Published at 9th of February 2024 06:39:08 AM

Chapter 12

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They were ready to get the day started. With the tax audit behind them, it was time to get to work on Calmo Village’s plans for the next fiscal year. Seeing everyone—his new family—sitting around the same long table where they had battled Neo Proudmantle yesterday brought an unplanned smile to Kaito’s face.

Actually, everyone was in a good mood.

Edweth shuffled into the meeting room, balancing a large silver tray laden with steaming mugs of coffee. The rich, earthy aroma filled the air as she carefully set a mug down in front of each person. Her gnarled hands shook slightly from the weight as she made her way around the long table, but she smiled warmly at each person as she served them. When she got to Kaito, she paused and patted his shoulder fondly before placing the piping hot mug before him. “Drink up, dears. We have a long day ahead of us,” she said, her voice quavering but cheerful.

Mayor Zenith cleared her throat, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. “First and foremost, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to each one of you for your exceptional diligence and commitment during the recent tax audit. Your collective efforts have not only upheld, but also enhanced the reputation of Calmo Village. Now, as we turn our focus towards the upcoming fiscal year, it’s imperative that we collaborate on a comprehensive plan that addresses the village’s needs and future aspirations. Let’s use this momentum to strategize and implement actions that will ensure our village’s continued growth and prosperity.”

“Well said, mayor,” Kaito remarked.

Angelina chimed in chipperly. “We’ve compiled a list of essentials for the village – grain and seeds are at the top. We can’t be too prepared.”

Jogid’s fingers skimmed over the scroll, then added, “And let’s not forget the medicinal supplies. I’ve already charted out the herbs and potions we’ll need.”

Kaito nodded, taking a sip of his coffee. “Good. What about tools and construction materials? Josey’s store can only provide so much.”

Edweth spoke up, “Oh, dear, you're right, we’ll need sturdy metal tools and perhaps some building materials from the city. I remember when...” Her voice trailed off, lost momentarily in a memory.

“And cloth for clothes, can’t forget that. Plus some specialty food items to keep spirits high,” Portia chimed in, bringing the conversation back on track.

“That’s perhaps the most important thing!” Zenith declared.

Kaito’s lips quirked into a smile. “Of course, morale is important. And oil, fuel?”

“All on the list,” Angelina confirmed, reviewing the document one more time. “The magical items list is short, though.”

Kaito glanced at the scroll. “Short but sufficient. We must use our resources wisely.”

As the conversation about supplies continued, Mayor Zenith interjected, “This year, we’ll source our supplies from Plago City.”

Edweth looked up, surprise evident in her voice. “But we’ve always acquired them from the capital. It’s been the tradition for as long as I can remember.”

Zenith nodded. “I’m aware, Edweth. However, Plago City is two days closer than the capital, and in these times, efficiency is key.”

Portia quickly added, “But, Princess, switching to Plago City will cause problems with the Daiyudura Kingdom. They might not see this favorably—”

“It’s Mayor Zenith,” she corrected. “I’ve considered that, Portia. Plago City may fall under the Ganada Dynasty, but we’re positioned right at the edge of their territory. It’s time we start thinking about bridging the gap between Ganada and Daiyudura.”

Kaito observed the exchange quietly.

Zenith met her gaze firmly. “We must step out of old shadows and establish our own identity. It’s not just about acquiring supplies; it’s about forging new alliances and pathways. That’s why I’m going.”

“That’s honorable of you, mayor,” Jogid commented.

Edweth shuffled around the table refilling coffee mugs with a battered metal pot. Her hands shook from the weight, causing coffee to slosh over the rims. Noticing her struggle, Jogid jumped up and gently took the pot from her grasp.

“Please allow me, lady Edweth,” he said respectfully. With steady hands, Jogid neatly refilled each mug while Edweth looked on gratefully. When he finished, she squeezed his arm in appreciation before slowly lowering herself back into her seat.

Edweth, though hesitant, offered a small smile. “Change can be good, dear. I trust your judgment.”

Portia, tensed. “Prince—Mayor Zenith, if you’re venturing out, then I must insist on accompanying you. It could be dangerous—”

Zenith raised her hand, cutting her off gently. “I appreciate your concern, but your skills are needed here, safeguarding Calmo.”

“But, Milady, if they find out who you are—”

“I’ll be fine,” Zenith interjected firmly. “I appreciate your concern, but besides, I won’t be alone. Master Kaito will be with me.”

Kaito, suddenly sprung to his feet and offered a reassuring smile. “Worry not, Portia. Ensuring the Mayor’s safety is a task well within my capabilities. Besides,” he added with a hint of charm, “an adventure to Plago City could provide some interesting insights. And as always, I’m sure we’ll manage to turn any challenge into an opportunity.”

Portia furrowed her brows, “But why do you need to go, Kaito?”

Kaito calmly sat back in his chair, his voice steady and assured. “As the village’s fiscal records supervisor and head of acquisitions, it’s my responsibility to ensure that every copper piece is judiciously spent. Our goal is to secure sufficient resources for a prosperous year ahead for Calmo Village.”

He turned to Portia, Angelina, and Edweth. “In our absence, I trust you three to handle the village’s daily affairs. Your meticulous attention to detail will be key in maintaining order.”

Jogid, shifting uncomfortably, spoke up hesitantly, “And what about me, Master Kaito?”

Kaito’s gaze met Jogid’s, a spark of admiration in his eyes. “Jogid, I need you to stay behind and oversee the village’s defense. Albus, the Megnac Beetle General, will be accompanying Zenith and I, so the megnac army will be at your command. This is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your leadership and strategic skills.”

Zenith felt a blush creep into her cheeks as Kaito confirmed they would be traveling together to Plago City. She quickly lowered her gaze, pretending to shuffle papers while she composed herself.

Jogid straightened, his chest swelling with pride. “Understood, Master Kaito. I won’t let you down.”

“We’ll take care of things here,” Edweth added with a soft smile, “Though my days of heavy lifting are behind me…”

The thought of several days alone with him made Zenith’s pulse quicken despite her efforts to remain professional. When she finally raised her eyes again, she noticed Kaito looking at her with a hint of amusement.

“...You two, lovebirds, have fun,” Edweth said.

Flustered, Zenith stood abruptly, the sudden movement knocking her chair to the floor with a loud clatter. “Eh hem, yes, well then...” she stammered, righting the chair while avoiding eye contact.

She then, nodding approvingly at the assignments, concluded the meeting. “Thank you, everyone. With these plans in place, I am confident in our village’s success. We’ll reconvene upon our return. Until then, let’s continue to work towards the betterment of Calmo.”

Kaito looked around the table. “Then let’s get to work. Together, we’ll ensure Calmo Village thrives.”

With as much dignity as she could gather, Zenith strode briskly out of the room, her composure finally restored but her cheeks still tinged pink.

The fiscal plan was quickly agreed upon. The list was long but simple: grain and seeds, medicinal supplies, metal and tools, cloth, specialty food items, oil, fuel, and so on. The list of magical items was short, which from Kaito’s perspective, was for the best.

Then the Megnacus Guardus worked with remarkable precision and efficiency under Albus’s commanding clicks and chirps. The beetle soldiers swiftly loaded two-weeks worth of bundles of goods and supplies, lashing them securely to the wagon bed. Within minutes, the wagons were fully loaded, properly balanced, and ready for the road ahead. Albus scrutinized the final arrangements and, satisfied with the results, emitted a series of approving clicks to his troops before mounting up to lead the convoy’s rear guard.

Of course, they left immediately—Kaito and Zenith riding in the first one, with Albus following in the other, accompanied by two of his evolved soldiers—leaving Jogid in charge of protecting the village and commanding the magnac beetle army, while Portia and Angelina…and Edweth handled the administration.


Off to Plago City with the mayor? Should I start playing romantic tunes or will you keep it strictly professional? ...excuse me—‘culinary’ [Wink], [wink].

No tunes required. It’s a diplomatic mission, not a fairytale.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!