Published at 29th of June 2023 06:40:10 AM

Chapter 17

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“Princess Helena may be your friend, but dear cousin, you should exercise caution around others, especially the Crown Prince. Do not become too close to him. I speak with utmost seriousness, Rhia,” Dimitri warned once again, prompting Rihannan to nod in agreement.

The truth of the matter was that the Crown Prince was the true ruler of Chrichton, a man of cruelty who knew how to wield his strength, power, and influence. He reveled in trampling those who dared to defy his rule, instilling fear in the hearts of the nobles, who dared not challenge him.

While he was a formidable man, he had a flaw, a weakness. He harbored a deep love for his sister, Helena. Unlike the monogamous customs of Arundell, the men of Chrichton engaged in polygamous relationships. The late king had sons born out of wedlock, with no claim to the throne. Only the Crown Prince and Helena, as direct descendants from the same mother, possessed true rights to the throne. To Helena, the Crown Prince was anything but affectionate. She was Rihannan’s dearest friend, and therefore, the Crown Prince refused to lay a hand on her.

“Enough of your incessant nagging. Let us proceed inside,” Rihannan smiled, taking hold of Dimitri’s arm and leading him toward the mansion.

However, Dimitri persisted, continuing his banter until he settled down at the table with his uncle.

“Well then, what do you predict will be the outcome of the naval battle against Arundell?” the Marquis inquired.

The conversation swiftly shifted from casual banter to matters of work.

“Yes, indeed. What are your thoughts on the outcome of this naval clash?” Dimitri paused, placing his fork and knife on the table, his gaze fixed on the Marquis. “As expected, the odds are in our favor,” Dimitri replied confidently.

“While everyone seems certain of our victory, I believe there are other perspectives to consider,” the Marquis sighed. “Arundell’s king has invested significant efforts in strengthening their naval power over the years. Lexington was aggressively commissioned to secure a smooth supply of wood for shipbuilding just last year, am I correct? Although our navy is formidable, we lack experience within Arundell’s waters. If they are well-prepared, the outcome may differ.”

Recently, to everyone’s surprise, the Grand Duke of Lexington had passed away. Having no children or heir, this presented a problem. Both Arundell and Crichton sought to exert their influence over The Republic of Lexington, a small but resource-rich country.

Rihannan was aware that her uncle remained oblivious to the diplomatic negotiations between the two nations regarding Lexington. However, the situation had taken a different turn this time, resulting in Arundell’s triumph. While Crichton focused solely on securing the throne’s heir, Arundell had won the favor of Lexington’s nobles. Thus, when a new Grand Duke was appointed, they favored Arundell.

Crichton had realized their grave error in underestimating the importance of the aristocratic council.

“I am concerned. Many are being careless in their underestimation of Arundell,” the Marquis added, his face reflecting his worry.

The Marquis spoke wisely. As a seasoned naval veteran, he understood the dangers of underestimating the enemy. Past experiences had taught him well.

“Dimitri, you must take extra care in assisting His Highness. King Igor is not as simple as he appears,” the Marquis advised.

As the conversation shifted to Arundell, Rihannan remained silent, deep in thought. Dimitri noticed her somber demeanor and couldn’t help but make a casual remark.

“Assist? Are you joking? I would rather throw myself around the ship and embark on an adventure,” Dimitri replied, his eyes displaying incredulity.

The Marquis’s face soured, frustrated by Dimitri’s nonsensical response.

Beside him, Rihannan chuckled. “You still haven’t given up on your dream of becoming a pirate?”

During their youth, Dimitri often proclaimed his grand aspirations of becoming a pirate and sailing the vast world. His younger cousins, unaware of the true magnitude of his dreams, would cheer him on, believing he would make an exceptional pirate.

“Yes, I refuse to be confined to this place. I yearn for a life of freedom. You’ll see,” Dimitri declared with determination.

Rihannan’s smile faded, knowing that a year from now, he would be forced to assume the role of Crichton’s king against his will. His dream of exploring the world would shatter into fragments…

Dimitri’s dreams were shattered when the major heirs to the throne succumbed to the plague one after another. Many of Crichton’s citizens fell ill, meeting an untimely demise. The cause of death remained unknown, and subsequent investigations revealed that their waterways had been contaminated. No known cure existed, and soon after, the royal family members also perished, one by one, in rapid succession.

Fortunately, the king survived, but he was the sole surviving male of the royal bloodline. The Crown Prince was dead, and the remaining male relatives were unable to fulfill their duties.

Only Dimitri, as a distant relative, was considered for the throne. The sons of the concubines had no claim to the throne and rebelled, viewing it as unjust for a distant relative to ascend while they, the king’s closest kin, were overlooked.

A massacre ensued until Dimitri emerged as the ruler. The opposing faction had attempted to assassinate him, but he narrowly escaped death. Dimitri had become a man far beyond his years, immersing himself in the bloodshed to protect his life and his family.

His life was a tragedy…

Aware of this truth, Rihannan wished to warn him, to urge him to leave the country and avoid a blood-soaked future. However, she was afraid. Afraid that her words alone would alter the future. Already, the course of events had changed significantly when she made the decision to journey to Crichton instead of remaining in Arundell.

Fear gripped her.

Perhaps terrible consequences awaited her. Perhaps Dimitri’s life would be jeopardized if he fled Crichton to avoid the bloodshed.

She was frightened…

Thus, Rihannan sealed her lips. She would never forgive herself if anything happened to Dimitri, the boy and man who had treated her with kindness and sincerity.

“What troubles you, Rihannan? Are you unwell?” Dimitri asked, his voice laced with concern.

Her pallid complexion worried him.

“It is nothing,” Rihannan shook her head, offering a faint smile. “Could you please fetch me some medicine?”

During her youth, she often relied on medicine due to her frail health and inability to sleep at night.

Seconds later, a sudden knock echoed from the door. Before the Marquis could respond, it swung open, revealing a man dressed in royal uniform, bowing respectfully.

“Pardon the intrusion, but I bring an urgent message. The king summons you to the palace immediately.”

The Marquis rose from his seat, the late hour making this summons all the more peculiar.

“What has occurred?” the Marquis inquired.

The messenger’s eyes carried a hint of melancholy as he gazed at the Marquis

“We have suffered defeat at the hands of Arundell, sir.”


Chaos erupted within the Crichton Palace. The royal members and nobles were stunned by the news of their unexpected loss at sea.

Yet, what followed was even more disheartening.

Following their defeat, the rough currents of the Arundell Sea left them helpless. Arundell’s ships arrived, ravaging Crichton and leaving it on the brink of extinction.

As the war continued to unfold unfavorably, the veteran commander made a hasty decision to retreat, acknowledging their lack of familiarity with Arundell’s waters. They regrouped, aiming to minimize further losses.

However, to their dismay, most of their fleet sank during the journey back to Crichton.

And then… a new crisis emerged. As they neared the coast, Arundell launched a surprise attack, having set up a hidden camp earlier.

The Marquis and Dimitri, summoned to the palace to discuss these very matters, had not returned. They were not alone—other nobles had faced a similar fate.

Rihannan found herself alone in the mansion, her eyes wide open as she stayed up throughout the night.

The future was rapidly changing.

Regret would serve no purpose now. No amount of repentance could have foreseen the significant alterations that had reshaped the future.

And a year from now… Rihannan would meet her end by her own hand, succumbing to poison.

Fear overwhelmed her.

Something far more dreadful was on the horizon.

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