Incipium of Ebony - Chapter 16

Published at 4th of December 2023 05:58:22 AM

Chapter 16

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After the meeting between the three elders, Elder Marvus excused himself as he still had important tasks to attend to.

"If that's all, Master. If that's the end of the meeting, please excuse me. There is vital information regarding a Dungeon Outbreak on the continent of Dallasar. It seems the dungeon's level is Class S, and I need to investigate it. This outbreak might be related to the cult. I plan to meet King Enma Balazar and discuss the Dungeon Outbreak with his vassals and subordinates. They may also introduce me to their strongest individual, known as a Sword Saint."

"Very well, you may leave," replied Elder Thalos, intrigued by the idea of meeting the Sword Saint.

Elder Seraphina also excused herself, mentioning her plans to visit an old friend who could assist in Maia's training.

"Please excuse me as well, Master. I need to visit Liones, my old friend. She's the only one who can train Maia effectively, even though she might not be as charming as I am." Elder Seraphina couldn't help but maintain her competitive spirit her lifelong rival.

"Very well, you may excused," Elder Thalos replied.

With Elder Marvus and Elder Seraphina gone, Elder Thalos found himself alone in the quiet treehouse, reminiscing about the past. He marveled at the growth and maturity of his fellow elders.

"They've grown so much," he mused with a faint smile. Elder Thalos remembered the time when Elder Seraphina and Elder Marvus were just 12-year-old apprentices, while he was already 330 years old. The village and the challenges the young apprentices faced had changed so much since then.

He recollected a particular rainy day in the Hallowed Forest when he had trained Seraphina, Marvus, and others. The forest was perilous, teeming with dangers like shadow panthers, Fenrir, a mythical dragon, and many more formidable creatures.

Elder Thalos's voice swelled with pride as he remembered the determination and bravery of his disciples. He continued, "And here we are today, centuries later, and they have become remarkable elders guiding the next generation."

With a contented sigh, Elder Thalos watched the leaves rustling outside the window, deeply touched by how much his young apprentices had grown. Their shared experiences were etched into the fabric of their lives and bore witness to their unbreakable bonds.

As sunlight streamed through the window, Elder Thalos looked ahead to the future of the village, Zero, and their battle against the malevolent cult.

While the world had changed, their eternal friendships and unyielding spirits would carry them through whatever challenges lay ahead.

To be continued.

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