He is a muscular man with short blond hair and a solid physique.

 He is an imperial general who is proud about himself and his troops' capabilities.

When will the time come? You said you would have gone on the offensive when the time was right, but that time will never come, right?'

 It was Duke Felsenstein who retorted to Vincent's words.

 He is the father of Ilsa and Isolda.

'What~! You dare to taunt the Empire!'

'Stop it! Vincent. You first mocked the kingdom. It's only natural that the kingdom is offended. You should know your place."

"I'm sorry ......."

'So, king, the topic is, as I told you before, that we will join forces. Together, we will defeat the demons.

'I see. I see. It's an interesting proposal. It's worth giving it some thought."

"I beg your pardon, your majesty. Without the help of the kingdom, can't we defeat the Demon King's army by our efforts alone?"

"Narcissus is right. We don't need the help of a soft-hearted people like that of the kingdom."

 Narcissus and Vincent are not keen on a collaboration between the kingdom and the empire.

'Narcisse, Vincent, you are in the presence of the Emperor. Don't interject your own opinions into the matter. We are only obeying the Emperor's orders."

 Charlotte was the one who gave Narcisse and Vincent a hard time.

 She is a beautiful woman with long blonde hair.

Charlotte, .......

'Damn ...... traitors ......'

 The two are still not keen on the co-operation.

 Especially Vincent.

'Sorry, Charlotte. So, King. I have a suggestion: why don't we try to get to know each other's cultures?"

"I see. And what would you suggest?"

"How about sending some of your some of the best students from the magic schools to study at our Imperial Academy of Prüfault?'

"How about Listerard, Louisa and Mira? The kingdom and the empire have been at odds for a long time, even though a truce is currently in place. You want me to send my little girl to a place like that? You've got to be kidding me."

'That's harsh. But, well, it is true. It's no wonder you want me to believe you. You can have all the security you want. Or is it something, King? Are you scared? To see your son humiliated by a man of my empire?"

"Damn ...... what ......?"

'Kuku, yes. He would come home crying, 'Papa, the Imperials were scary!'

'Yes, that's right. The kingdom's weak folk will soon be crying and running back home. It's a waste of time."

'Yes, that's true. Unfortunately, the people of the kingdom will not be able to keep up with the harshness of our empire."

 This time, not only Narcisse and Vincent, but also Charlotte, were stirred up.

 She is only acting in accordance with the emperor's will.

"'That's a lot to be said.'

 Leon, who had remained silent until now, opened his mouth.

'It's true. The people of the kingdom are too feeble for any help."

'Yes, that's true. We're good enough on our own."

'That's our line. We don't need the power of the people of the empire. It is the kingdom that has defeated one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King's Army. Hey, Duke Friedrich?"

'Ah, yes. We, the Kingdom, defeated one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Army. Not the Empire."

"You see, ......."

'Crap. ......'

 Leon and Duke Friedrich silenced Narcisse and Vincent.

'No necessity, but I find it amusing. To imagine my son Elias twisting your Reich by force. Ha ha. What do you think, King? What do you think of this offer? With Elias, we can deal with any situation."

'You may be right, Leon. With Elias, everything will be all right. But, emperor, be prepared. If anything happens to our side, you will be punished accordingly."

I understand. We will discuss the details in a formal agreement. The generals were rude in their statements, but I am in earnest. I want to destroy the demon tribe. I thank you for taking my proposal and including it."

 Brünnhilde's defeat of one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Army had taken the story in an unexpected direction.

 A united front of the kingdom and the empire.

 Elias did not yet know.

 That he himself would be involved in this eventuality and that this eventuality was linked to his history with the Shadow.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!